Have to agree with Race. I was a late boomer and we were bare knuckled fighting street urchins for the most part. We roamed and explored and somehow survived and thrived. We started working in high school. We bought and built hot rods and street raced on our meager wages. Toss in sports and school and we were busy! We also weren't raised to be pussies! House parties every weekend were a thing. Shit us old guys had it good!
I wonder what changed?
Diversity is our strength and all cultures are equal except some have spicier food and that raping and murdering thing we can't talk about.
When you hate the country so much you put your neighbor's local shop out of business.
Deep state agents heads will roll!
AOC is a 6 with a pretty good body
Not my ally. Germans turning in their neighbors. Sounds familiar
Not my ally. Germans turning in their neighbors. Sounds familiar
George Soros is still alive and could help.
According him, turning in his Jewish neighbors and seizing their property while working with the Nazis was no big deal
As he said, if it wasn’t him, someone else would have done it.
The Throbber wishes he was born two years later. He identifies as a Gen Xer. Don’t like being the Bobby Brady of Boomers.
The Throbber had the London mob breaking first. Athens is nice in the spring though.
We thought the coke ad was gay and said so at the time.
Have to agree with Race. I was a late boomer and we were bare knuckled fighting street urchins for the most part. We roamed and explored and somehow survived and thrived. We started working in high school. We bought and built hot rods and street raced on our meager wages. Toss in sports and school and we were busy! We also weren't raised to be pussies! House parties every weekend were a thing. Shit us old guys had it good!
you had me on this story except for the part where you claim you attended high school.
It's very interesting how all of the leftists here claim intellectual superiority despite being wrong so often
Says the guy raised to be a pussy.