Bottom line is that this was a religious hate crime by a transgendered nut-job, carried out with assault weapons that should not be covered by the 2nd amendment.
The she seems to have used is a Kel Tec 2000 most likely in 9mm. It fires standard 9mm handgun ammo. It's not a rifle in the true sense of the word. It takes Glock magazines which isn't an assault rifle either it's just a shitty (to me) 9mm handgun. Did she use the AR looking rifle? What exactly is it? What caliber? I don't know but every pic so far she had the Kel Tec in hand.
Bottom line is that this was a religious hate crime by a transgendered nut-job, carried out with assault weapons that should not be covered by the 2nd amendment.
The she seems to have used is a Kel Tec 2000 most likely in 9mm. It fires standard 9mm handgun ammo. It's not a rifle in the true sense of the word. It takes Glock magazines which isn't an assault rifle either it's just a shitty (to me) 9mm handgun. Did she use the AR looking rifle? What exactly is it? What caliber? I don't know but every pic so far she had the Kel Tec in hand.
I thought I had read that he / she had used AR-15s but I certainly could be wrong.
Regardless, I still don't know why someone so mentally disturbed and under the care of a doctor was able to buy numerous guns without tripping some sort of an alert.
Our resident they/them idiots don’t seem to realize there are laws against mentally ill people purchasing firearms at both the state and national level. Specifically folks who are considered a danger to themselves. Pretty easy to point out a person willing to see doctors and consciously decide to mutilate themselves, especially their own genitalia, fit this definition and there are plenty of control points in that process to identify them as such.
It’s just that it’s politically unheard of to call this certain group of people mentally ill. And if this crazy person was also on antidepressants...which is probably pretty likely...
We've really got to make announcing your mental problems to gun dealers mandatory.
Houston's "thinking" outside the box!
Any non-private sale of a firearm in Texas requires a criminal background check, which also checks the mental health registries for people that are ineligible.
That's why there are no mass shootings in Texas. Ever.
Somebody never learned Proximate Cause in whatever shitty law school they attended.
You would think that locked doors would be a requirement at all schools. And I have a cheap ass Ring camera at my front door and I don't let anyone in that I can't see. Have either security at the front door or buzz people in. Once again, I grew up with target rifles on the bus going to school and shotguns and rifles in trucks and cars in the school parking lot. Rather than deal with the culture problem that the dazzler's politics created, the dazzler would rather take guns away. Giuliani showed the way and the dazzler rejects the cultural change that he brought about and the reversion to the leftard norm that the dazzler supports is to be cured by virtue signaling and disarming the law abiding.
Gasbag's solution: change the culture. Sounds easy. You should do that.
Perfect example of @HeilHusky’s complete lack of self awareness combined with an extremely limited IQ. The racist is all for changing the culture when it suits him and his politics, whether it be encouraging mental illness now instead of addressing it (pretty much defines the entire current trans movement), changing gun laws that have been around for hundreds of years, etc,
But address the source of what is a relatively recent phenomenon…whoah….that’s too hard. Can’t do that.
More reports are trying to blame the school for the tragedy saying that she was allegedly abused by an employee at the school. So your revenge is killing kids?
Bottom line is that this was a religious hate crime by a transgendered nut-job, carried out with assault weapons that should not be covered by the 2nd amendment.
The she seems to have used is a Kel Tec 2000 most likely in 9mm. It fires standard 9mm handgun ammo. It's not a rifle in the true sense of the word. It takes Glock magazines which isn't an assault rifle either it's just a shitty (to me) 9mm handgun. Did she use the AR looking rifle? What exactly is it? What caliber? I don't know but every pic so far she had the Kel Tec in hand.
I thought I had read that he / she had used AR-15s but I certainly could be wrong.
Regardless, I still don't know why someone so mentally disturbed and under the care of a doctor was able to buy numerous guns without tripping some sort of an alert.
You can buy stuff if you have money. Can only use 1 at a time. What difference does it make how many a person owns?
Bottom line is that this was a religious hate crime by a transgendered nut-job, carried out with assault weapons that should not be covered by the 2nd amendment.
The she seems to have used is a Kel Tec 2000 most likely in 9mm. It fires standard 9mm handgun ammo. It's not a rifle in the true sense of the word. It takes Glock magazines which isn't an assault rifle either it's just a shitty (to me) 9mm handgun. Did she use the AR looking rifle? What exactly is it? What caliber? I don't know but every pic so far she had the Kel Tec in hand.
It's not much different than a bazooka or a tank. It's like a tactical nuke.
You would think that locked doors would be a requirement at all schools. And I have a cheap ass Ring camera at my front door and I don't let anyone in that I can't see. Have either security at the front door or buzz people in. Once again, I grew up with target rifles on the bus going to school and shotguns and rifles in trucks and cars in the school parking lot. Rather than deal with the culture problem that the dazzler's politics created, the dazzler would rather take guns away. Giuliani showed the way and the dazzler rejects the cultural change that he brought about and the reversion to the leftard norm that the dazzler supports is to be cured by virtue signaling and disarming the law abiding.
She shot her way in. Too much to expect you to follow the story, apparently.
Gasbag's solution: change the culture. Sounds easy. You should do that.
If only the Dazzler could win more support for child abuse via mutilation, rape and torture. If it's good for the president's daughter and his, it's good for all children. Trannies lives matter too and they need to properly train more kids to be just like them. It's normal.
We should just pass a law requiring people not to be fucked up.
But some of you girls are going to need to turn yourselves in.
Some people foolishly believe gun availability is a problem.
Do you know how or where she got the guns?
Do you care about the illegal guns that kill dozens in our inner cities
Of course not. You want to outlaw guns for law abiding people so you can deny healthcare if they don't get an experimental vax
Acquired legally.
This issue has always been about mental illness. And the CIA.
What’s your deal with running cover for both?
You girls are prepared to ban mental illness.
You must benefit from mental illness to be against eradicating it.
Not sure how I benefit from you bunch of imbeciles being armed to the teeth.
It's obviously more important to blame the police for not acting instantly every time someone calls them with a concern than to blame instant access to guns.
The mother of the shooter knew about at least one of her guns she was told the daughter sold it and was not aware of others. So if you find booze in your kids closet, don't search anywhere else you've probably found it all.
But Paul Blart...
Clearly her fault her adult daughter lawfully owned firearms.
So the police were warned but Perry Namath says they can't be bothered with chasing down tips about impending danger. Sounds right. Where would we be in society if the fire department was always chasing down those pesky arson calls?
Parents can't be blamed for knowing their mentally ill daughter had guns but takes her word when she says she got rid of them. The mom is a big anti gun advocate in the state - how could she be tasked with knowing that unstable 28 year old adults who live at home might actually lie about whether or not they own firearms. Keep that info under your hat- nothing bad could happen.
But trust Perry- Paul Blart is to blame (and Jan 6th)
I believe the police released this quickly to show that they were trained and ready to respond to a school shooter. Nothing nefarious about that. I also listened to their chief of police at his presser. He said they will never wait to enter a school with an active shooter.
That was our training. You simply went balls to the wall to the gunfire. I was surprised I saw them clearing rooms in this instance. You run past everything including the injured and neutralize the threat. That is all that matters!
You would think that locked doors would be a requirement at all schools. And I have a cheap ass Ring camera at my front door and I don't let anyone in that I can't see. Have either security at the front door or buzz people in. Once again, I grew up with target rifles on the bus going to school and shotguns and rifles in trucks and cars in the school parking lot. Rather than deal with the culture problem that the dazzler's politics created, the dazzler would rather take guns away. Giuliani showed the way and the dazzler rejects the cultural change that he brought about and the reversion to the leftard norm that the dazzler supports is to be cured by virtue signaling and disarming the law abiding.
She shot her way in. Too much to expect you to follow the story, apparently.
Gasbag's solution: change the culture. Sounds easy. You should do that.
That was our training. You simply went balls to the wall to the gunfire. I was surprised I saw them clearing rooms in this instance. You run past everything including the injured and neutralize the threat. That is all that matters!
But they didn't know where the shooter was when they first entered.
Regardless, I still don't know why someone so mentally disturbed and under the care of a doctor was able to buy numerous guns without tripping some sort of an alert.
But address the source of what is a relatively recent phenomenon…whoah….that’s too hard. Can’t do that.
Speed limit IQ in action…
Trannies lives matter!!!
You're too poor to see it, obviously.
Those cops are #HEROS. What should have happened in Uvalde.
So sorry the video's release destroys your conspiracy theory.
Not really sorry.
Fuck you.
Great Lawyering!
Sounds easy. You should do that.
What a sad joke of human being you are. Typical fucking Lefty Libtard.
Parents can't be blamed for knowing their mentally ill daughter had guns but takes her word when she says she got rid of them. The mom is a big anti gun advocate in the state - how could she be tasked with knowing that unstable 28 year old adults who live at home might actually lie about whether or not they own firearms. Keep that info under your hat- nothing bad could happen.
But trust Perry- Paul Blart is to blame
(and Jan 6th)
Am I the only one who finds it odd she’s wearing camo/tactical gear but also a bright red hat?
Must be MAGA country. Right, @HeilHusky ?