I have an even better idea. Fire every Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion drone you've hired in the past 10 years and use the money you paid them for security at the schools. You could also rescind the decision to kick the cops out of the schools that all came down after a career criminal who was high on fentanyl died in police custody.
We have many more school kids dying each year from fentanyl overdoses due to an open border and a catch and release program for fentanyl sales or a don't even catch program. But a hundred thousand dead Americans each year isn't politically useful to open borders hate American leftards.
Let's see. A cross dressing kid who's parents let him drink their booze and post photos of this while doing it. He purchases two weapons at 18 after having spent a number of years posting psycho shit on social media. He plays with the guns at home and is posting photos of them on his social media accounts, pretty big red flag right there. His social media accounts are alarming to some but they never report him or speak to authorities or his parents. If his parents did hear about it they clearly did nothing.
There is one common thread to 90% of these shootings: Lack of parental involvement/supervision. Poor parenting.
We have to hold parents accountable. If you have no idea what your kid is doing, its your ass. There is no other solution that works. You can load up the school with security but we already know that doesn't work. You can take away guns from law abiding citizens but we know that doesn't work either, it just emboldens the bad guys.
We have to get back to a society where there are minimum expectations of everyone regardless of your role or station in life.
We had armed policemen in our urban high schools, which I truly believe gave any potential shooters a reason to pause and think twice before proceeding. Or maybe we were just lucky.
Almost every male teacher I had growing up had served in WW2, Korea, or Vietnam and many possessed more hand-to-hand combat skills than our best wrestlers.
I guess one message I take from these incidents is the need to harden the targets. Fuck the ACLU for fighting against metal detectors, and fuck anyone who says those things "discriminate" against anyone. Except maybe Derek Smalls.
As a parent, I'd feel better knowing there were responsible, trained gun possessors, or at least some vaults on campus that would house guns to resist an active shooter with.
I believe knowing your ass might be the first one shot might slow down and deter a mass shooter like this one.
And I can promise you this: There were several Sandy Hook teachers who wished they had something to defend themselves with, before they were shot to death.
100% guaranteed.
Lots of people hate guns, until they become your last chance for survival. At that point, you'd kill to survive. As would anyone.
I want to hear more about how this freak encountered a school official or something andna gum exchanged ensued but the freak got away and was able to enter the school through a back door. Who was this individual and was he armed? This seems to be one of the critical missed opportunities that isn't getting enough attention. Now we hear the police didn't rush in and sat back? How long did the freak shoot in the classrooms? How long did it take him to kill the 21 or so from the point he escaped the school official?
“That’s a choice that Evergreen is making. And it’s morally not OK.”
Almost every male teacher I had growing up had served in WW2, Korea, or Vietnam and many possessed more hand-to-hand combat skills than our best wrestlers.
I guess one message I take from these incidents is the need to harden the targets. Fuck the ACLU for fighting against metal detectors, and fuck anyone who says those things "discriminate" against anyone. Except maybe Derek Smalls.
As a parent, I'd feel better knowing there were responsible, trained gun possessors, or at least some vaults on campus that would house guns to resist an active shooter with.
I believe knowing your ass might be the first one shot might slow down and deter a mass shooter like this one.
And I can promise you this: There were several Sandy Hook teachers who wished they had something to defend themselves with, before they were shot to death.
100% guaranteed.
Lots of people hate guns, until they become your last chance for survival. At that point, you'd kill to survive. As would anyone.