Allowing criminals to run rampant is a good way to begin curing the law abiding populace of progtardism. I am a little surprised that there are enough relatively normal people still living in that shit hole to swing a vote in this direction. The proof in the pudding as they say will come when a vote is cast to replace this dumbass. Something tells me they will simply reinstate this asshat or replace him with another left wing loon.
Newsome is expected to win re-election quite easily, in the face of California losing an elector due to shrinking population under his “watch”. That tells you all you need to know about that state. It’s perma-fucked.
Allowing criminals to run rampant is a good way to begin curing the law abiding populace of progtardism. I am a little surprised that there are enough relatively normal people still living in that shit hole to swing a vote in this direction. The proof in the pudding as they say will come when a vote is cast to replace this dumbass. Something tells me they will simply reinstate this asshat or replace him with another left wing loon.
Newsome is expected to win re-election quite easily, in the face of California losing an elector due to shrinking population under his “watch”. That tells you all you need to know about that state. It’s perma-fucked.
Unfortunately, Michael Schellenberger got lost in the shuffle of 25 candidates. Really liked some of that dude's ideas.
Got to love how the leftist shit bags here in SF are trying to blame Chesa's loss on "Big money" right-wing Republicans. Shocker, even liberals don't like being robbed. GOP needs to hammer the crime issue, it's a winner.
Only actual support came from Hayes, Haight, and Mission. Better to have fentanyl than clean streets I guess
Curtis Bradford, co-chair of the Tenderloin People’s Congress, opposed the recall and considers it “a political hatchet job” on one person who can’t be blamed for all the city’s crises, which include homelessness, stark income inequality and untreated mental illness. He said the pandemic induced fear and chaos and shined a bright light on where government isn’t working, prompting people to be understandably upset.
“Generally, we all want the same things — clean, safe neighborhoods, access to food and health care and housing. We want people to be taken care of and crime to be low and our children to be safe,” Bradford said. “There’s a sense that our needs aren’t being met whether you’re living in the Tenderloin or you’re living in Pacific Heights.”
First , why the fuck does the Tenderloin have a "Congress"
Second, notice how the things people supposedly want don't include any accountability? Handouts, handouts, handouts.
Hayes and Mission are no more "gay" then most ofther parts of the city. Chinatown, the Marina the Avenues and the parts of the city where people own homes and live are where the votes came from. They're still mostly leftists idiots but drew a line when it came happily being crime victims in order to promote racial equity.
Only actual support came from Hayes, Haight, and Mission. Better to have fentanyl than clean streets I guess
Curtis Bradford, co-chair of the Tenderloin People’s Congress, opposed the recall and considers it “a political hatchet job” on one person who can’t be blamed for all the city’s crises, which include homelessness, stark income inequality and untreated mental illness. He said the pandemic induced fear and chaos and shined a bright light on where government isn’t working, prompting people to be understandably upset.
“Generally, we all want the same things — clean, safe neighborhoods, access to food and health care and housing. We want people to be taken care of and crime to be low and our children to be safe,” Bradford said. “There’s a sense that our needs aren’t being met whether you’re living in the Tenderloin or you’re living in Pacific Heights.”
First , why the fuck does the Tenderloin have a "Congress"
Second, notice how the things people supposedly want don't include any accountability? Handouts, handouts, handouts.
Nice strawman ass fuck. One person wasn't being blamed for all the city's problems. Chesa was being blamed for not doing his job. He was a supposed to be a Prosecutor not a public defender.
All joking aside, I heard a report a couple months ago how Bay Area Chinese and some Japanese and Koreans were getting political and going "MAGA" because they're disgusted by how the state/city are being run. The report focused on the Chinese saying how they usually don't like to get active politically but things have gotten way out of hand.
All joking aside, I heard a report a couple months ago how Bay Area Chinese and some Japanese and Koreans were getting political and going "MAGA" because they're disgusted by how the state/city are being run. The report focused on the Chinese saying how they usually don't like to get active politically but things have gotten way out of hand.
Getting robbed and beaten in the streets only to see the person who did it recieve a slap on the wrist tends to focus the mind.
Got to love how the leftist shit bags here in SF are trying to blame Chesa's loss on "Big money" right-wing Republicans. Shocker, even liberals don't like being robbed. GOP needs to hammer the crime issue, it's a winner.
Apparently, the RINO advisors to the Liz Cheney wannabe, Jaime Herrera Beutler, who is swamping the Portland/Vancouver air ways with her primary ad, the big issue is that Beutler voted along with just about every other member of Congress, to reduce the cost of generic insulin drugs for diabetics. No other issues - just swinging for the fence for the poor diabetic vote. I see Joe Kent a lot on Tucker, but he hasn't been spending TV money in this market.
Only actual support came from Hayes, Haight, and Mission. Better to have fentanyl than clean streets I guess
Curtis Bradford, co-chair of the Tenderloin People’s Congress, opposed the recall and considers it “a political hatchet job” on one person who can’t be blamed for all the city’s crises, which include homelessness, stark income inequality and untreated mental illness. He said the pandemic induced fear and chaos and shined a bright light on where government isn’t working, prompting people to be understandably upset.
“Generally, we all want the same things — clean, safe neighborhoods, access to food and health care and housing. We want people to be taken care of and crime to be low and our children to be safe,” Bradford said. “There’s a sense that our needs aren’t being met whether you’re living in the Tenderloin or you’re living in Pacific Heights.”
First , why the fuck does the Tenderloin have a "Congress"
Second, notice how the things people supposedly want don't include any accountability? Handouts, handouts, handouts.
AZN's look to have voted in favor of recall. Urban housewives not so much.
Only actual support came from Hayes, Haight, and Mission. Better to have fentanyl than clean streets I guess
Curtis Bradford, co-chair of the Tenderloin People’s Congress, opposed the recall and considers it “a political hatchet job” on one person who can’t be blamed for all the city’s crises, which include homelessness, stark income inequality and untreated mental illness. He said the pandemic induced fear and chaos and shined a bright light on where government isn’t working, prompting people to be understandably upset.
“Generally, we all want the same things — clean, safe neighborhoods, access to food and health care and housing. We want people to be taken care of and crime to be low and our children to be safe,” Bradford said. “There’s a sense that our needs aren’t being met whether you’re living in the Tenderloin or you’re living in Pacific Heights.”
First , why the fuck does the Tenderloin have a "Congress"
Second, notice how the things people supposedly want don't include any accountability? Handouts, handouts, handouts.
AZN's look to have voted in favor of recall. Urban housewives not so much.
Only actual support came from Hayes, Haight, and Mission. Better to have fentanyl than clean streets I guess
Curtis Bradford, co-chair of the Tenderloin People’s Congress, opposed the recall and considers it “a political hatchet job” on one person who can’t be blamed for all the city’s crises, which include homelessness, stark income inequality and untreated mental illness. He said the pandemic induced fear and chaos and shined a bright light on where government isn’t working, prompting people to be understandably upset.
“Generally, we all want the same things — clean, safe neighborhoods, access to food and health care and housing. We want people to be taken care of and crime to be low and our children to be safe,” Bradford said. “There’s a sense that our needs aren’t being met whether you’re living in the Tenderloin or you’re living in Pacific Heights.”
First , why the fuck does the Tenderloin have a "Congress"
Second, notice how the things people supposedly want don't include any accountability? Handouts, handouts, handouts.
AZN's look to have voted in favor of recall. Urban housewives not so much.
Newsome is expected to win re-election quite easily, in the face of California losing an elector due to shrinking population under his “watch”. That tells you all you need to know about that state. It’s perma-fucked.
California is fucked.
Caruso did the reverse Trump and became a Democrat. Something is shifting
I don't think it's over for Schnellenberger but it's a tall order
Not a chance in hell Newsom beat that guy 20 to 1.
Problem is, they start to think they are cool. Then everyone needs to smack them back to reality.
Did that hurt your feelers, @MelloDawg? You cheating fuck shill.
Only actual support came from Hayes, Haight, and Mission. Better to have fentanyl than clean streets I guess
Curtis Bradford, co-chair of the Tenderloin People’s Congress, opposed the recall and considers it “a political hatchet job” on one person who can’t be blamed for all the city’s crises, which include homelessness, stark income inequality and untreated mental illness. He said the pandemic induced fear and chaos and shined a bright light on where government isn’t working, prompting people to be understandably upset.
“Generally, we all want the same things — clean, safe neighborhoods, access to food and health care and housing. We want people to be taken care of and crime to be low and our children to be safe,” Bradford said. “There’s a sense that our needs aren’t being met whether you’re living in the Tenderloin or you’re living in Pacific Heights.”
First , why the fuck does the Tenderloin have a "Congress"
Second, notice how the things people supposedly want don't include any accountability? Handouts, handouts, handouts.
California has open primaries(which is terrible).
Hopefully the GOP shows up during the actual election but I have very little faith in this state.
Edit: in some ways it's a win that we have a republican on the ballot. With open primaries it can be two dems...