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2019 Recruiting Bored (Updated 9/27/18)



  • PetermanPeterman Member Posts: 675
    Denny is on fucking point in this thread, good chit Denny
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,852 Standard Supporter

    I really doubt he's gonna walk on at UW when he has Ivy League offers. He'd have to be too dumb to be able to get those Ivy League offers in the first place.

    Do ivies give full athletic schollies now? I know they never used to.
    They don’t, but theyoffer assistance other ways. Pretty much a scholarship without being called one
    This. But more importantly, it's a fucking Ivy League school.
    I steered my kid away from the Ivy Leagues, and don't regret it for a second. Didn't want her majoring in Ethnic Studies and moving into my basement after graduation with 250k in student loans. Instead she's having the time of her life elsewhere, got a basketful of scholies and will graduate with zero debt.

    Call it a humble-brag, that's fine. But given all the Ivy League dipshits and Mrs. degrees I've encountered through the years, I can say with certainty that those schools are vastly overrated and many are located in dull shithole towns. Blech.
    You sound poor.
    Why else would I be here? Luckily the free WiFi I'm stealing from my neighbor has a strong signal inside my tent. If only the freeway wasn't 10 feet away.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,852 Standard Supporter
    I'll just put it this way: Most of the Ivy league types I've worked with are fucking dipshits with terrible personalities, inflated egos, zero sense of humor, and a threadbare Dartmouth sweatshirt they still wear every Saturday morning to their favorite breakfast joint, where they are dumb enough to stand in line for 45 minutes for bacon & eggs and fair-trade coffee that tastes like potting soil. And they still drive up in a piece of shit Land Rover they really expect people to be impressed by, oblivious to the fact those are among the most unreliable, temperamental pieces of shit that ever rolled off an assembly line anywhere. I'd rather be surrounded by ND or Michigan alumns, as horrible as that experience is.
  • BreadBread Member Posts: 3,999
    Wow this really killed my 2020 class hype. All our recruits will be taking their talents to the XFL.
  • biak1biak1 Member Posts: 4,076
    What’s with all the recruiting threads catching FBA recently? Is it the off-season already?
  • AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381
    AZDuck: derailing threds since 1998
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,369 Swaye's Wigwam

    If you want to make money you should go into finance. If you are too dumb to do that, then go into construction.

    Also - lol at the fucking stupid fuck argument “my wife went to an ivy and now she’s in debt.”

    You fucking stupid goober - this has nothing to do with “Ivy’s” and has everything to do with... wait for it... wait some more you stupid shit...

    Private school. Turns out it’s more expensive than public school and your fucktard of a wife shouldn’t have been stupid enough to go to any private school and play SPURTZ and major in something that isn’t obviously going to make her money.

    I’m sorry she was expecting something that obviously wouldn’t happen... all while diminishing the impact of her education by playin SPURTZ so she could have fun!!!

    She sounds dumb and from the fact that you can’t even conceptualize an obvious third variable that wholly explains this phenomenon (by the way, Ivy’s are getting cheaper while shit tier places like PLU get more expensive) - you don’t sound too fucking bright your damn self.

    If you are dumb enough to think that Ivy League educations are 1) about giving you unbeatable career connections, 2) are less expensive than other private schools, 3) have a responsibility to push you into a lucrative major, 4) are “worth it” given some stupid fucking post hoc metric... then you are probably the kind of idiot that goes to and Ivy League school, majors in something that leads to a low paying job and then have your husband who supports you complain about it like a fucktard on a random message bored.

    Other than that, great point!

    I made my money selling drugs. School is for morons who think going into $250k of debt so they can party for four years is a great idea.

    But they WANNA go!

    95% of college students would be better served working at a bar or restaurant... you can still get herp and fuck in a relatively small circle, though there are always new people coming in and out of your lives you can fuck on the periphery... you can get drunk and get up late and do tons of drugs...

    BUT instead of going into $250k debt, you get paid. The only catch is you don’t get to have your retard husband post on message boreds your sympathetic plight of thinking that going to a college, sitting there and not being worth a shit (which, again, is 95% of college students) would lead to gainful employment outside of the 20 or so jobs in this economy that haven’t been reduced to serfdom by your corporate overlords.

    Oooooofffffff DDY going hard in the paint! The gloves have come off!

    Among the many things you said, I fully acknowledged going to an Ivy is "worth it" for certain majors. Especially if there's a professional network that matters to your industry. Go into those majors or don't go to an Ivy. If you want to expand that to most private schools, sure, other than there are plenty of private non-ivy schools that specialize in STEM or trade majors that are 100% worth it such as Harvey Mudd, WyoTech, or private maritime academies to name a few. There's also a handful of private schools that are tuition free or have a sliding scales for tuition.

    My wife has plenty of reasons why she ended up where she did but I'm not going to go into all of that. I'll leave it at, she's FS as fuck but smart and talented enough to survive. You'd probably get along with her.

    Want to talk ROI on degrees and institutions? Perfectly happy to. It's part of why I went to UW and picked a top earning degree instead of a shoeshine degree in Philosophy from an expensive private school. I'm not here to try and doog it up over UW academis though. If I'd been more SS and hard working I would have gone to an Ivy league for my career and made more money, plain and simple. I can't say that I'm unhappy with how everything has turned out. UW really was the school of my dreams growing up. Doog statement doog poaster.

  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,369 Swaye's Wigwam
    Also, drink more or drink less or drink bleach and fuck off!
  • DooglesDoogles Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 12,542 Founders Club
    That's it i'm going back to school ASU online class of 2021!
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,369 Swaye's Wigwam

    If you want to make money you should go into finance. If you are too dumb to do that, then go into construction.

    Also - lol at the fucking stupid fuck argument “my wife went to an ivy and now she’s in debt.”

    You fucking stupid goober - this has nothing to do with “Ivy’s” and has everything to do with... wait for it... wait some more you stupid shit...

    Private school. Turns out it’s more expensive than public school and your fucktard of a wife shouldn’t have been stupid enough to go to any private school and play SPURTZ and major in something that isn’t obviously going to make her money.

    I’m sorry she was expecting something that obviously wouldn’t happen... all while diminishing the impact of her education by playin SPURTZ so she could have fun!!!

    She sounds dumb and from the fact that you can’t even conceptualize an obvious third variable that wholly explains this phenomenon (by the way, Ivy’s are getting cheaper while shit tier places like PLU get more expensive) - you don’t sound too fucking bright your damn self.

    If you are dumb enough to think that Ivy League educations are 1) about giving you unbeatable career connections, 2) are less expensive than other private schools, 3) have a responsibility to push you into a lucrative major, 4) are “worth it” given some stupid fucking post hoc metric... then you are probably the kind of idiot that goes to and Ivy League school, majors in something that leads to a low paying job and then have your husband who supports you complain about it like a fucktard on a random message bored.

    Other than that, great point!

    I made my money selling drugs. School is for morons who think going into $250k of debt so they can party for four years is a great idea.

    But they WANNA go!

    95% of college students would be better served working at a bar or restaurant... you can still get herp and fuck in a relatively small circle, though there are always new people coming in and out of your lives you can fuck on the periphery... you can get drunk and get up late and do tons of drugs...

    BUT instead of going into $250k debt, you get paid. The only catch is you don’t get to have your retard husband post on message boreds your sympathetic plight of thinking that going to a college, sitting there and not being worth a shit (which, again, is 95% of college students) would lead to gainful employment outside of the 20 or so jobs in this economy that haven’t been reduced to serfdom by your corporate overlords.

    Oooooofffffff DDY going hard in the paint! The gloves have come off!

    Among the many things you said, I fully acknowledged going to an Ivy is "worth it" for certain majors. Especially if there's a professional network that matters to your industry. Go into those majors or don't go to an Ivy. If you want to expand that to most private schools, sure, other than there are plenty of private non-ivy schools that specialize in STEM or trade majors that are 100% worth it such as Harvey Mudd, WyoTech, or private maritime academies to name a few. There's also a handful of private schools that are tuition free or have a sliding scales for tuition.

    My wife has plenty of reasons why she ended up where she did but I'm not going to go into all of that. I'll leave it at, she's FS as fuck but smart and talented enough to survive. You'd probably get along with her.

    Want to talk ROI on degrees and institutions? Perfectly happy to. It's part of why I went to UW and picked a top earning degree instead of a shoeshine degree in Philosophy from an expensive private school. I'm not here to try and doog it up over UW academis though. If I'd been more SS and hard working I would have gone to an Ivy league for my career and made more money, plain and simple. I can't say that I'm unhappy with how everything has turned out. UW really was the school of my dreams growing up. Doog statement doog poaster.

    Hurtful. Really hurtful.
    No one hating on your Mr. Degree.
  • MisterEmMisterEm Member Posts: 6,685
    Squirt said:

    I'd bet a lot of money that Dennis badly wanted to go to an Ivy League school but got rejected.

    Nope. Dennis is Ivy legit. He is our Yale superiority guy.
  • dirtysouwfdawgdirtysouwfdawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 12,698 Swaye's Wigwam

    If you want to make money you should go into finance. If you are too dumb to do that, then go into construction.

    Also - lol at the fucking stupid fuck argument “my wife went to an ivy and now she’s in debt.”

    You fucking stupid goober - this has nothing to do with “Ivy’s” and has everything to do with... wait for it... wait some more you stupid shit...

    Private school. Turns out it’s more expensive than public school and your fucktard of a wife shouldn’t have been stupid enough to go to any private school and play SPURTZ and major in something that isn’t obviously going to make her money.

    I’m sorry she was expecting something that obviously wouldn’t happen... all while diminishing the impact of her education by playin SPURTZ so she could have fun!!!

    She sounds dumb and from the fact that you can’t even conceptualize an obvious third variable that wholly explains this phenomenon (by the way, Ivy’s are getting cheaper while shit tier places like PLU get more expensive) - you don’t sound too fucking bright your damn self.

    If you are dumb enough to think that Ivy League educations are 1) about giving you unbeatable career connections, 2) are less expensive than other private schools, 3) have a responsibility to push you into a lucrative major, 4) are “worth it” given some stupid fucking post hoc metric... then you are probably the kind of idiot that goes to and Ivy League school, majors in something that leads to a low paying job and then have your husband who supports you complain about it like a fucktard on a random message bored.

    Other than that, great point!

    Damn DDY...
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