Well it took one day after a disappointing start for doogman turned into a Sark-knob-slobbering shitfest. Obviously people on here are pissed off with the performance we saw Saturday but I don't see half the board whining that we lost our chances at a NCbecause Sark left us.
The overall theme over there seems to be "Kim and AAndy warned us about this but we didn't listen and now we've been duped again by Ty v2.0"
Ektard has planted the seed (with nothing to back it up, mind you) that Sirmon, Wilcox, Tosh, and Heyward (aka the greatest assisstant coaches of all time) were begging to stay at UW but Petersen, in his pompous arrogance, told them to go fuck themselves
When "facts" like the multiple games the greatest coaching staff of all time gave up point totals in the 40s and 50s to ASU, Oregon, UCLA, and Stanford, they are dismissed as "completely different situations"
Here's some choice chit:
From the beginning, something about the pompous "my or the highway" approach of CP has felt creepy to me.
One of those too-clean-cut guys who beats their chest and talks real loudly about how much integrity they have. But notice no one actually wants to be around him.
If you listen to the off-season interviews with all the players, there was a palpable lack of enthusiasm or excitement about this new staff. It's like they had been coached not to show enthusiasm. Even Mickens felt like he'd been neutered compared to how much energy he used to express.
CP had the hubris to get rid of all our good assistant coaches who wanted to stay. And insisted on bringing in his mountain boys who obsequiously praise him. - even the ones that AANDY well documented as being problematic or disliked other places. AANDY got roasted on this board for that post because no one wanted to face the red flags.
And then there's his emphasis on less talented OKGs - which is now just an embarrassment of a term - over more talented players who happen to have charisma or ego that threatens him.
Mocks Twitter. His favorite band is the Eagles. The Eagles?!?!?! From 1970?
Then I watch the USC game and they're flying around and laughing and cocky and having fun. And Steve and staff are going to recruit lights out, just like they did at UW. And I'm thinking god we got screwed in that trade.
But the most important thing is how the team plays right? So despite that his manner feels phony and he's still recruiting against Wyoming, I figure let's wait and see how the team plays.
And then Saturday happened. And now we've got a 1950's egotistical rube who refuses to adapt to the way kids are today... AND has taken our talented squad from last year and crushed the spirit out of them.
The next Don James? I'm seeing a lot more parallel to HWSNBN.
This is exactly the feeling I've had since day one, and he's not done anything but reinforce it with every behavior, and every decision. We're less talented than when he arrived, subtraction through subtraction. The team is less productive, less enthusiastic, less motivated, less fun to watch, less successful in recruiting. Everything we almost were is now on display at USC, and I guarantee you their fans had a more enjoyable day yesterday, not to mention a better signing day, and will have a better record this year. I know we couldn't keep Sark, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy the huge step back we took.
Absolutely THE BEST post on this board in years! I could not agree with you any more. I've been against this hire from the beginning, and we should have gone with Nuss!
The guys played yesterday with NO PASSION, no excitement, and no energy. The boys on the sidelines looked like they were in at a funeral.
We've got the hall of fame of Boise State coaches, and that's not good enough.
I'm worried for our program going forward, especially since our classes will look like OSU and WSU from here on out.
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That's what doogs sound like
BSU Players in the NFL - 17
UW Players in the NFL - 14
At what point are people going to understand that just b/c Kim and company are sucking off the UW AD and scout, that their rankings don't really translate into shit long term. Player development matters and somehow at the tiny school of boise, they have been more successful at doing so.
Hey, i heard miles jack was coming to UW. He would be a difference maker
If you were to go on there and present a differing opinion, it would fall upon deaf ears.
And quite frankly, would you even know which football board to post your displeasure on? You may get banned for using the wrong board
So, we found another idiot who likes grab ass and lawnmower dances. Fuck me. You really can't make this shit up.