Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
I have all the screenshots I need.
knock yourself out, Phyllis
So it’s effective as it has been marketed? Better? Worse?
I was promised by you a winter of death for not getting the super immunity.
Whatever marketers and politicians said about it, the scientists agree that it is extraordinarily effective.
2 shots + 2 boosters constitutes a vaccine. How many more?
A vaccine used to be given to prevent the recipient from getting the disease.
Is it true that fully vaxxed people can not only get sick from COVID-19 variants and that they can transmit it?
Yes or No?
The mumps vaxx is one of the most effective vaccines ever. Same with the chicken pox and polio vaxxes. The flu virus is not one of the most effective viruses ever. Neither are the chicom crud vaccines. No one had to lie about how the mumps, chicken pox and polio vaccines will keep you from getting the crud and spreading it. They do. They had to lie about the crud vaxxes because that's what leftards do and other leftards like the dazzler love to be lied to.
Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
You have daddy's vaccine running through your brain. It's no effective and is causing a massive death spike. Ask the life insurance people.
Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
I have all the screenshots I need.
knock yourself out, Phyllis
So it’s effective as it has been marketed? Better? Worse?
I was promised by you a winter of death for not getting the super immunity.
Whatever marketers and politicians said about it, the scientists agree that it is extraordinarily effective.
All the deceased stroke and myocarditist victims disagree with those 'scientists'.
Thank you, John Stockton, for taking the time to poast.
I'm about as much John Stockton as you are a guy with a buddy whose son is tumor ridden and being denied medical care.
Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
I have all the screenshots I need.
knock yourself out, Phyllis
So it’s effective as it has been marketed? Better? Worse?
I was promised by you a winter of death for not getting the super immunity.
Whatever marketers and politicians said about it, the scientists agree that it is extraordinarily effective.
2 shots + 2 boosters constitutes a vaccine. How many more?
A vaccine used to be given to prevent the recipient from getting the disease.
Is it true that fully vaxxed people can not only get sick from COVID-19 variants and that they can transmit it?
Yes or No?
The mumps vaxx is one of the most effective vaccines ever. Same with the chicken pox and polio vaxxes. The flu virus is not one of the most effective viruses ever. Neither are the chicom crud vaccines. No one had to lie about how the mumps, chicken pox and polio vaccines will keep you from getting the crud and spreading it. They do. They had to lie about the crud vaxxes because that's what leftards do and other leftards like the dazzler love to be lied to.
I’m old enough to remember people comparing the covid vaccine to vaccines that eradicatied polio.
“If people in 1950 thought like you we’d still have polio!!” My god people love their false equivalence fallacies. CoronaBros on the tip of that spear.
Ha ha ha so the CDC says to keep masks on because of panic attacks? I guess we should just shut down air travel then. I have over 6 million miles with various airlines and have seen many panic attacks attributed to people not wanting to fly.
Tall bridges HH? I guess we should shut them down too? People have panic attacks going over them.
BLM members are triggered when faced with people who disagree with them. Is that a panic attack?
LOL! Fucking "panic attack" . What a bunch of liberal pussies.
Ha ha ha so the CDC says to keep masks on because of panic attacks? I guess we should just shut down air travel then. I have over 6 million miles with various airlines and have seen many panic attacks attributed to people not wanting to fly.
Tall bridges HH? I guess we should shut them down too? People have panic attacks going over them.
BLM members are triggered when faced with people who disagree with them. Is that a panic attack?
LOL! Fucking "panic attack" . What a bunch of liberal pussies.
This is one of the best mis-readings of the news ever!
Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
I have all the screenshots I need.
knock yourself out, Phyllis
So it’s effective as it has been marketed? Better? Worse?
I was promised by you a winter of death for not getting the super immunity.
Whatever marketers and politicians said about it, the scientists agree that it is extraordinarily effective.
All the deceased stroke and myocarditist victims disagree with those 'scientists'.
Thank you, John Stockton, for taking the time to poast.
I'm about as much John Stockton as you are a guy with a buddy whose son is tumor ridden and being denied medical care.
Every smart baby lawyer should become a federal trial judge before having any practice experience. Don't you think?
Agree that her lack of experience should have precluded her, but it's still less egregious than a rocket ship to the SCOTUS bench when you have less than one year of experience on the Court of Appeals
So Clarence Thomas was qualified because he had a few months more than one year on the COA?
Thomas was and is qualified because he can read and understand basic English. He is also a pre-eminent biologist and can define a woman and he isn't a pedophile excuser. He and Scalia were the most qualified judges on the Court for decades. Ask Sotomayor to define black for AA purposes and you will get crickets. She is an intellectual lightweight. However, being a wise Latina qualified her, because she thinks the right way like a real Hispanic.
Dazzler doesn't do facts. He voted for a Vegetable. That fact alone disqualifies him from commenting on the qualifications of others.
You guys are dumb. You took Herr Dazzlers Ad Hominem bait. Look at the case. She made the right call based on the facts presented to her.
Herr Dazzler and his merry band of dancing girls only attack the person when then have nothing of substance to use as a counter argument.
Fair point. I should have stayed on topic.
He has yet to even comment on whether the ruling is correct. I've no doubt he's ignored all facts, read "Trump appointee" and assumed the worst.
"Assumed the worst" implies that I feel strongly about the outcome. I don't.
She wrote a solid opinion, sitting as an appellate court due to the procedural posture of the case. I think she's probably right just as a matter of construing the language at issue.
Still, there's no way a lawyer who never tried a case should be able to become a trial judge.
Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
Things Vaxxidiots say. Doesn't stop transmission, doesn't stop you from getting sick, doesn't last more than a few months. Has injured and killed far too many to count. Efficacy started in the 90% + and ended in the 70's. Did make BILLIONS for pharma and millions for their friends. And best of all, they're not on the hook for the damage they've done. You're dumber than dirt Dazzler. You're the problem. Keep wearing your fucking mask in fact, wear two. Pussy.
Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
I have all the screenshots I need.
knock yourself out, Phyllis
So it’s effective as it has been marketed? Better? Worse?
I was promised by you a winter of death for not getting the super immunity.
Whatever marketers and politicians said about it, the scientists agree that it is extraordinarily effective.
2 shots + 2 boosters constitutes a vaccine. How many more?
A vaccine used to be given to prevent the recipient from getting the disease.
Is it true that fully vaxxed people can not only get sick from COVID-19 variants and that they can transmit it?
Yes or No?
The mumps vaxx is one of the most effective vaccines ever. Same with the chicken pox and polio vaxxes. The flu virus is not one of the most effective viruses ever. Neither are the chicom crud vaccines. No one had to lie about how the mumps, chicken pox and polio vaccines will keep you from getting the crud and spreading it. They do. They had to lie about the crud vaxxes because that's what leftards do and other leftards like the dazzler love to be lied to.
The annual flu shot, not vaccine, ranges each year in effectiveness. The Covid shots are no different. They lied about the efficacy when they claimed it was in 90%+ range. It never was. They CDC redefined vaccine so the marketing could be carried out. It's a GD shot, that's all it ever was. If you were obese and had multiple comorbidities, you stood a chance if you got jabbed. Otherwise it was 98%+ that you would survive w/o a shot. Dazzler is a stooge. It's really that simple.
I don't need to take experimental drugs. I don't wish to be part of the experiment. That's what critters are for. Now we see it lowers IQ by a mile and HH only had inches.
Masks are for pussies. 95+% anything Covid related was overblown. Two years of lockdowns and hampered lives. The vaccine ain’t that great. That’s not controversial, it’s truth. It should have been over a long time ago. Move on.
A little harsh about Daddy's vaccine.
And in fact, the Covid vaccine has turned out to be one of the most effective vaccines ever.
I have all the screenshots I need.
knock yourself out, Phyllis
So it’s effective as it has been marketed? Better? Worse?
I was promised by you a winter of death for not getting the super immunity.
Whatever marketers and politicians said about it, the scientists agree that it is extraordinarily effective.
Far from all scientists dipshit. Only the ones you are allowed to here from.
Personally, I don’t give a shit about the science. I’ve said many times, I’ll worry when anyone I know drops dead. That still hasn’t happened and won’t.
I see videos now of pilots announcing in flight the mask mandate is over and they can take off their masks if the choose. The people on the planes cheer and proceed to remove their masks. Don't they know the judge is deemed unqualified by the ABA? If they did I don't think they'd be so happy - Herr Dazzler
“If people in 1950 thought like you we’d still have polio!!” My god people love their false equivalence fallacies. CoronaBros on the tip of that spear.
Tall bridges HH? I guess we should shut them down too? People have panic attacks going over them.
BLM members are triggered when faced with people who disagree with them. Is that a panic attack?
LOL! Fucking "panic attack" . What a bunch of liberal pussies.
Well done, Atl!
Personally, I don’t give a shit about the science. I’ve said many times, I’ll worry when anyone I know drops dead. That still hasn’t happened and won’t.