Recently I had dinner with @PurpleBaze. I got to the restaurant first, and he arrived shorty thereafter.
I had told him that I made reservations under "Mike Hunt, party of two".
As Baze took a seat across from me, I asked: "Hey since you were born in Iran, tell me something… Is there a Farsi equivalent to "Mike Hunt, party of two"?
Sadly he shook his head to indicate "like we say, no".
Maybe this is what makes the English language so awesome.
English language superiority guy...
At least I got to talk at you for the first 10 minutes with overexuberance and obnoxious energy.
Take that, Johnson.
Clearly his dong was there before you.
Nice fit, Mike Hunt and a Johnson together again.
Thanks taffy! CSB
You are fortunate @Yousef_#1UberDriver didn't walk into the establishment with explosives taped to his body and ruin the meal.
Yousef is too much of a pussy to ever pull off such a thing.