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Best (rock) guitar riff - released in 1993 edition?
Best (rock) guitar riff - released in 1993 edition? 17 votes
Mary Jane's Last Dance - Tom Petter
Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz
Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins
Today - Smashing Pumkins
1 vote
Cannonball - The Breeders
1 vote
I'd Do Anything For Love - Meat Loaf
F.O. Row Peter Puffer, you left off...
0 ·
Not a strong year for guitar riffs.
Disagree. I think there are some great hooks in 1993.
Good list Yella. Kudos for thinking of Cannonball. I could've voted for a few of them.
I’m not a Nirvana fanboi, but when I read the words “All Apologies”, my mind went instantly to the riff, which is the definition of “riff”…
Cannonball a good pull, and Lenny…
Don’t have to be a guitar virtuoso to write catchy, memorable guitar hooks.
Also, as Kurt says, everyone is gay !
Meatloaf over this? Cmon Meng!
Another tough one. Similar to Weezer shining brightly then falling off of a cliff, Siamese Dream was such great album top to bottom. You could have put Rocket on there too. Then they shit the bed immediately.
Kudos for putting Tool on the list, but I would say solid work stared with next release (and continues on BTW. "Invincible" is a top song ever written - it's about getting old, you guys can relate).
If it weren't Christian-Shitty Christian-Rock, Collective Soul "Shine" is good riff. But, it's Christian-Shitty-Christian-Shit so it can't be in the Rock Section.
Always associate piano with his tunes
3 minutes of riff and a solo.
Two Princes was 1992, bud.
You make your rules, I'll make mine.
History is my major. I know dates!
The grunge stuff is all so basic and tame. Not my bag, baby. Pumpkins have the most groove to them of all on the list.
Nirvana - awful musicians. Right place, right time.
Just my opinion.
Elvis couldn’t play guitar or write songs. Being a technically proficient musician is overrated.
I think Weezer shone brightly through 2 albums, and same for the Pumkins (the second LP is bloated but has classic songs).
Bass guitar counts
TIL Are you Gonna Go My Way and Mary Jane's Last Dance were written the same year and it roasted my brain stem.
He could sing and dance. Talent.
I'm not asking for Rush or Dream Theater. I don't like those bands. The Nirvana stuff is garage-band level. I guess people like Cobain's lyrics. I need more than that.
Cobain was a great songwriter and had a great vocal style for the type of music being conveyed. I don't care if they were a garage, punk band. Those guitars on - simple as they are - are kick ass and memorable.
Ni, the poll was about one thing. The main riff. All Apologies has a great one. Simple. It's understandable if you like one of the others better or think mine if them have a good riff. You pounding the table about what is or isn't good music or which bands you like is really off topic though.
VH can't be choices 1-5 in every pole.
To simplify my opinion, the riff in All Apologies is so basic that I would never have even thought to call it a riff. I'm not talking about Eddie level solos.
To me, it is jarring to listen to the riffs on this year's list and then compare to stuff from the late-60's / early-70's.
Sad to see how far rock music has fallen.