Maybe someone can explain why chincredible is so funny. It sounds like something nerds in seventh grade playing D and D all night might say after a lot of Cheetos and Dr. Pepper.
Maybe if this had been done out in the open as an auction I'd be more inclined. I've donated plenty of money as well as time and effort to help raise funds. This just feels like hostage taking (figure of speech Stalin please don't actually take hostages to the gulag). Idk, at this point it seems like Stalin is messing with us over AMAZEBALLS! For the lulz. I'm just here to watch the train wreck at this point.
Have a vote, but with money. Most money wins. "Fancy Feast" on brand.
Chincredible > Amazeballs
I can't see "Incredible" or "Interesting" without smiling and wanting to Chin it.
Only Fancy Feast can save us from our national nightmere.
I'm also for the fancy feast.
I offer .81 to make this happen. It's that important to me.
I vote for fancy feast as well. Amazeballs is middle school girl shit from 10 years ago.
I want my stats to show that I've had 86,000 "Fancy Feasts"
I would have chinned this but refuse to Amaze Ball anything.
That's a lot of brushin's.
Same. Plain old upvotes around
Maybe someone can explain why chincredible is so funny. It sounds like something nerds in seventh grade playing D and D all night might say after a lot of Cheetos and Dr. Pepper.
If we? Are bashing playing D&D in our Dads basement with a cold Dr. Pepper, I am warning, just f'ing gone
...and fuck you Bill for taking our Chin away. G'damn Nazi
I drink the finest of bourbon and scotch and listen to OG Van Halen records on very nice made in the UK hi fi. And I think Chincredibles were funny.
some truth here. But AMAZEBALLS fits your definition far more. Do you not see that? How fucktarded is AMAZEBALLS? How would you describe that?
Maybe if this had been done out in the open as an auction I'd be more inclined. I've donated plenty of money as well as time and effort to help raise funds. This just feels like hostage taking (figure of speech Stalin please don't actually take hostages to the gulag). Idk, at this point it seems like Stalin is messing with us over AMAZEBALLS! For the lulz. I'm just here to watch the train wreck at this point.
Have a vote, but with money. Most money wins. "Fancy Feast" on brand.
This is like asking someone to explain the appeal of Mozart to you
We actually could have a new
why doesn’t Stalin put it up to a vote? Start a poll.