Yeah, but the honeymoon will be over soon enough. Their media won't keep polishing seven's knob like the LPT once 'ole Stevie starts blowing some games.
Ironically we turned on the tv earlier and Pardon the Interruption was showing Sark and that stupid tiger that prepared the team for a plungering at LSU.
"And you could see the bond when Sarkisian and quarterback Cody Kessler performed a leaping chest bump after a third-quarter touchdown strike on Saturday, then joked about it after the game ."
I don't see how Cody didn't have a ragin' hard-on after bumping up against such ample chesticles.
What a special moment brah!
BTW, I thought "leaping" chest bumps usually had both people in the air...
"And you could see the bond when Sarkisian and quarterback Cody Kessler performed a leaping chest bump after a third-quarter touchdown strike on Saturday, then joked about it after the game ."
I don't see how Cody didn't have a ragin' hard-on after bumping up against such ample chesticles.
What a special moment brah!
BTW, I thought "leaping" chest bumps usually had both people in the air...
I knew we were fucked in the ass against USC that first year when Sark was jumping like an idiot with the players. That's when I knew. Or maybe before that. But solidified then. Or something.
"And you could see the bond when Sarkisian and quarterback Cody Kessler performed a leaping chest bump after a third-quarter touchdown strike on Saturday, then joked about it after the game ."
I don't see how Cody didn't have a ragin' hard-on after bumping up against such ample chesticles.
What a special moment brah!
BTW, I thought "leaping" chest bumps usually had both people in the air...
"And you could see the bond when Sarkisian and quarterback Cody Kessler performed a leaping chest bump after a third-quarter touchdown strike on Saturday, then joked about it after the game ."
I don't see how Cody didn't have a ragin' hard-on after bumping up against such ample chesticles.
What a special moment brah!
BTW, I thought "leaping" chest bumps usually had both people in the air...
Photoshop opportunity here. Race - DO YOUR JOB!
Somebody should prepare a plunger with a Duck logo coming out of Seven's DH.... for a gameday sign of course.
Won't be long before we see fun stuff like the lawnmower and animals at practice.
I can only hope assigns someone to tail sark and catches him drunk at the viper room taking Molly with a whore.
"And you could see the bond when Sarkisian and quarterback Cody Kessler performed a leaping chest bump after a third-quarter touchdown strike on Saturday, then joked about it after the game ."
I don't see how Cody didn't have a ragin' hard-on after bumping up against such ample chesticles.
What a special moment brah!
BTW, I thought "leaping" chest bumps usually had both people in the air...
Like an In-and-Out Truck.