I categorically hated anything associated with hair metal, then someone loaned me his Walkman on a bus home from a middle school basketball game. I was an instant convert and begged like crazy to get a Sony Walkman for Christmas with a Pyromania cassette.
I got the Sanyo version and no Def Leppard tape iirc.
Released January 4th, 1984. As a 14th kid this was kind of too heavy for Kyle. But now it is pretty tame.
Released on January 4th, 1967. One of the most perfect debut albums. My mom’s favorite band as she was in high school during the late ‘60s.
Kind of on a tear today.
Released January 5th, 1973.
Released January12, 1969.
Released on January 13th, 1969.
Hey Bulldog is a classic. It's really the only reason to put in Yellow Submarine.
Not a REAL album, bud!
I don’t care. I listened to it in its entirety. The last half sucks. The first half is alright.
Released on January 14th, 1977.
They hated that project and intentionally chose songs they hated for it.
It was a shitty movie. And the nail in the coffin
Pete Cetera laying some shit down here…
I love it’s only a northern song.
this is a great period for Bowie.
Released January 20th, 1983
Was never the biggest Def Leppard fan but can appreciate them. I always thought Rock of Ages and the video was kinda gay.
I categorically hated anything associated with hair metal, then someone loaned me his Walkman on a bus home from a middle school basketball game. I was an instant convert and begged like crazy to get a Sony Walkman for Christmas with a Pyromania cassette.
I got the Sanyo version and no Def Leppard tape iirc.
Released on January 20, 1967. Rolling Stones “Between the Buttons”.
Released January 20, 1978.
Journey “Infinity”. The album that my older cousins and aunts and uncles let me listen to.