She obviously testified to some hearsay. This isn't a trial.
That said, she had firsthand knowledge:
1. that Daddy knew there were guns and other weapons in the crowd; 2. that Daddy knew these were his people, not Antifa, BLM, et al.; 3. that the violence was expected and desired by Daddy and his circle, days in advance of Jan. 6; 4. that Daddy did want to go to the Capitol to oversee his coup and intended to; and 5. that Daddy did not want the violence stopped (and hoped Pence might be found by the mob?).
Tell us how she "knew" that Trump knew there were guns in the crowd Dazzler?
She was backstage at the rally.
So was the janitor. Maybe he/she will be the next “surprise” witness.
HUDS. you’ve proven throughout the years what a gullible dipshit you are. I told you PP would one day drop Margaret and you lost it defending her.
Surely there must be Secret Service testimony corroborating her accusations right Dazzler?
What excuse will you use then?
So there is no Secret Service testimony corroborating her testimony. You love swallowing like a bitch don't you Dazzler.
We don't have all the testimony, madam. You're betting the ranch on Daddy's version of events?
When do they present the evidence that Officer Sicknick was murdered by having his brains bashed in with a fire extinguisher? As I recall that was another "fact" you just knew was true.
Your "recollections" are legendary, of course.
You defended this coup.
I will be able to recall that for awhile.
Are you denying that you swallowed like a bitch the story about Sicknick having his head bashed in with a fire extinguisher you lying piece of shit?
I don't remember. But you lie about so many things I've supposedly said, that I'll await your proof.
In any event, about that attempted coup . . .
I'm all for prosecuting someone that attempted one. Hopefully the good stuff is coming to save our democracy. You usually lead with that though. Throwing lunches, going for esoteric legal angles and trying to steer the car isn't really much of a coup. If that's Trump definition of a coup, then bring on Ron. I want Dave Smith anyways.
Guess that's why I led with Daddy knowing days in advance that his mob was going to cause trouble. However, it's highly relevant that he wanted to join them. Coup leaders really do have to attend their coups.
LMFAO. Did you read this Dazzler's legal opinion and just get overwhelmed with understanding of how solid his case is? I mean his lead was fucking HIGHLY RELEVANT. This was truly a Hands up don't shoot moment. But he doesn't belong to a cult and his TDS isn't a religion. Unfuckingbelievable.
She obviously testified to some hearsay. This isn't a trial.
That said, she had firsthand knowledge:
1. that Daddy knew there were guns and other weapons in the crowd; 2. that Daddy knew these were his people, not Antifa, BLM, et al.; 3. that the violence was expected and desired by Daddy and his circle, days in advance of Jan. 6; 4. that Daddy did want to go to the Capitol to oversee his coup and intended to; and 5. that Daddy did not want the violence stopped (and hoped Pence might be found by the mob?).
Isn't it interesting that the 5 things this Scammittee has been trying to drive home since day one, were all testified to by their "surprise" witness, backstage Hearsay Girl?
The things gullible TDS dipshits will allow themselves to believe. Seek professional help, now.
The things gullible TDS dipshits will allow themselves to believe. Seek professional help, now.