I legit have 5 deep level special ops marine buddies, every single one voted for Kamala, and they would love nothing more than to spill Russian blood. Iraqis and Afghanis were boring. This is no joke. They would kill Trump and Putin with one bullet if they had the chance
Ern, your online “buddies” that you play Special Ops with aren’t real soldiers.
This is hilarious, by the way. “Spill Russian blood” oh OK, Rambo. Troops that want to assassinate Trump do sound they would be a big part of your fever dreams you share here.
I was dropping Merry Christmas bombs everywhere this year. Grocery store. Check. Post Office. Check. UPS store. Check. Dunkin Donuts. Check. Gas Station. Check.
Basically did a Merry Christmas carpet bombing and not one person didn't say it back and not one person got offended and not one Karen overheard it and threw a fit. America is ready for normalcy again and not this clown show we have been living.
Similar, lots of merry Christmas going around the oil business right now.
started throwing out merry Christmas on teams calls at my(?) Fortune 500 company as a social experiment this year
no far no tears from anyone
We dodged a bullet. Hard to believe the far left wackos on here voted for this POS.
Gee, it never gets old thinking for yourself and relying on your own research and debunking.
Ern’s religion takes another hit.
Leftism is a cult for gullible, mentally-disturbed people.