Would be a huge help if Z knew where half the money the US gave him went.
Tell the money laundering weasel to go find it.
I like unbiased non military contractor funded sources.
You are the target of their propaganda.
Go take another jab.
Yeah - no thanks. Swallowing the military-industrial-complex cum isn't my thing.
If you embrace Zelensky’s message and summarily dismiss Putin as a total liar, you’re a fucking retard.
Good guy/bad guy, black/white, true/false is exactly what the globalists want you to believe. Makes it’s easier for them to sell the con of war.
No profit in peace
Zelensky was always the patsy. If you don't understand that, I can't help you.
Pawz the Russian propagandist? I've read that suddenly people in cult 47 believe now zelinsky is the bad guy.
I still haven't seen either of the Top Guns. @SweatpantsGeneral
Trump's erratic behavior on tariffs reminds me of Hitler ordering his troops around from his bunker.
None of it made the slightest sense and everyone knew it.
I could respond seriously with my position in order to promote discussion, but I'm a long time poaster and although I was born at night, it wasn't last night.
The obsession always drifts into imagining my position on issues.