We lost our democracy today when an unelected court suggested they don’t have the power to legislate and that elected officials should determine the law. Sad day really.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
I still cannot understand how people applaud handing this over to the states, which will leave us? with a patch-work of laws that will run the spectrum. [So?]
There's a reason that no state, not even Mississippi, can legalize slavery. [Constitutional amendment #13 bars slavery in the US]. Same applies here. [It doesn't]
We lost our democracy today when an unelected court suggested they don’t have the power to legislate and that elected officials should determine the law. Sad day really.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
I still cannot understand how people applaud handing this over to the states, which will leave us? with a patch-work of laws that will run the spectrum.
There's a reason that no state, not even Mississippi, can legalize slavery. Same applies here.
But, but, but social strife is irrelevant.
Slavery was abolished by properly legislative action via the Constitution.
We lost our democracy today when an unelected court suggested they don’t have the power to legislate and that elected officials should determine the law. Sad day really.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
I still cannot understand how people applaud handing this over to the states, which will leave us? with a patch-work of laws that will run the spectrum.
There's a reason that no state, not even Mississippi, can legalize slavery. Same applies here.
But, but, but social strife is irrelevant.
Sounds like you'd be in favor of a legislative federal ban on abortion. Get rid of the filibuster, flip congress red and it can happen.
Lots of hot Twitter fascist talk out there. Apparently it’s now fascist to be in favor decentralization of power and decision making. Will need to see how that fits in with the Wikipedia definition of fascism that @kobestopper posted daily.
Not sure why women so ugly they can't get laid are so concerned.
The decision isn’t a win for killing/not killing babies
The victory is the validation of state laws as the arbiter in matters not specifically specified in the Constitution, as defined properly by the Supreme Court or enacted by legislative act.
Leftists take heed. Governance by bureaucracy and executive order is next.
The *real* populists are coming. Fuck the downvoting little faggots.
True but one can choose to live in an actual American state.
The same folks who tell you that Shall Not Be Infringed means go ahead and infringe think there is language in the constitution that protects abortion
There isn't. Nothing to stop it either
If we had a right to privacy 81% of police work would be illegal and 100% of internet companies would be as well
I'm not even a pretend lawyer like creep or a shitty lawyer like H but I think that things that are not covered specifically as a federal law revert to the states
Former President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court's Friday ruling overturning Roe v. Wade as "the biggest win for life in a generation," noting that it was "only made possible" by his actions as president.
The court overturned the 1973 landmark decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The decision sends the issue back to the states to regulate.
In a statement issued by his Save America PAC, Trump said:
Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation, along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including
nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. It was my great honor to do so! I did not cave to the Radical Left Democrats, their partners in the Fake News Media, or the RINOs who are likewise the true, but silent, enemy of the people. These major Victories prove that even though the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to destroy our
Country, your Rights are being protected, the Country is being defended, and there is still hope and time to Save America! I will never stop fighting for the Great People of our Nation!
The same folks who tell you that Shall Not Be Infringed means go ahead and infringe think there is language in the constitution that protects abortion
There isn't. Nothing to stop it either
If we had a right to privacy 81% of police work would be illegal and 100% of internet companies would be as well
I'm not even a pretend lawyer like creep or a shitty lawyer like H but I think that things that are not covered specifically as a federal law revert to the states
NeverTrumpers celebrate overturning of Roe v. Wade that they did nothing to accomplish and if they had been successful it would never have happened along with the 2A going down the sh*tter. Like leftards, NeverTrumpers will never have an honest discussion or ever admit they are wrong.
Say what you want, but abortion has been effective at reducing the population of undesirables.
Middle class and upper middle class married women rarely get abortions.
Me: Hey, boss, I'm pregnant and I need an airplane ticket to
DisneylandAnaheim, CA for an abortion.Boss: But you are man.
Me: You want me to go to HR with a complaint?
Corps venturing into social engineering =/= good business decisions.
The left now loves J Pierpont Morgan
There isn't. Nothing to stop it either
If we had a right to privacy 81% of police work would be illegal and 100% of internet companies would be as well
I'm not even a pretend lawyer like creep or a shitty lawyer like H but I think that things that are not covered specifically as a federal law revert to the states
Former President Donald Trump praised the Supreme Court's Friday ruling overturning Roe v. Wade as "the biggest win for life in a generation," noting that it was "only made possible" by his actions as president.
The court overturned the 1973 landmark decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The decision sends the issue back to the states to regulate.
In a statement issued by his Save America PAC, Trump said:
Today’s decision, which is the biggest WIN for LIFE in a generation, along with other decisions that have been announced recently, were only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including
nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. It was my great honor to do so! I did not cave to the Radical Left Democrats, their partners in the Fake News Media, or the RINOs who are likewise the true, but silent, enemy of the people. These major Victories prove that even though the Radical Left is doing everything in their power to destroy our
Country, your Rights are being protected, the Country is being defended, and there is still hope and time to Save America! I will never stop fighting for the Great People of our Nation!
Mr Conservative