Schiff trying to discuss honorable actions is peak hypocrisy. No more dishonorable person in that chamber than him. He'd lie if the truth sounded better.
Yeah I've heard this line more than enough. Trouble is the veil got pulled the last two administrations and we saw more than enough "Rank and File" perfectly happy to violate the constitution and act as political brown shirts for their leadership.
Watched that Schiff clip earlier, total meltdown, eyes popping out of his head.
Whitehouse is the dude who belongs to an all white beach club in Rhode Island. Man of the people.
Ironic that Pash could only be a waiter at Whitehouse's yacht club because Pash isn't the Yachting type.
Schiff trying to discuss honorable actions is peak hypocrisy. No more dishonorable person in that chamber than him. He'd lie if the truth sounded better.
GOO is putting together t a real Select J6 committee, with whoever the Dems want on it, to find out what really happened.
Yeah I've heard this line more than enough. Trouble is the veil got pulled the last two administrations and we saw more than enough "Rank and File" perfectly happy to violate the constitution and act as political brown shirts for their leadership.
Anthony Weiner laptop with the “Insurance” file?
yeah. There’s enough Peter Stroks that make me think the rank and file suck ass too.