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Do I really need to donate to softball NIL???



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    DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 60,687
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    Maybe a good balance is to enable them to major in something in case the NFL doesn't come calling. Even if it was to learn some sort of trade. I know a lot of universities would turn their noses up at that idea, but you know…

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    1to392831weretaken1to392831weretaken Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 7,364
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    Because fuck Vanilla, @RaceBannon said:

    Title 9 isn't going anywhere

    It's been good for almost everything but football

    And the political suicide to get rid of it is a price no one will pay

    TITTT, but I think by now we've all learned that there is no such thing as political suicide. A former president once said he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose voters. Dialed in. Loss of Title IX wouldn't swing party lines by a percentage point. Americans vote their party/source-of-news, not their party's actions.

    @WoolleyDoog said:

    Another simple solution - ditch the farce of the academis - you're there studying football or whatever your sport is. Just like almost any job, you're honing your craft and the nice thing here is you're doing it for free. Maybe throw in some of the education being how to become a coach or sports management type classes since the vast majority won't be going pro in sports. How much more limited or ridiculous is it to get a degree in football over say almost anything in the arts or a lot of these degrees where the only job you can get is teaching it?

    My initial reaction to this is that it makes the college affiliations pointless and kills college football by turning it into poverty minor league. The more I think about it, though, you're spot on. There are super competitive academic programs like graphics design and—at the other end of the spectrum—math and physics. Not every kid that enters these programs makes "the pros." It would be no different with a Football major or a Basketball major or a Track and Field major or whatever. This leaves the question of why people (and therefore broadcasters) would pay huge money to watch/broadcast if the student athletes are only "fake" students. I guess the answer to that would be that most of them already are fake students to the extent that any football player participating in an actual rigorous academic program gets raved about by the commentary team during games. And I assume school pride would extend to school associated strictly-athletic programs in the same way that it would apply to, say, the Formula SAE team.

    Great take.

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    WoolleyDoogWoolleyDoog Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 2,835
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    I hadn't thought about the football or basketball major type thing but it makes sense to me and it would allow it to stay connected to schools even if still farcical. How much different is getting a degree in football than getting a degree in music or acting or something? Think this is also a good comparison for rationalizing letting someone who isn't a great standard student into a school. If there is say a musical or writing or acting prodigy who doesn't have great grades/SAT, shouldn't your school still want them?

    Also, nothing preventing the players from exploring other majors and classes if they want.

    Another selling point which could be made for people against college football too is it opens up the players to better socialization and real world scenarios than an alternate true minor league would, which I assume sets them up much better for life than if they were just doing 3-5 years in an insular minor league then spit out into the real world ala baseball or hockey.

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    WoolleyDoogWoolleyDoog Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 2,835
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    It seems like the attention to tearing down football has faded a bit. I will say that the attention to caring about the safety of football was much more about simply wanting to end football than caring about the safety of football players.

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    TheHBTheHB Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 5,432
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    "Honing your craft"

    Euphemism for BRB JO?

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    SwoopTheMoonSwoopTheMoon Member Posts: 31
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    I honestly think at this point move college football to a mega conference and then bring back the pac 12 for remaining sports. This is gonna kill college athletics!

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    1to392831weretaken1to392831weretaken Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 7,364
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    I don't know about this. I think football had a major perception problem, and it was fix the problem or watch football slowly die. That's why all of the "fixes" so far are aimed at eliminating the high profile collisions that look really scary instead of addressing the statistically much more harmful repeated short collisions along the line of scrimmage.

    Football is beloved in this country. USA Today runs a poll every year asking what people's favorite sport is. Football has topped the poll for 30 straight years. Currently, it's football at number one, baseball at about half as many responses, and college football third. It's not just the most popular sport here, it dominates the popularity polls. I suppose there are butthurt people looking to get rid of just about anything because they don't like it, but a mass movement to kill football never happened. I think when an NFL player stabs himself in the heart and leaves a note to please have a look at his pudding brain, things kind of naturally blow up. When the research (that was already being done prior to Seau's suicide) went public, turnout dipped everywhere but in the south. Two different local high schools failed to field teams in recent years, not because of a concerted effort to shut the programs down but due to simple lack of turnout. If you make your money from football, that was a worrying trend. Hence a bunch of rules that everyone whose brains aren't on the line hate.

    The irony is that a lot of would-be young football players have been funneled to soccer instead because it's "safer." I'd like to see the research on that. For the same reason that the line of scrimmage is CTE Row, dozens of headers per game in soccer are a lot more harmful (particularly to younger players) than is being let on. Soccer has a reckoning coming, and it'll be a much bigger problem than with football, as heading the ball is so fundamental to the game. They're already not letting kids younger than 11 do it, but that's comically pointless.

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    PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,370
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    Until NIL is partnered with OnlyFans, softball will get nothing.

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    CFetters_Nacho_LoverCFetters_Nacho_Lover Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 29,276
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    My second concussion came from playing soccer. Went up for a header and collided head to head with an opposing player. Next thing I knew, I saw 4-5 people standing over me. Coach AKA old man Nacho kept me in the game and I didn’t come out until I hit the ball with my head successfully and thought, wow that one hurts.

    My grand father was in the hospital at the time so we stopped to visit him after the game. Old man Nacho sees a doc and asks him to take a quick look at me, explaining that I fell off a ladder 3 months prior for my first concussion. The doc said, yup he has another concussion, take an Advil if he has a headache.

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    SwoopTheMoonSwoopTheMoon Member Posts: 31
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    Montlake futures just emailed me asking for more funds!!! No!!!!

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    Fire_Marshall_BillFire_Marshall_Bill Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 23,006
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    I had my hopes Trump would kill it, but he wouldn't touch it.

    We can all pretend watching the softball team committing 13 errors a game is entertaining.

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