Of course Oregon is buying a NC. Every program with a pulse is. Don’t let the ranking fool you, I’m as sure as my penis still tingles for Kate Beckinsale that there is a shit ton of unreported private money used on Oregon’s roster. But to be ashamed of it is ridiculous. Your school is either buying a NC, or not, and probably never sniffing it. Times have changed, like it or not. Get on the train, or let the train go by and bitch about how the game isn’t good anymore. Oregon chooses not to be the latter.
The current governor elect (allegedly) wrote the language that appeared on the ballot and was approved by voters. He butchered the language on the other three that were rejected.
Aaaannnnnddddd right on cue, the goose stepping moron hh comes in to defend the big government socialists/communists/socialists.
If nothing else, hh is dependable in supporting the bad guys.
I mean making the playoff year 3 is the bare fucking minimum. Which means you might want to try to have that box checked by year 2.
Some of you are just jealous that I hang out with the Biebs.
what’d you think of the pic where I covered my balls with two round chips and drizzled nacho cheese on my dong?