Conspiracy theory: Dickus is Eklund. Their sons had the crud at the same time. Eklund went undercover as Dickus to try and get this site shut down for copyright stuff. He really took the job seriously, as evident by the classic lemon drop to JohnB.
Conspiracy theory: Dickus is Eklund. Their sons had the crud at the same time. Eklund went undercover as Dickus to try and get this site shut down for copyright stuff. He really took the job seriously, as evident by the classic lemon drop to JohnB.
Conspiracy theory: Dickus is Eklund. Their sons had the crud at the same time. Eklund went undercover as Dickus to try and get this site shut down for copyright stuff. He really took the job seriously, as evident by the classic lemon drop to JohnB.
Conspiracy theory: Dickus is Eklund. Their sons had the crud at the same time. Eklund went undercover as Dickus to try and get this site shut down for copyright stuff. He really took the job seriously, as evident by the classic lemon drop to JohnB.
This board really needs him and Race back. Just hasn't been the same especially with Kim being a fucktard like usual.
Who ever wrote that needs to go back to school
Jesus fuck what a mess