Biden's speech was the definition of angry old man "get off my lawn" vibes
The Republican response had worse acting than a porn with no plot
Best thing I saw last night was RFK Jr's video
just got a notice that sewer will be increased due to “rising inflation.” Waste management 21% increase.
lying libs. Lying Biden. But if you have L7 comp you are rich and doesn’t matter!
All for the benefit of oil and the M-I-C
Ike called it out and JFK was killed for it.
Well thank god for the lack of school choice which gives the kids no chance of a real education. Toss in a no expulsion policy and kids can't wait to go to hell school.
Morons are attracted to loud and shiny things, not substantive words. Trump brings both. Biden brings the former. The GOP Senator brought the latter.
Trump brings both, which is why all Democrats and their DC/MIC Republican buddies hate him along with him not being a bought puppet.
America in a nutshell.
Some of you admire Russia and wanna play paddy cake with them while they continue to wage cyberwarfare on us!!
Our DOJ spends their entire time spying on Trump while meanwhile every tinpot dictator in the world gains access to US networks.
Hillary having a private server didn’t help matters, either.
What are you worried about, Gladys?
Isn't Daddy demanding a debate? It's bound to happen now.