Homes in Chicago, DC, Cali, Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Tough times. "Right now I'm actually surprised by how much money I got." Barry said this at a conference where he was talking about the dangers of wealth inequality to society. But don't worry because he's very generous. He gave $1million to charity between 2009-15. Trump took $1 of his $400K salary each year, a legal requirement.
I'm still glad I didn't vote for Romney or McCain. Obama was a disappointment, no doubt. But Romney is a kiss-ass, mom-jeans-wearing, dog-abusing POS. Fuck that guy.
McCain chose Palin as his running mate. DQ'd himself with that move.
I'm still glad I didn't vote for Romney or McCain. Obama was a disappointment, no doubt. But Romney is a kiss-ass, mom-jeans-wearing, dog-abusing POS. Fuck that guy.
McCain chose Palin as his running mate. DQ'd himself with that move.
Uh Obama picked Biden
Never understood the Palin derangement
McCain was not my choice anyway. He didn't really want it but felt it was owed to him
I'm still glad I didn't vote for Romney or McCain. Obama was a disappointment, no doubt. But Romney is a kiss-ass, mom-jeans-wearing, dog-abusing POS. Fuck that guy.
McCain chose Palin as his running mate. DQ'd himself with that move.
Barry ate dogs. Palin was the better candidate than maverick. The dazzler voted for barry because he was the more fiscally responsible candidate? You voted for barry based on what policy issues? Hope I don't get a Snow level evasion.
I'm still glad I didn't vote for Romney or McCain. Obama was a disappointment, no doubt. But Romney is a kiss-ass, mom-jeans-wearing, dog-abusing POS. Fuck that guy.
McCain chose Palin as his running mate. DQ'd himself with that move.
McCain chose Palin as his running mate. DQ'd himself with that move.
Never understood the Palin derangement
McCain was not my choice anyway. He didn't really want it but felt it was owed to him