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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

Sa'Vell Smalls, 6* 2020 BUCK, Seattle (Kennedy), WA (SIGNED)



  • dhdawgdhdawg Member Posts: 13,326
    edited May 2019
    Now that we're out Oregon is going to get fucking steamrolled when all the sec coaches point out that Oregon's staff does nothing well except lie. Savell is no Kayvon.

    Another big time west coast player gone
  • FremontTrollFremontTroll Member Posts: 4,744
    dhdawg said:

    Now that we're out Oregon is going to get fucking steamrolled when all the sec coaches point out that Oregon's staff does nothing well except lie. Savell is no Kayvon.

    Another big time west coast player gone

    The most doogish spin I could put on this news is that its better for UW that Oregon is his leader right now as compared to Florida or FSU.

    We could make it into a UW vs UO battle and come back and win. Whereas if he committed to Florida or FSU he'd be mentally gone and never coming back.

    Just my opinion.
  • CallMeBigErnCallMeBigErn Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 6,121 Swaye's Wigwam
    edited May 2019

    The word from Sonics1993 on Dawgman is that Oregon is calling the OKG system elitist and racist, and they're in Savell's head. Sonics1993 says it's working. Sonics1993 would be very surprised if Savell signs with UW.

    The word from Sonics1993 on Dawgman is that Oregon is calling the OKG system elitist and racist, and they're in Savell's head. Sonics1993 says it's working. Sonics1993 would be very surprised if Savell signs with UW.

    “Yup, coaches had stats and chart about the lack of African-American players on the roster and there coaching staff had KT and Delgado in his ear the whole trip about this. The whole “wanting to leave home for college” is a made up excuse as far as why he is eliminating Washington. Real reason is he views the “OKG” elitist and doesn’t believe he fits it.”

    Sonics1993 today
    This is insane. Oregon's total roster is 48% black (50/104) and UW's is 39% black (40/103). Yeah they have a few more, but nothing significant. UW has a few more Polys, but nothing significant.

    I'm about ready to turn Eugene back into Skinner's Mudhole.
    I literally told you that this was what is happening and that it is totally logical.

    And now that it is confirmed that Oregon was using the difference in roster composition against us instead of questioning your prior assumptions like a logical person would do...

    you double down on being right and decide that the world is just insane.

    Good luck with that.

    Well it is. A fucking flea could see that there is hardly a difference in roster composition. Charts and stats? Get the fuck outta here. I just busted through the rosters in 5 minutes. If Smalls is swayed by this, that is absolutely insane. It also should be an easy hose off if that truly is the reason he's eliminating us.
    You included walk-ons.

    Now look the 2018 and 2019 kids that will be Savell's teammates for the three years he is in school.

    14/43 black kids signed by UW.
    32/50 Oregon

    And oh by the way UW has been eliminated by most of the top black West Coast recruits in 2020 already.
    Are walk-ons not real people?
    From the perspective of a 5* recruit? No, not really.

    Do you have any factual response to my numbers or are you turning to "humor" because the argument is over?
    Oregon has walk-ons too. Black and white ones, even. Crazy, I know.

    Your numbers are correct. Oregon had more black recruits the last 2 classes. Now carry on.
    Do ya think if my numbers are correct (64% black fresh/soph for UO, 33% for UW) that that might be something Oregon could use against UW on black recruits? Just maybe?
    You seem to crave my seal of approval. Sure.
  • CallMeBigErnCallMeBigErn Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 6,121 Swaye's Wigwam

    Dad won’t fly. Just w

    Roof posted something in her message boards on it.

    Essentially said last time she talked with Sav'ell his whole tone changed. Sounded almost "angry" about the idea of OKG. Also said "Washington's more about guys who are "preppy" and high brow, rich kids who don't know what it's like to be from the inner city."

    Fuck him them. Douche. Hope he gets shot in a drive by.


  • MikeDamoneMikeDamone Member Posts: 37,781
    edited May 2019

    Dad won’t fly. Just w

    Roof posted something in her message boards on it.

    Essentially said last time she talked with Sav'ell his whole tone changed. Sounded almost "angry" about the idea of OKG. Also said "Washington's more about guys who are "preppy" and high brow, rich kids who don't know what it's like to be from the inner city."

    Fuck him them. Douche. Hope he gets shot in a drive by.


    It was a joke!!

    I think roof is full of shit and can’t imagine this supposed OKG shit is real.
  • dhdawgdhdawg Member Posts: 13,326

    dhdawg said:

    Now that we're out Oregon is going to get fucking steamrolled when all the sec coaches point out that Oregon's staff does nothing well except lie. Savell is no Kayvon.

    Another big time west coast player gone

    The most doogish spin I could put on this news is that its better for UW that Oregon is his leader right now as compared to Florida or FSU.

    We could make it into a UW vs UO battle and come back and win. Whereas if he committed to Florida or FSU he'd be mentally gone and never coming back.

    Just my opinion.
    Where are you reading that Oregon is leading?
  • FremontTrollFremontTroll Member Posts: 4,744
    dhdawg said:

    dhdawg said:

    Now that we're out Oregon is going to get fucking steamrolled when all the sec coaches point out that Oregon's staff does nothing well except lie. Savell is no Kayvon.

    Another big time west coast player gone

    The most doogish spin I could put on this news is that its better for UW that Oregon is his leader right now as compared to Florida or FSU.

    We could make it into a UW vs UO battle and come back and win. Whereas if he committed to Florida or FSU he'd be mentally gone and never coming back.

    Just my opinion.
    Where are you reading that Oregon is leading?
    Inference based on fact that he was just at Oregon this weekend and is now coming out with top 5 (6?) without UW.
  • FremontTrollFremontTroll Member Posts: 4,744

    This is fucking unbelievable and an embarrassment to the program. Oregon coaches, players, and fans are fucking laughing at us. How the fuck could something as innocent and corny as "OKG" be blown up into something negative. Like, our team is not even a bunch of boy scouts. The black kids on our team are not a bunch of Carlton's. Culturally, there are kids on this roster just like Smalls. He hasn't even been around the players on the team enough to get a feel for them to see what it's really like. This reminds me of McGary almost going to Nebraska because he was afraid of being a white sheep here among a shit load of black and poly players. He got here, and realized how stupid he was for thinking that. The thing about recruiting a bunch of good dudes is that no matter what culture or background you come from, everybody gets along, there are no cliques, and it becomes a real brotherhood. Everybody and anybody can feel comfortable as a member of this team. It's the most diverse roster in the country.

    This off season has been an absolute dumpster fire. Neither Haener or Eason lit it up this Spring. Haener threw a million picks and yet still got first team reps. He could do no wrong. We have no Spring game. The Spring preview is an embarrassment compared to our rivals Spring game and the Spring games of high profile schools across the nation. Two out of our top three most physically talented QB's enter the transfer portal. And now this? It's fucking May, UW hasn't even gotten their recruiting efforts really going yet and the biggest recruit in the state of Washington, who's from Seattle, has already eliminated them from consideration because of some venom and lies whispered into his ears on a visit to Oregon.

    And is is just Small's that this venom from Oregon has affected? Why do we have zero black commits right now? Why did Kelee Ringo, who's also from Washington, seemingly already eliminate UW as well when he was all over us early in the process. What the fuck is going on? Are these recruits actually dumb enough to think Chris Petersen is racist or elitist? He's been a head coach for 12 years and has coached countless black and poly players. There has never been a single player who that he's coached who has had a bad word to say about him. Elitist? When he was at little podunk Boise State he was selling the same OKG shit while turning down big job offer after big job offer. Does that sound like a guy who's not down to earth? Sure, now that he's at UW he's selling better academics but since when are good academics "elitist" and a bad thing. Smalls has like a 3.7 GPA or something like that. Why would he waste that intelligence at an SEC school? I thought he cared about going to a good Business school? Instead of being exceptional he all of a sudden just wants to be one of the guys at a mediocre academic school? Makes no sense.

    This shit is so retarded. I think Jimmy Lake will be our head coach sooner than we think. I don't see Petersen putting up with this kind of bullshit for much longer. These fucking teenagers are so immature and stupid these days it's unbelievable and I just don't see him wanting to play these types of bullshit recruiting games much longer. Maybe I'm wrong and he just doesn't give a fuck because he believes so much in what he's doing that he's fine with Smalls going elsewhere because he thinks he can find some Joe Tryon 3-star kid elsewhere. But that's not gonna fucking happen. This is a colossal fail. Total dumpster fire right now. I'm not saying I want Petersen fired but if he decided to retire because he doesn't want to put up with shit like this and doesn't want to change his recruiting strategy, then Jimmy Lake as the head coach while retaining most if not all of the staff sounds pretty good right now. We need to combine the Built For Life shit with some JUICE and SWAG and EXCITEMENT! Otherwise we look like a fucking boring, limp dick program. I know that isn't the case behind the scenes. The players seem to really enjoy their time here and are really sad to leave when their time is up. But that's the perception on the outside because we don't have any weekly vlogs to show recruits the culture and the fun the players have inside the program. So they don't know. We have zero transparency and zero substantial media for the fans and recruits to get an inside look at the program like every other major program in the country does. It's so annoying.

    Jen Cohen needs to step the fuck up and force some changes. Petersen having complete control over the football program is not going to work long term. She needs to force him to do shit he doesn't want to do like a Spring game and more access to his program. It would be so fucking easy for UW to destroy in recruiting if we just got with the FUCKING TIMES! Who the fuck wants to go to Oregon's big recruiting weekend in shitty ass Eugene when they can go to UW's big recruiting weekend on Montlake in sunny Seattle in the Spring or Summer? Build that excitement. Create that sense of urgency and competition for recruits to lock up their spot. Jesus, it's not that fucking hard. Just let the kids be kids and get them excited about being WASHINGTON HUSKIES! The program and the winning and the draft picks will do the rest. MAKE WASHINGTON FOOTBALL FUN AGAIN!

    I like to blame the recruits for being stupid when my team's coaches get outmaneuvered and outrecruited for nearly every elite recruit they were pursuing in a single class in the span of a few months.

    Thats what I like to do.
    The recruits are incredibly stupid AND UW is currently getting out-recruited. Both are true at the same time. Did you miss the entire fucking part where I criticized Chris Petersen you fucking moron? I said changes need to be made and they absolutely do, but at the same time, they have no control over how stupid some of these recruits are. They could do everything perfectly with a kid's recruitment and still lose because some kids just don't give a fuck about the shit that's important to their lives long term. They just want to wear the uniform of a big national brand school, be worshiped in a region of the country where football is a religion, fuck countless hoes, and get paid while in college. Our coaches have no control over that so sometimes you just have to accept that and move on.

    In the grand scheme of things, one recruit doesn't make that much of a difference unless he's an elite, future NFL QB. We freaked the fuck out about losing Fozzy as well and yet Jaxson Kirkland turned out to be better than him. We have Tryon and Ngata and Latu and ZTP and Trice. OLB recruiting is good enough to win a national championship if those guys reach their full potential. Give me a team of OKGs of all races and an elite QB and that's good enough to take this program to the next level. Most of these kids that are enamored with other schools right now, will be begging UW to take them later in the process. One recruit won't make or break this program or this class. The foundation that's been laid at UW is too strong, especially on the defensive side of the ball. This defense is going to be ELITE this season. They are going to get way more sacks and pressure and interceptions and it's going to be fun to watch. Smalls can say whatever he wants right now. But he'll be watching UW this season just like all of us and he could easily change his mind down the road.

    So yes, real changes need to be made by Petersen and the coaches. I already detailed all of that. But one recruit has never and will never stop the ascent of this program.
    You always say the kids are stupid when they don't choose UW.

    Kids are kids. They are easily influenced and sold.

    Lets fucking sell them not whine about other programs outselling us!

    What I was getting at is that if he decided he needs to leave the region- we are fucked.

    But that idea of leaving Seattle was planted by Oregon not FSU so possible we can push back on it if he is still planning to stay in region.
  • CallMeBigErnCallMeBigErn Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 6,121 Swaye's Wigwam
    Yeah, Savell, go waste your talent at FSU with Taggart. That's super wise. It sounds like Savell just wants to have fun. I thought he was a serious student with business school aspirations, a desire to get developed, etc. Sounds like that was all a crock of shit.
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