Birth rate dropped quite a bit. When people were locked up at home during the lockdown birthrate should have gone up. Look up all you want. Guessing you are vaxed and quad boosted.
Like we say....
You have nothing
You should Google it.
You guys should provide proof the covid vaccine sterilizes women
Do you idiots not know any women that are getting pregnant who got the vaccine?
Pro-tip: look for the doctor from Idaho who discusses the issue at length.
A doctor from Idaho on a Tug thread is the definitive source for mass sterilization of women
Can't make this shit up
Couldn't be more dense.
Look in the mirror, orange tanks
3rd grade comeback FTW
you think blown up tanks were painted orange.
you can't understand a percentage of GDP based graph.
and you throw around "couldn't be more dense" with not a hint of irony.
self awareness is not your strong suit.
Everyone understood the percentage of gdp graph
That's why we laughed at it
No, you clearly didn't
We're all smarter than you
Science is settled
and yet you can't understand a graph
Of course we got it. Stop embarrassing yourself further
It was stupid to post it
no, it wasn't.
it shows that on a weighted scale Poland is giving 4 times as much equipment. the UK was off by only .01%
it was inconvenient to the Tug narrative so it was ignored and mocked, as is typical
Shitty sales people come in and brag to management about the $1k customer account that they grew 50% and ignore the $100k customer that shrank 15%. Same shit.
No, it's not the same shit at all, and your analogy is fucking stupid
Shitty management ignoring #2 thru #100 accounts to hyper fixate on account #1 is the more accurate stupid fucking analogy. Which is what the Tug did and continues to do
It's not news to anyone that America is #1. Well actually, Tug folk bitch about that too.
Yeah you are
More 3rd grade banter. Sad.
You have a 3rd grade brain, orange tanks
agreed. Russia is toast.
Hopefully they try a new path after Putin.
Has the shredding increased or decreased since page 1?
increased. since page 1 Russia has, maybe?, taken Bahkmut?
at the cost of a large number of personnel and equipment
From shredded to Pyrrhic victory in 134 short pages.
A deep thinker would have a lot to think about. No doubt you shall remain unencumbered.
Shredded definitely describes this clusterfuck. Russia has lost 200k soldiers, thousands of vehicles, hundreds of helicopters and planes, etc.
They've also lost their reputation, which might be even more damaging.
Not that their exported equipment ever performed well to begin with.
Birth rate dropped quite a bit. When people were locked up at home during the lockdown birthrate should have gone up. Look up all you want. Guessing you are vaxed and quad boosted.
Like we say....
You have nothing
You should Google it.
You guys should provide proof the covid vaccine sterilizes women
Do you idiots not know any women that are getting pregnant who got the vaccine?
Pro-tip: look for the doctor from Idaho who discusses the issue at length.
A doctor from Idaho on a Tug thread is the definitive source for mass sterilization of women
Can't make this shit up
Couldn't be more dense.
Look in the mirror, orange tanks
3rd grade comeback FTW
you think blown up tanks were painted orange.
you can't understand a percentage of GDP based graph.
and you throw around "couldn't be more dense" with not a hint of irony.
self awareness is not your strong suit.
Everyone understood the percentage of gdp graph
That's why we laughed at it
No, you clearly didn't
We're all smarter than you
Science is settled
and yet you can't understand a graph
Of course we got it. Stop embarrassing yourself further
It was stupid to post it
no, it wasn't.
it shows that on a weighted scale Poland is giving 4 times as much equipment. the UK was off by only .01%
it was inconvenient to the Tug narrative so it was ignored and mocked, as is typical
Shitty sales people come in and brag to management about the $1k customer account that they grew 50% and ignore the $100k customer that shrank 15%. Same shit.
No, it's not the same shit at all, and your analogy is fucking stupid
Shitty management ignoring #2 thru #100 accounts to hyper fixate on account #1 is the more accurate stupid fucking analogy. Which is what the Tug did and continues to do
It's not news to anyone that America is #1. Well actually, Tug folk bitch about that too.
Yeah you are
More 3rd grade banter. Sad.
You have a 3rd grade brain, orange tanks
agreed. Russia is toast.
Hopefully they try a new path after Putin.
Has the shredding increased or decreased since page 1?
increased. since page 1 Russia has, maybe?, taken Bahkmut?
at the cost of a large number of personnel and equipment
From shredded to Pyrrhic victory in 134 short pages.
A deep thinker would have a lot to think about. No doubt you shall remain unencumbered.
Shredded definitely describes this clusterfuck. Russia has lost 200k soldiers, thousands of vehicles, hundreds of helicopters and planes, etc.
They've also lost their reputation, which might be even more damaging.
Not that their exported equipment ever performed well to begin with.
Except the AK platform, that thing is amazing.
As long as the equipment was made in the 80's it doesn't matter.
Well, the folks running things in America — that is, the scores of unelected bureaucratic satraps guarding their nests throughhout the Okefenokee inside-the-Beltway, especially the gator-pit known politely as the Intel Community — decided to subject Mr. Trump to a one-man version of the exquisite torment intended for Russia, Russia, Russia: pain, ignominy, and ruin. They’re still at it six years later, since the relentless Mr. Trump will not give up his crusade to take back the White House and defenestrate all those attempting to defenestrate him. His enemies have captured all the levers of legal power, and yet, amazingly, they can come up with nothing but the most rinky-dink charges to railroad him in captured jurisdictions.
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
Throbber reports, you decide.
Yeah, how dare Zelensky go to allies to ask for weapons. What a retard!
Birth rate dropped quite a bit. When people were locked up at home during the lockdown birthrate should have gone up. Look up all you want. Guessing you are vaxed and quad boosted.
Like we say....
You have nothing
You should Google it.
You guys should provide proof the covid vaccine sterilizes women
Do you idiots not know any women that are getting pregnant who got the vaccine?
Pro-tip: look for the doctor from Idaho who discusses the issue at length.
A doctor from Idaho on a Tug thread is the definitive source for mass sterilization of women
Can't make this shit up
Couldn't be more dense.
Look in the mirror, orange tanks
3rd grade comeback FTW
you think blown up tanks were painted orange.
you can't understand a percentage of GDP based graph.
and you throw around "couldn't be more dense" with not a hint of irony.
self awareness is not your strong suit.
Everyone understood the percentage of gdp graph
That's why we laughed at it
No, you clearly didn't
We're all smarter than you
Science is settled
and yet you can't understand a graph
Of course we got it. Stop embarrassing yourself further
It was stupid to post it
no, it wasn't.
it shows that on a weighted scale Poland is giving 4 times as much equipment. the UK was off by only .01%
it was inconvenient to the Tug narrative so it was ignored and mocked, as is typical
Shitty sales people come in and brag to management about the $1k customer account that they grew 50% and ignore the $100k customer that shrank 15%. Same shit.
No, it's not the same shit at all, and your analogy is fucking stupid
Shitty management ignoring #2 thru #100 accounts to hyper fixate on account #1 is the more accurate stupid fucking analogy. Which is what the Tug did and continues to do
It's not news to anyone that America is #1. Well actually, Tug folk bitch about that too.
Yeah you are
More 3rd grade banter. Sad.
You have a 3rd grade brain, orange tanks
agreed. Russia is toast.
Hopefully they try a new path after Putin.
Has the shredding increased or decreased since page 1?
increased. since page 1 Russia has, maybe?, taken Bahkmut?
at the cost of a large number of personnel and equipment
From shredded to Pyrrhic victory in 134 short pages.
A deep thinker would have a lot to think about. No doubt you shall remain unencumbered.
Shredded definitely describes this clusterfuck. Russia has lost 200k soldiers, thousands of vehicles, hundreds of helicopters and planes, etc.
They've also lost their reputation, which might be even more damaging.
Not that their exported equipment ever performed well to begin with.
Except the AK platform, that thing is amazing.
As long as the equipment was made in the 80's it doesn't matter.
Zelensky stole our money. Needs to be incarcerated along with the dims that received the funds he siphoned off and laundered to individuals and the DNC.
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
Throbber reports, you decide.
Yeah, how dare Zelensky go to allies to ask for weapons. What a retard!
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
Throbber reports, you decide.
Yeah, how dare Zelensky go to allies to ask for weapons. What a retard!
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
Throbber reports, you decide.
Yeah, how dare Zelensky go to allies to ask for weapons. What a retard!
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
Throbber reports, you decide.
Yeah, how dare Zelensky go to allies to ask for weapons. What a retard!
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
Throbber reports, you decide.
Yeah, how dare Zelensky go to allies to ask for weapons. What a retard!
Shredded definitely describes this clusterfuck. Russia has lost 200k soldiers, thousands of vehicles, hundreds of helicopters and planes, etc.
They've also lost their reputation, which might be even more damaging.
Not that their exported equipment ever performed well to begin with.
Except the AK platform, that thing is amazing.
Home run
@sources are saying that Zelensky may never return to Ukraine. Apparently he's working out a deal with NATO so he go into exile to his villa in Italy. Also saying the negotiation will allow him to keep his millions in offshore accounts.
Word is he is a dead man returning to UKR. Thus, all the jet-setting.
Throbber reports, you decide.
Zelensky on the front line again:
looks like he is about to get taken out!
But yeah, all the tanks and Bradley's Ukraine received, and haven't yet used, were all for counter offensive incoming
"Freedom of Russia Legion" group made up of ex-Kremlin FSB and soldiers advanced into Russia, and Russia hasn't been able to do shit to stop them