This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever read. Good Lord in the late 60 ' s and 70 ' s the butt hole was a fancy feast. Who is anybody to think butt fucking is on the upswing. Every couple, except More_cock and his wife, have made woopie in the butt Bob. People are people.
Cavemen and the bitches they drug into the caves were pioneering the buttsex and liking it. The ring sting is nothing new. Why does this new generation think they are new to everything. Get in the back of the fucking line with the bleeding rectum bitch. It's all been done before. Sheesh me and my buddies all put the poundin to the roundin back in the day. Some clean, some poopy, some bloody. But unlike the porns chick's don't choke on the red/brown cocksicle after the act. It's right to the sink for a wet rag and some soap and water.
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let’s roll!
Thinking of Pup
I like to think of it as pup getting his wings.
I'm sure you do
This is the first thread where I noticed that Chincredibles have finally evolved to FANCY FEAST
Quite apropos
I will now rescind my personal bannation of clicking Amazing or Amazeballs and now dole out FANCY FEAST where deserved
That's weird, because I just noticed it's reverted back to AMAZEBALLS.
Vanilla is beyond dicked up. DJ fixes one thing (like the badges) & something else falls apart.
Like the dutch boy with his finger in the dyke
Fucking Dutch right @GrundleStiltzkin?
Chincredibles > Fancy Feast > Awesome > Amazeballs IMO
I'm so sorry. Would you like a fucking refund?
Message received, I'll keep my mouth shut, thanks for all you do Derek.
Chins are dead, pal. @Fire_Marshall_Bill won that battle. We put a brushin' on and came up with the next best option.
fancy feast sounds delicious to me.
This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever read. Good Lord in the late 60 ' s and 70 ' s the butt hole was a fancy feast. Who is anybody to think butt fucking is on the upswing. Every couple, except More_cock and his wife, have made woopie in the butt Bob. People are people.
Cavemen and the bitches they drug into the caves were pioneering the buttsex and liking it. The ring sting is nothing new. Why does this new generation think they are new to everything. Get in the back of the fucking line with the bleeding rectum bitch. It's all been done before. Sheesh me and my buddies all put the poundin to the roundin back in the day. Some clean, some poopy, some bloody. But unlike the porns chick's don't choke on the red/brown cocksicle after the act. It's right to the sink for a wet rag and some soap and water.
AMAZEBALLS on mobile site and FANCY FEAST on desktop.
Vanilla needs to get their shit together or put Sven in charge.
I eas just thinking Stalin should replace the "Fuck off" tag with "Holy Fuckall"
Sounds like the bidding starts at $300