as a parent, it's impossible for me to watch a game real-time and so the night games were awesome for me b/c I could watch them almost live and no spoilers... now I'll have to figure out how to avoid all forms of technology for an entire day before I can retire to the man cave for some football. The more night games in the Pac12 the better for a guy like me.
Grow a set.
My 6 year old has sat through every televised Husky game since 2008 regardless of time.
My 3 year old I thought was some sort of rabbits foot.
He was born in 2010 and Washington reeled off 6 straight wins, including a Holiday Bowl win.
He too has sat through all the shit.
I don't give a shit what my kids do during that 3 hour window as long as it doesn't involve me #bestdadevar #numberonedad
I understand the discomfort for guys like my buddy Fleens who travels over from wine country. He'll have to get an early start or just crash at Kim's the night before.
Guys who just watch on TV don't have any reason not to like it, unless you have the constant worry (like I do) of someone fucking with your DVR schedule. I'm also busy with various (usually kid related) activities during the day on Saturdays. I won't watch mid day games real time, but I don't want to anyways. I can't handle commercial breaks or half time faggotry. It doesn't really matter what time the game records, as long as it's recorded by 9 or 10pm which is when I'm going to sit down and watch it irregardless (so the point is mute).
Some answers here puzzled me. Who the fuck wants to watch a Husky game with a 4 or 6 year old? At the stadium is one thing. That's just for a fun time not serious football watching. The TV is completely different and requires full attention without distractions. I tell my 15 y/o to stay the fuck out when I'm watching games on TV. My dog is the only one allowed in the room.
Your 15 year old isn't watching with you? Poor parenting right there. And Ts and Ps to the dog.
Sound like somebody who is 'for' kids but 'against' parenting.