Judge was running unopposed until he got this case. Rats ran a competitor after it started.
Typical Democrat politics. Rule against the black DA and lose your seat when the votes are counted. There is no equal justice in these Rat cities.
Takes a special kind of retarded to see the judge's ruling as anything but a rebuke of her judgment and skepticism about how she spun her testimony—you really should have read it. Her boyfriend has to leave.
Still, Daddy and the gang are guilty as fuck and Fani's stupidity really doesn't alter that fact.
Sorry this forum is too small time for you.
I couldn't believe it when our esteemed vp (has there ever been someone so un-deserving and unqualified to be vp?) actually went to an abortion clinic. A place where death is imminent for so many. You can support abortion but there is no denying what an abortion clinic is and does. That realization is why no President or VP has EVER visited one. That is until now. They are getting desperate.
I read polling data for fun and over the past couple of months I have made note that abortion is not in the top 5 issues that voters are concerned about. This is a killer to rats. They have only three lynch pin issues to run on: 1) "Taxing the rich" 2) "Racism" 3) Abortion. All issues are divisive and negative. Negative in that they don't deal with anything positive, only victimization type stuff. All three topics are clearly meant to divide the country and galvanize/motivate the lefts base. Same strategy every two years, over and over and over again. Been going on for decades.
We know what happened two years ago, the SC screwed up and focused on abortion before an election and it cost Republicans in congressional seats. It is a powerful issue for rats and instead of encouraging self responsibility and safe sex, they pump up abortion which is a sick perspective.
So what does a desperate rat party do? They send the brain dead, sleep your way to the top VP to an abortion clinic. Just think about that. They sent that fucking idiot to a place where they suck the brains out of babies. They want to make abortion a front bumper topic for the election and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen even if their own constituents don't believe it is a top issue that is confronting them right now. Watch for racism to make an entrance here shortly followed (always) by the further division of the country by generating envy and hatred for those that have worked hard and been successful.
Rats will do whatever it takes to win, but this trip to an abortion clinic is a new low. No class and no care for our country and its citizens.
It’s also obvious what the Biden campaign is seeking to do here. It wants to change the conversation.
Harris and Biden want to recapture voters' angst after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, a decision that sent the issue of abortion rights back to the states.
Abortion played a significant role in the midterm elections that year and in subsequent ones.
However, it’s since fallen off the list of top priorities for voters. In a recent Gallup poll asking Americans what they thought were the biggest problems facing the country, abortion didn’t make the list at all.
Rather, immigration, the economy and inflation topped the concerns.
Bro, did you find your SEC contact to investigate me yet for NVDA insider trading…..lol seriously I nearly spit out my drink that that was your first reaction to my brilliant financial advice.
My Costco bill is fucking crazy. I go there 1-2 times a month and, even just trying to get out with some staples and some meat, the bill inevitably ends up being more than $200. Normal trips push $400.
You poor guy….you'll never make it to the Sugar Bowl the way youre scraping by!!!
well Biden isn’t a fascist. So when he abuses govt power it’s okay
Is there a bigger musical win than Skynyrd over Neil Young in that situation? Young makes some mega whiny, repetitive forgettable song shitting on a region he knows nothing about. Skynyrd burns him in a song that becomes one of the most played rock songs of all time and even though I never want to hear it again is a phenomenal song.