It's hard to believe, but Hardcore Husky is about to em
bark (HaHa, get it?) on its fourth football season. What started as a backwater website intended as a place of refuge for HHBs, has grown by leaps and bounds. I was going through some old emails yesterday and found one I sent when Hardcore Husky was three months old. In it, I was thrilled that we had 8,240 page views in a day. Kind of funny when looking back, huh? Fast forward to October 2015, when we would reach 1.1 million page views for the month.
In our three and half years on the internet, we've reached 22 million page views. Of course, sites like The Drudge Report (sorry, Honda) get that many in a day, so we've still got a ways to go. But the growth has been something to see.
Of course, with growth comes expense. Last year we raised enough in donations to cover 11 of the 12 months. I paid out of my pocket last month. Costs can inflate from various factors, including PurpleJ's bandwidth massacre sessions.
This year, I would like to see donations increase a bit more so that all costs are covered and we have a little surplus.
The new feature we have starting tonight will be a private and premium forum called Swaye's Wigwam. It will be completely private, visible only to members. In this forum you will have Playboy-style nudity, private discussions and Swaye's Road Warrior Girls. Even looser moderation. We're billing this as the "Sanctum Santorum of Hardcore Husky".

Of course, this forum is optional. All our current message boards will remain fully available and operational.
So Hardcore Husky's August Fund Drive is now kicking off... Are you willing to take some of that money intended to restock your liquor supply at work and instead invest in the future of this site? Will you show support for a place where you've gotten so much enjoyment?
By later tonight, you'll be able to donate via the PayPal options on the message boards and on the front page. Donation tiers: Standard Supporter $25, Butler Cabin $80 and Swaye's Wigwam $129. Badges are good through August 1, 2017.
If you wish to mail a check, please send one payable to Derek Johnson at:
Hardcore Husky
PO Box 8298
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Thank you to those who've shown enthusiastic support for this site.Derek "Stalin" Johnson
*(No, I don't really call myself CEO. It's an inside joke you fucksticks)
I'm in!
citrusmale nudity? Asking for a friend.My wife seed all the money shit. Give me some cover here.
It's time.
Also slightly sad plss wasn't part of the update. Oh well.
Is that considered Playboy style nudity?