Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
Federalist 46 makes it absolutely clear you are wrong, as per usual. You should know something before you open your mouth Adolph. Ignorant sluts like you who spew mistruths as facts are why we have so many dumb lemmings in this country who bought the Covid myth.
From Madison, you know, the guy who chiefly wrote the BOR:
Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain, that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it.
You will of course try to make some tortured argument that yes, even though Madison is clearly arguing that a well armed citizenry can form a militia to defend itself against a larger centralized government, it somehow doesn't mean what the words clearly say it means because reasons. Then you will end it with Bertie or Sally or some other rapier wit quip. You are a simpleton.
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." - George Mason
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"To disarm the people...[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them." - George Mason
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." - Richard Henry Lee
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.... The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun." - Patrick Henry
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair." - Alexander Hamilton
Herr Dazzler has set record for own goals in 24 hours.
Now have the dazzler "interpret" the language of the Constitution to provide an absolute right to abortion in the 9th month. The language and the Constitutional background of the 2A (like the 1A) is clear and unambiguous and you don't need to examine entrails, penumbras and emanations to make up a right to an abortion.
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
So another guy who didn’t attend the convention is your authority.
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
So another guy who didn’t attend the convention is your authority.
The left telling us no guns because children. Meanwhile they support the abortion (murder) of 700k children a year in the US alone. Fuck all you lefty commie shits! Because ripping babies limb from limb in womb is compassionate.
The left telling us no guns because children. Meanwhile they support the abortion (murder) of 700k children a year in the US alone. Fuck all you lefty commie shits! Because ripping babies limb from limb in womb is compassionate.
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
So another guy who didn’t attend the convention is your authority.
"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions.” -George Washington
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
So another guy who didn’t attend the convention is your authority.
"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions.” -George Washington
Who’s this Washington guy? Probably not at the convention.
Lets just agree that the founders didn't just return from a deer hunt. They had just liberated a nation from a tyrannical government! They were only able to do so because the populace had arms and militias.
Most people don't know the shot heard around the world was due to an attempt by the Brits to disarm the colonists. They were marching to seize arms and powder stores.
We are free because of armed men who were brave enough to say "Enough" and "Never".
BidenBros say control me more daddy!
Well I did know that, and I've been to the scene.
Scalia treated "well-regulated militia" as having no effect whatsoever.
That's not proper interpretation of any written document.
What dies "well regulated" in the 2A.
Use your own words, Betty
It meant a citizen soldier militia that would avoid any necessity for a standing army. You might well be expected to defend the country; it wasn’t written to allow you to overthrow the government. It wasn’t about an individual right to own guns.
Scalia was a selective “originalist”.
It’s also to defend yourself and your natural rights if/when the government becomes tyrannical. Thomas Jefferson was the original originalist. You know this, you’re just being dishonest. Helen.
TJ is but one of the founders, Beatrice. Definitely not the only one to comment on the right to bear arms.
Pretty sure he is an originalist, Dorothy. More so than people you keep mentioning. So your argument is “other people said thing too”? Deep take, ma’am
Deeper than any take on Jefferson, who wasn’t even at the Constitutional Convention after all.
“A well regulated Militia, composed of gentlemen freeholders, and other freemen, is the natural strength and only stable security of a free Government.” -George Mason (emphasis mine)
"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
So another guy who didn’t attend the convention is your authority.
"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions.” -George Washington
Who’s this Washington guy? Probably not at the convention.
Fuck off Adolph
I'd like to report a murder
- George Mason
- George Mason
- Richard Henry Lee
- Patrick Henry
- Samuel Adams
- Alexander Hamilton
Good for the economy.
-George Washington