Morons are attracted to loud and shiny things, not substantive words. Trump brings both. Biden brings the former. The GOP Senator brought the latter.
Trump brings both, which is why all Democrats and their DC/MIC Republican buddies hate him along with him not being a bought puppet.
America in a nutshell.
Some of you admire Russia and wanna play paddy cake with them while they continue to wage cyberwarfare on us!!
Our DOJ spends their entire time spying on Trump while meanwhile every tinpot dictator in the world gains access to US networks.
Hillary having a private server didn’t help matters, either.
What are you worried about, Gladys?
Isn't Daddy demanding a debate? It's bound to happen now.
Well, I must pat myself and every non-biden voter on the back. The dumbass biden was 100% predictable and did exactly what I and everyone else knew he would do. Divide the country even more, lie about how good the economy is, spew hatred for Trump and anyone who might vote for him, and take zero credit for the disaster at the border and the misery is has brought many people. The dumbass couldn't even pronounce the poor Laken Riley's name correctly. What a pathetic human being.
Throw all his crap onto a shit wagon and get it out of my sight, it was all expected. What I dd find interesting was Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Gold Star dad who's son was murdered in the Afghanistan withdrawal, and various rat responses to the speech (or really, the lack of responses).
You go girl. MTG is one fearless woman. She says what many are thinking and doesn't give a shit what rats think of her. She gives rats a taste of their own medicine. That really upsets them and that is so enjoyable to watch. There is a better than 99% chance that the UGA student is alive today if democrats and that fucking idiot biden controlled our border. The least the brain-dead dumbass could do was get her name correct, FFS.
The Gold Star Dad who lost his son because of that dumbass bidens complete disaster withdrawl from Afghanistan, was taken out in handcuffs. Rat media in some cases didn't even bother to explain who he was or why he was protesting. They called him a "heckler" and that was it.
Rat press and far left radicals are pissed at biden for calling border crashers "illegals". They skewered him for using illegal instead of "undocumented". I get it, they are letting the cartel, criminals from all over South and Central America, illegals from our most hated enemies who would like nothing more than to destroy America, drugs, violence, etc into our country in an effort to turn them into votes, but this kind of complaint in public shows even more what their end goals are. I was a bit surprised.
Biden essentially never addressed the border and if you watched any rat media, they avoided it like the plague. The number two rated issue to all voters and the rat press can't run from it fast enough. Absolutely incredible.
Tlaib had her own response to the SOTU. She focused on working families while stating she backs that idiot biden 100%. Is there a rat with a brain out there? Working families are really struggling because of this admin and these rats. A head scratcher. She is as hypocritical and dumb as a brick. Guaranteed to be re-elected by her Jihad loving constituents.
Last but not least, I am somewhat surprised at how few in the rat media are declaring this the best SOTU ever. They did it for every other rat President but not biden? I know why. They were all just relieved that the cocaine did its job and that fucking idiot didn't look, for one hour, like the stumbling bumbling senile dumbass he is. You could hear hearts slowing down and sighs of relief coming from every rat in the country when biden finished without a total meltdown.
And yet this idiot votes for a guy who showers with his 12 year old daughter and likes to sniff little girls hair.
Just another brain dead lib.
I only care about controlling Gasbag's life.
Wrong on virus origin
Wrong on death rate
Wrong on school closures
Wrong on lockdowns
Wrong on VX efficacy
I mean wrong on literally everything when it comes to Covid. The most impactful 2 year stretch since WW2 and they were owen.
To me that’s intentional.
Something tells me your Covid stance isn’t the only thing that alienates you.