The point is not to brag about superior academics at the UW if you were a majoring in drama, music, sociology, ethnic studies... brag all you want about football (within reason). There is a snooty music major I know that reminds people that some schools just don't have an equal standing with the UW academically. A music major. At least make it accounting or economics.
I mean, they don't.
And maybe your friend is an asshole but he/she doesn't speak for a 50k campus and how 95% of them don't give a fuck and just want to be going to a rad school in Seattle.
Did you go to UW - Tukwila? That's my recollection
No I graduated from the Seattle campus 12 years ago.
The point is not to brag about superior academics at the UW if you were a majoring in drama, music, sociology, ethnic studies... brag all you want about football (within reason). There is a snooty music major I know that reminds people that some schools just don't have an equal standing with the UW academically. A music major. At least make it accounting or economics.
I mean, they don't.
And maybe your friend is an asshole but he/she doesn't speak for a 50k campus and how 95% of them don't give a fuck and just want to be going to a rad school in Seattle.
Did you go to UW - Tukwila? That's my recollection
No I graduated from the Seattle campus 12 years ago.
The point is not to brag about superior academics at the UW if you were a majoring in drama, music, sociology, ethnic studies... brag all you want about football (within reason). There is a snooty music major I know that reminds people that some schools just don't have an equal standing with the UW academically. A music major. At least make it accounting or economics.
I mean, they don't.
And maybe your friend is an asshole but he/she doesn't speak for a 50k campus and how 95% of them don't give a fuck and just want to be going to a rad school in Seattle.
Did you go to UW - Tukwila? That's my recollection
No I graduated from the Seattle campus 12 years ago.
You old fuck.
I feel old. And bitter. Probably why I'm here.
Only thing worse than a millennial
Is a genxer
I am a millennial. But I don't get along with them and never have.
The point is not to brag about superior academics at the UW if you were a majoring in drama, music, sociology, ethnic studies... brag all you want about football (within reason). There is a snooty music major I know that reminds people that some schools just don't have an equal standing with the UW academically. A music major. At least make it accounting or economics.
I mean, they don't.
And maybe your friend is an asshole but he/she doesn't speak for a 50k campus and how 95% of them don't give a fuck and just want to be going to a rad school in Seattle.
Did you go to UW - Tukwila? That's my recollection
No I graduated from the Seattle campus 12 years ago.
You old fuck.
I feel old. And bitter. Probably why I'm here.
Only thing worse than a millennial
Is a genxer
I am a millennial.
I know. You're second worst
Im 33 lol
And yet the bitch ass teenagers are now bitch ass 23 year olds and they suck so much they aren't even worthy of a mention.
Imagine being in your early 20s and complaining about the economy to people our age. Like fuck you lol
I can’t wait to be conference members by force with Central and Eastern Washington. Brilliant legislation and worthwhile too.
Sometimes I hear arrogance from UW grads about school academic standards and football. Usually it's smug comments about inferior academics. However, these graduates were usually music majors or psych majors. Brag all you want about football, but at least make sure you took calculus before you brag about superior academics (I did by the way).
Is a genxer
Im 33 lol
And yet the bitch ass teenagers are now bitch ass 23 year olds and they suck so much they aren't even worthy of a mention.
Imagine being in your early 20s and complaining about the economy to people our age. Like fuck you lol