Never owned a CD: I'm a spoiled millenial who deserves AIDS
Every CD I listened to as a kid was something my parents bought... didn't buy my own music until middle school and by then iPod's and iTunes had become a thing. So yes, I'm a faggy millennial who deserves AIDS.
I got Pearl Jam Ten with a Sony Discman for Christmas in 1991.
That album felt epic at the time but looking back it's really good but not great.
Really? I like to talk as much chit about PJ as anyone but Jeremy, Alive, and Even Flow are great songs and Black is still one of the best songs ever. I can't think of a song on the album that doesn't hold up.
I had half the "albums" in the cowbell poll, as well as a number of the write ins, on 8 track, and vinyl. Bought my first CD player (Denon) in 1988 and a CD copy of Dark Side of the Moon to compare to a master recording on heavy vinyl. Close enough call to switch to CD's.
Fall of 1987, Def Lep's Hysteria, followed in close order by Heart's Greatest Hits and Led Zep II. My roommate at Cal had a CD player, and even though it was a Technics POS it sounded more clearer than the cassettes I was using. Soon after I bought an NAD 7240 receiver and Klipsch KG4s and we had the loudest system in the dorms.
I grew up listening to my sister's Beatles albums and my brother's superior collection of bands like Cream
The first album I bought was Led Zeppelin 2 because I had saved enough money to buy a stereo and we'd get high and listen to Whole Lotta Love where the bridge would go between the speakers.
I thought that was the height of technology and we'd never see better
Led Zeppelin II was the first LP I ever remember hearing on my Dad's turntable in the mid 80's. Interestingly enough, almost all the late 60's and early 70's pressing of Zeppelin II sounded like shit- i.e., muddy and the frequencies on the bass and guitar distortion are very compressed. A guy named Robert Ludwig mastered the album originally and he cut it really "hot" meaning the bass, drums, and guitar frequencies weren't dialed back at all. Problem was most turntables of the day were shit and couldn't track those frequencies- i.e., the stylus would literally jump out of the groove. So after the first 100,000 copies or so were pressed, Atlantic got wind of the issue, and had the album re-mastered but they overcompensated and made it sound like crap. I have a pretty high end turntable - which is a very relative term in hi-fi circles - than can handle a record that's mastered "hot" and have listened to one of these early pressings, and it's night and day between the later ones. Seriously the best sounding Zeppelin that you'll ever hear!!
I had half the "albums" in the cowbell poll, as well as a number of the write ins, on 8 track, and vinyl. Bought my first CD player (Denon) in 1988 and a CD copy of Dark Side of the Moon to compare to a master recording on heavy vinyl. Close enough call to switch to CD's.
It's think it's tricky in most scenarios to get the comparison of CD to vinyl right. In the 80's, a decent CD player probably sounded better to many ears than a lot of the shitty turn tables of the day. But these days, dollar for dollar, a turn table should beat CD most of the time. If you have, say, a $1500 turn table going against a similar priced disc player, the vinyl will win so long as it was well mastered and in good condition. But a $2000 or $3000 CD player will beat the crap out of a cheaper $200 or $300 turntable, like the kind you see a lot of hipsters buying today.
I grew up listening to my sister's Beatles albums and my brother's superior collection of bands like Cream
The first album I bought was Led Zeppelin 2 because I had saved enough money to buy a stereo and we'd get high and listen to Whole Lotta Love where the bridge would go between the speakers.
I thought that was the height of technology and we'd never see better
I don't remember what the first one I bought was as I would get them in blocks back when Columbia House was stupid enough to send you 10 CDS and then expect you to buy like 3 more at full price. I used like 3 fake names at the same address before they finally got wise to me.
I don't remember what the first one I bought was as I would get them in blocks back when Columbia House was stupid enough to send you 10 CDS and then expect you to buy like 3 more at full price. I used like 3 fake names at the same address before they finally got wise to me.
Fuck off. I'm gonna drink a margarita and listen to this right now.
Coo story huh?
This one will never be topped.