I'm sure Joe is innocent, lets open an investigation to clear his and Hunter's names.
I'm pretty sure Hunter won't be cleared.
Maybe he and Daddy can share a cell.
Daddy being Joe
Trump didn't get 10 percent or 50 percent
Unless you're sticking with the emails being a lie, Joe is guilty as fuck
Gasbag and I are still waiting for you to prove receipt of the 10%. We're hard-headed business types.
(Former President) Daddy's felonies are revealed daily. Garland needs to grow a pair. Even money whether he will.
Hunter was just lying about the 10%. Weird how the President's brother in now in "healthcare" when previously he was involved in a company that built housing units in Iraq. Guy must be an incredible business man. And of course you have zero interest in looking into any of this.
10% should leave a trace.
still nothing?
Yeah and the well practiced method of hiding your corruption by using your family members as cut outs who profit from selling access to you while they in turn inexplicable get fabulously wealthy despite the fact that there is no evidence that they possess any marketable skill beyond being related to you is just a happy coincidence.
Joe just happens to have become fabulously wealthy, along with everyone of his family members, because he is just a savvy investor and businessman. Not a trace!!!
Is there a point when you gag on the dick Dazzler or have you never found you limit?
so no 10%
pick a lane, lady
and that's not to ignore your ridiculous claim that Joe is "fabulously wealthy"
given his earnings history, he's done okay, but nothing spectacular
Dummy thinks Joey reports his 10%. Yup, you are the low IQ voter that Joey was appealing to.
For the speed limit IQ folks that think Joe has shown his taxes and there is nothing there...might want to look to see where his $17MM the last couple years came from. Specifically he's claimed that income from two S Corps (CelticCapri Corp (his) and Giacoppa Corp (his wifes))...but magically no one is has seen how much money those S Corps have on the books, where that money came from (folks claim its from book/speaking deals but unless the book publishers decided to donate $10+MM to the Bidens for nothing that doesn't make sense), etc.
And they won't look into it because I'm sure its dirty as shite...
Canceled check
Talking points suck today
10% isn't "dark matter"
Kids all attended private schools and he did it all on a Government salary.
That he has accumulated some wealth is about as unsurprising as it could possibly be.
You sound pour.
And they won't look into it because I'm sure its dirty as shite...
You're not a finance major, I hope.
You should able to prove this.