@MelloDawg is offended you would ask such a a question.
Jewish that vote for democrats 100% hate Israel...
The left is going nuts over that....
Because They know it's the truth.
ESPN+ article so subscription needed. Kiper has 3 UW players going in the 1st round, Odunze to the Giants, Fautanu to the Seahawks and Rosengarten to #myNiners.
Trump is fucking up by not posting on Twitter as well as that rinky dink Truth Social platform. He can block anyone he wants as he’s not in office and he’s missing tens of millions of potential voters by not maximizing his reach. Now that Elon is in charge, I got my account back which was banned because I pointed out Biden was older than Trump in response to a Tweet about Trump dying in office. Apparently it was a violent threat by me for factually posting Biden’s age. This was in September 2020 when the Commies running Twitter were banning any damaging posts about Biden.
It's been said a million times.
The smart admins and districts are returning to the basics of reading, writing, science and math and doing it with many less administrators. Then you have the state of Washington going backwards.
The rats own the education system in this country. Where there is no pushback against their destruction of the education of our children, the results are criminally disastrous. The rats in Washington clearly ignore statistics and have decided their politics are more important that our childrens future.