Can't put money into something that needs electricity and the internet to trade, cash, spend. It's like investing in fairy dust.
MSM admitting there were a dozen CIA bases in Ukraine running a proxy war against Russia and overthrew the elected government for gay dancer boy. It was the US that provoked the war.
The spin is she allegedly won “Independents” 62-37 but that doesn’t seem possible considering the number of Democrats who voted in the GOP primary almost exclusively for Nimrata.
I don't think the issue has anything to do with choice and I hope this is not spun into a debate about whether or not abortion is okay. The issue for me is it's a sacrificed human life. Choice or not is not the primary issue that disgusts me when it comes to what's been revealed about how Pfizer developed their shot."It is not morally acceptable for Christians to take any medicine where production used aborted fetus tissue"The good Lord will be the ultimate judge of that. There are strong ethical arguments on either side.
That doesn't mean the Throbber is pro- abortion. That would not be my first alternative. Don't twist. It does mean the Throbber is 'my body, my choice' on an individual basis.
And as a dude, it's really not going to ever go beyond a philosophical debate any way. Pragmatically the woman's choice far outweighs the man's opinion.
Papa don't preach, you know.
The DA keeps posting updated fine amounts each day with the accrued interest as they attempt to bankrupt Trump because of politics..
These are people who cannot be reasoned with and should be viewed as religious extremists on par with any group of nut jobs trying to harm those unlike them by “othering” and demonizing them.
Leftards lie and love to be lied to. The dazzler says he voted for Reagan because? Oh, his imagination failed him at this point and he never go around to telling us why. Now he says the Reagan couldn't get nominated by today's GOP. Earth to the dazzler, Reagan never got nominated by yesterday's or today's GOP. He got nominated against the party's wishes because the party's wishes were not ever to make America Great Again.
It's all about virtue signaling and blaming whitey. Actually securing the border and fighting crime is not on the agenda. Leftards lie and love to be lied to.