The plane that hit the Pentagon was witnessed by drivers. I love the lunatic showing the grainy pick of the “scud missile” sounding so believable.
The plane turned into a molten ball as it tore through the building. Shocking there was nothing left.
To some.
I didn't guarantee the authenticity of the video, I merely asked if it the timing was coincidence with the redacted piece.
Fwiw your molten ball theory doesn't cut the mustard. The wings would have sheared And the engines would have been left outside.....or The hole in the building does not jive with the damage that would have been caused if the engines had entered the building.
An engine was discovered but was not anywhere near the size of the reported planes engines.
You should probably do a little more research. There is evidence that contradicts those "witness" accounts.
So where is Barbara Olson? And the molten theory only makes sense to non-conspiracy theorists.
Where do the 800,000 missing/abducted children go every year?
Why does the reporter at the scene clearly state there is no evidence a plane crashed into the pentagon. He doesn't mention a molten ball that could have been a plane either.
You are a big boy, Im not going to answer your questions because you wont believe anything I say about it anyway. You have to go look and find the truth for yourself..or not.
Educated yourself on the trajectory of a scud missile and their history of not being accurate.
But sure, they fired one at ground level and scored a direct hit on the Pentagon.
Conspiracy nuts can create the narrative evidence to fit their insane theories.
A witness saw the plane clip a light pole on the freeway.
The woman in the video called it a scud missile, I didn't...go argue with her.
I’m just trying to help you debunk this BS.
Im not asking for your help
Back on page 1 I linked a couple documentary videos, I hope you go back and take the time to watch them. There are many independent expert architectural engineers in those videos who weigh in on the world trade center building(s) collapse and the official government report on 911.
If not.... that's your choice.
And popular mechanics debunked them years ago.
#1. produce the article
#2 explain why you believe an article in a magazine over a large group of credentialed architects, professors, engineers and demolition experts with years of experience working in the field and have actual degrees in designing building and demolition of high rise buildings and have to know and how these buildings collapse and study structural integrity before they can ever build their designs. A group of experts in their respective fields that has read the official reports and studied all the evidence that was available on the WTC buildings and give their opinions and put their credibility on the line.
Are you going to put all your eggs in the popular mechanics basket or would you want to see/hear from people who are experts and not on the government payroll.
I see you've been back to the thread to vote on poasts but chose not to respond to a direct quote.
You were challenged and asked to produce the Popular mechanics article you claim debunks the documentaries I linked.
Im not like 46, I am more than willing to consider evidence on a topic I haven't seen. I am eager to read what you believe so I can understand your position better!
Or does 46 speak for you?
I hate to think you two tried to play a distraction game so you didn't have to back up your claim .
I produced 2 documentary videos on page 1 of this thread and 46 refuses to consider or acknowledge them but has produced nothing except his opinion to refute and he liked your poast about a popular mechanics article.
What say you? Will you cite this article? Issue#month/year at least? or do you intend I go looking for it?
The Smithsonian Channel helped debunk all of this stupidity years ago. Go watch it on YouTube.
It’s not my “opinion” I’m sharing. It’s based on watching non-conspiratard documentaries on the buildings collapsing and why.
You mean the Smithsonian - a government entity?
Now do PBS.
Good grief.
Steel melts at 2600 degrees. Jet fuel reaches 1500 degrees. Steel begins to bend at 600 degrees.
Now do the math and understand that as the steel began to and continued to lose structural integrity, the weight of the upper floors caused a collapse.
But do carry on with the dipshittery that it was something nefarious.
It’s amusing.
In the history of concrete and steel construction, how many buildings have failed due to fire?
Take as much tim as you need.
Two too many.
Watched these two teenage conspiradorks after 9-11 make fools of themselves with the same BS.
When you got banned and came back, HH predicted it a matter of time before you lost your shit again. Apparently there was a well worn pattern.
The plane that hit the Pentagon was witnessed by drivers. I love the lunatic showing the grainy pick of the “scud missile” sounding so believable.
The plane turned into a molten ball as it tore through the building. Shocking there was nothing left.
To some.
I didn't guarantee the authenticity of the video, I merely asked if it the timing was coincidence with the redacted piece.
Fwiw your molten ball theory doesn't cut the mustard. The wings would have sheared And the engines would have been left outside.....or The hole in the building does not jive with the damage that would have been caused if the engines had entered the building.
An engine was discovered but was not anywhere near the size of the reported planes engines.
You should probably do a little more research. There is evidence that contradicts those "witness" accounts.
So where is Barbara Olson? And the molten theory only makes sense to non-conspiracy theorists.
Where do the 800,000 missing/abducted children go every year?
Why does the reporter at the scene clearly state there is no evidence a plane crashed into the pentagon. He doesn't mention a molten ball that could have been a plane either.
You are a big boy, Im not going to answer your questions because you wont believe anything I say about it anyway. You have to go look and find the truth for yourself..or not.
Educated yourself on the trajectory of a scud missile and their history of not being accurate.
But sure, they fired one at ground level and scored a direct hit on the Pentagon.
Conspiracy nuts can create the narrative evidence to fit their insane theories.
A witness saw the plane clip a light pole on the freeway.
The woman in the video called it a scud missile, I didn't...go argue with her.
I’m just trying to help you debunk this BS.
Im not asking for your help
Back on page 1 I linked a couple documentary videos, I hope you go back and take the time to watch them. There are many independent expert architectural engineers in those videos who weigh in on the world trade center building(s) collapse and the official government report on 911.
If not.... that's your choice.
And popular mechanics debunked them years ago.
#1. produce the article
#2 explain why you believe an article in a magazine over a large group of credentialed architects, professors, engineers and demolition experts with years of experience working in the field and have actual degrees in designing building and demolition of high rise buildings and have to know and how these buildings collapse and study structural integrity before they can ever build their designs. A group of experts in their respective fields that has read the official reports and studied all the evidence that was available on the WTC buildings and give their opinions and put their credibility on the line.
Are you going to put all your eggs in the popular mechanics basket or would you want to see/hear from people who are experts and not on the government payroll.
I see you've been back to the thread to vote on poasts but chose not to respond to a direct quote.
You were challenged and asked to produce the Popular mechanics article you claim debunks the documentaries I linked.
Im not like 46, I am more than willing to consider evidence on a topic I haven't seen. I am eager to read what you believe so I can understand your position better!
Or does 46 speak for you?
I hate to think you two tried to play a distraction game so you didn't have to back up your claim .
I produced 2 documentary videos on page 1 of this thread and 46 refuses to consider or acknowledge them but has produced nothing except his opinion to refute and he liked your poast about a popular mechanics article.
What say you? Will you cite this article? Issue#month/year at least? or do you intend I go looking for it?
The Smithsonian Channel helped debunk all of this stupidity years ago. Go watch it on YouTube.
It’s not my “opinion” I’m sharing. It’s based on watching non-conspiratard documentaries on the buildings collapsing and why.
You mean the Smithsonian - a government entity?
Now do PBS.
Good grief.
Steel melts at 2600 degrees. Jet fuel reaches 1500 degrees. Steel begins to bend at 600 degrees.
Now do the math and understand that as the steel began to and continued to lose structural integrity, the weight of the upper floors caused a collapse.
But do carry on with the dipshittery that it was something nefarious.
It’s amusing.
In the history of concrete and steel construction, how many buildings have failed due to fire?
Take as much tim as you need.
Two too many.
Watched these two teenage conspiradorks after 9-11 make fools of themselves with the same BS.
When you got banned and came back, HH predicted it a matter of time before you lost your shit again. Apparently there was a well worn pattern.
First rule of life: Never prove HH right. Never.
Hope this helps.
Not surprised the bored Conspiratard would eventually crack and jump in bed with the Dazzler.
One of us is having that meltdown you talk of non-stop.
The plane that hit the Pentagon was witnessed by drivers. I love the lunatic showing the grainy pick of the “scud missile” sounding so believable.
The plane turned into a molten ball as it tore through the building. Shocking there was nothing left.
To some.
I didn't guarantee the authenticity of the video, I merely asked if it the timing was coincidence with the redacted piece.
Fwiw your molten ball theory doesn't cut the mustard. The wings would have sheared And the engines would have been left outside.....or The hole in the building does not jive with the damage that would have been caused if the engines had entered the building.
An engine was discovered but was not anywhere near the size of the reported planes engines.
You should probably do a little more research. There is evidence that contradicts those "witness" accounts.
So where is Barbara Olson? And the molten theory only makes sense to non-conspiracy theorists.
Where do the 800,000 missing/abducted children go every year?
Why does the reporter at the scene clearly state there is no evidence a plane crashed into the pentagon. He doesn't mention a molten ball that could have been a plane either.
You are a big boy, Im not going to answer your questions because you wont believe anything I say about it anyway. You have to go look and find the truth for yourself..or not.
Educated yourself on the trajectory of a scud missile and their history of not being accurate.
But sure, they fired one at ground level and scored a direct hit on the Pentagon.
Conspiracy nuts can create the narrative evidence to fit their insane theories.
A witness saw the plane clip a light pole on the freeway.
The woman in the video called it a scud missile, I didn't...go argue with her.
I’m just trying to help you debunk this BS.
Im not asking for your help
Back on page 1 I linked a couple documentary videos, I hope you go back and take the time to watch them. There are many independent expert architectural engineers in those videos who weigh in on the world trade center building(s) collapse and the official government report on 911.
If not.... that's your choice.
And popular mechanics debunked them years ago.
#1. produce the article
#2 explain why you believe an article in a magazine over a large group of credentialed architects, professors, engineers and demolition experts with years of experience working in the field and have actual degrees in designing building and demolition of high rise buildings and have to know and how these buildings collapse and study structural integrity before they can ever build their designs. A group of experts in their respective fields that has read the official reports and studied all the evidence that was available on the WTC buildings and give their opinions and put their credibility on the line.
Are you going to put all your eggs in the popular mechanics basket or would you want to see/hear from people who are experts and not on the government payroll.
I see you've been back to the thread to vote on poasts but chose not to respond to a direct quote.
You were challenged and asked to produce the Popular mechanics article you claim debunks the documentaries I linked.
Im not like 46, I am more than willing to consider evidence on a topic I haven't seen. I am eager to read what you believe so I can understand your position better!
Or does 46 speak for you?
I hate to think you two tried to play a distraction game so you didn't have to back up your claim .
I produced 2 documentary videos on page 1 of this thread and 46 refuses to consider or acknowledge them but has produced nothing except his opinion to refute and he liked your poast about a popular mechanics article.
What say you? Will you cite this article? Issue#month/year at least? or do you intend I go looking for it?
The Smithsonian Channel helped debunk all of this stupidity years ago. Go watch it on YouTube.
It’s not my “opinion” I’m sharing. It’s based on watching non-conspiratard documentaries on the buildings collapsing and why.
You mean the Smithsonian - a government entity?
Now do PBS.
Good grief.
Steel melts at 2600 degrees. Jet fuel reaches 1500 degrees. Steel begins to bend at 600 degrees.
Now do the math and understand that as the steel began to and continued to lose structural integrity, the weight of the upper floors caused a collapse.
But do carry on with the dipshittery that it was something nefarious.
It’s amusing.
In the history of concrete and steel construction, how many buildings have failed due to fire?
Take as much tim as you need.
Two too many.
Watched these two teenage conspiradorks after 9-11 make fools of themselves with the same BS.
When you got banned and came back, HH predicted it a matter of time before you lost your shit again. Apparently there was a well worn pattern.
First rule of life: Never prove HH right. Never.
Hope this helps.
Not surprised the bored Conspiratard would eventually crack and jump in bed with the Dazzler.
One of us is having that meltdown you talk of non-stop.
The plane that hit the Pentagon was witnessed by drivers. I love the lunatic showing the grainy pick of the “scud missile” sounding so believable.
The plane turned into a molten ball as it tore through the building. Shocking there was nothing left.
To some.
I didn't guarantee the authenticity of the video, I merely asked if it the timing was coincidence with the redacted piece.
Fwiw your molten ball theory doesn't cut the mustard. The wings would have sheared And the engines would have been left outside.....or The hole in the building does not jive with the damage that would have been caused if the engines had entered the building.
An engine was discovered but was not anywhere near the size of the reported planes engines.
You should probably do a little more research. There is evidence that contradicts those "witness" accounts.
So where is Barbara Olson? And the molten theory only makes sense to non-conspiracy theorists.
Where do the 800,000 missing/abducted children go every year?
Why does the reporter at the scene clearly state there is no evidence a plane crashed into the pentagon. He doesn't mention a molten ball that could have been a plane either.
You are a big boy, Im not going to answer your questions because you wont believe anything I say about it anyway. You have to go look and find the truth for yourself..or not.
Educated yourself on the trajectory of a scud missile and their history of not being accurate.
But sure, they fired one at ground level and scored a direct hit on the Pentagon.
Conspiracy nuts can create the narrative evidence to fit their insane theories.
A witness saw the plane clip a light pole on the freeway.
The woman in the video called it a scud missile, I didn't...go argue with her.
I’m just trying to help you debunk this BS.
Im not asking for your help
Back on page 1 I linked a couple documentary videos, I hope you go back and take the time to watch them. There are many independent expert architectural engineers in those videos who weigh in on the world trade center building(s) collapse and the official government report on 911.
If not.... that's your choice.
And popular mechanics debunked them years ago.
#1. produce the article
#2 explain why you believe an article in a magazine over a large group of credentialed architects, professors, engineers and demolition experts with years of experience working in the field and have actual degrees in designing building and demolition of high rise buildings and have to know and how these buildings collapse and study structural integrity before they can ever build their designs. A group of experts in their respective fields that has read the official reports and studied all the evidence that was available on the WTC buildings and give their opinions and put their credibility on the line.
Are you going to put all your eggs in the popular mechanics basket or would you want to see/hear from people who are experts and not on the government payroll.
I see you've been back to the thread to vote on poasts but chose not to respond to a direct quote.
You were challenged and asked to produce the Popular mechanics article you claim debunks the documentaries I linked.
Im not like 46, I am more than willing to consider evidence on a topic I haven't seen. I am eager to read what you believe so I can understand your position better!
Or does 46 speak for you?
I hate to think you two tried to play a distraction game so you didn't have to back up your claim .
I produced 2 documentary videos on page 1 of this thread and 46 refuses to consider or acknowledge them but has produced nothing except his opinion to refute and he liked your poast about a popular mechanics article.
What say you? Will you cite this article? Issue#month/year at least? or do you intend I go looking for it?
The Smithsonian Channel helped debunk all of this stupidity years ago. Go watch it on YouTube.
It’s not my “opinion” I’m sharing. It’s based on watching non-conspiratard documentaries on the buildings collapsing and why.
You mean the Smithsonian - a government entity?
Now do PBS.
Good grief.
Steel melts at 2600 degrees. Jet fuel reaches 1500 degrees. Steel begins to bend at 600 degrees.
Now do the math and understand that as the steel began to and continued to lose structural integrity, the weight of the upper floors caused a collapse.
But do carry on with the dipshittery that it was something nefarious.
It’s amusing.
In the history of concrete and steel construction, how many buildings have failed due to fire?
Take as much tim as you need.
Two too many.
Watched these two teenage conspiradorks after 9-11 make fools of themselves with the same BS.
When you got banned and came back, HH predicted it a matter of time before you lost your shit again. Apparently there was a well worn pattern.
First rule of life: Never prove HH right. Never.
Hope this helps.
Not surprised the bored Conspiratard would eventually crack and jump in bed with the Dazzler.
One of us is having that meltdown you talk of non-stop.
The picture of sanity.
When you start believing anything Dazzlers spreads here because you’ve become unhinged with your ass hurt, you’ve officially jumped the shark.
It is true that controlled demolition takes weeks to set up in a basically stripped building
Building 7 may have been helped to collapse when it was clear that it was beyond saving but if you recall the whole ground zero area was a giant mess
I don't think it adds up
I remember watching the documentaries and the counter arguments for both positions and coming to the conclusion it was not staged. But then again, I supported the evil that is Dick Cheney and the Bush family writ large. I wanted to believe GB was a good man but now I have a lot of doubt and questions. Could someone remind me of the physics which supposedly brought building 7 down? Were there supposed to be some very incriminating documents in that building as well?
He wins the award for poster who I most want to accidentally blow off both his hands shooting fireworks so that I don't have to read his cringe r-tard drivel again.
First rule of life: Never prove HH right. Never.
Hope this helps.
One of us is having that meltdown you talk of non-stop.
Unfortunately they’re all controlled demolition
I remember when people on the right laughed at Michael Moore’s insanity.
Congrats Pawz.
There are conspiracy nuts in all walks of life. Doctors told us to wear masks outside and stay 6 feet apart.
The best '46
Building 7 may have been helped to collapse when it was clear that it was beyond saving but if you recall the whole ground zero area was a giant mess
I don't think it adds up
The best '46
I was referencing all of the “experts” with their Conspiratard 9-11 nonsense. Doctors were the “experts” too.