Not that I disagree about the white trash factor at Autzen. it's there.
but I'm so fucking tired of the whole "know how to win" shit. what in the fuck does that even fucking mean? i don't think anyone really knows unless it's "hey, be as boring as you can fucking be."
i know he was a good coach, but I actually met Don James on a couple of occasions. while I wouldn't call him an asshole, because i didn't know him well enough to judge, he had the personality of a wet cardboard box and was not someone you wanted to go drinking with.
if THAT's what people mean by knowing how to win, and the ethos guys like that represented, then you can fucking have it. i'll take fun instead. i'll take the Playmaker jumping into the end zone with the fans, Cortez Kennedy doing the hip thrust sack dance, Randall Hill doing the George Fucking Jefferson (which is one of the all time best) and all the rest of the ghetto shit that made me fall in love with Miami in the first place.
1. It's original. 2. years later, people copy it. and 3. it's actually fun and it keeps me from falling asleep or, more accurately, wanting to DIAFF.
my fucking life is boring enough as it is. why in the flying fuck would I ever want to watch young boys score touch downs and place the ball on the ground and act like it's no big deal? why in the fuck would I want to be a part of a fan base that's that fucking boring and constipated?
you can fucking have it if you like it. i'd rather be next to the toothless guy and throw poo right back at him when my team FUCKING DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT. that way I know I'm sort of alive. otherwise, if you make me sit next to all the boring fucks out there who have "class" (whatever that means) then I'd rather just slit my wrists and get it over with.
fucking white bread cold blooded honkies. the only people who know how to win are the people who win. the losers don't know shit. when you win you get to act however in the fuck you want to act. it's the story of the conqueror and the conquered. get over it or make babies who are smart enough to get into the ivy league where nobody watches the games.
And my make believe career is hardly salient to the punch line. nybe
- Liberal. Check
- Gay. Check.
- Hipster. Check
- Doogman account. Check
In short:
Maybe you don't know the reason for the " ... " marks around corporate lawyer.
Fuck face ... buuuurrrrn.
We have the most expensive ticket prices in the country, how in the fuck is this riff raff still getting inside??
That guy didn't pay $571 plus donation for season tickets. Close the gates!!!
How do you know that I wasn't pretending to pissed about your pretend jab ... eh? hmm? There are layers of complexity going on here my freng.
Next time I'll quote "fuck face" just to make sure. Someone told me smiley faces are ghey, so I don't do that anymore.