For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.
Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.
What are these deals? And who are the individuals who made them happen for the Bidens?
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
Dodge this
The subject is Joe.
Like Gasbag, I wait to see these damning documents.
First they leveraged a pandemic to shut down the country and Economy to drive division and paint it as all Trumps fault.
Then they encouraged the torching of our cities after a young, angelic future astronaut was murdered in the street. They also blamed that on Trump, even when hundreds of Dem politicians were on record as supporting the rioting.
And then they co opted with the mass media outlets to make sure that none of Biden’s dealings with China, Ukraine, Russia and others ever saw the light of day.
And further leveraged the Pandemic to create new vote by mail States in weeks, rather than the months and even year that it takes to purge the dead, the out of district and the fraudently documented.
Many areas reported more votes for Biden than even registered voters that lived those areas. But all of that was swept under the rug.
Much evidence of vote tallies moving by the hundreds of thousands in seconds in some areas and then back again in the dead of night.
And when evidence of fraud was presented, it was always to a sympathetic activist judge.
States like Georgia and Pennsylvania mysteriously swing Biden’s way. Wisconsin is off by over 150,000 trafficked votes.
Down ballot wins for Republicans in areas that somehow Biden won.
But even with all of this, 2020 was a pretty clean election, right?
Hunter Biden's laptop revealed evidence of an international criminal money laundering operation that directly implicates his father in his criminal activity.
where is this evidence?
You don't think that crackhold won't squeal like a pig?
Hunter Biden's laptop revealed evidence of an international criminal money laundering operation that directly implicates his father in his criminal activity.
where is this evidence?
You don't think that crackhold won't squeal like a pig?
Yes or No answer only.
Disparaging the witness you plan to rely on?
Yes is spelled Y-e-s.
No is spelled N-o.
Either answer Yes or No - or fuck off.
You should fuck off regardless. Yes or no?
I embarrassed you.
YES, I did it intentionally.
I"m not a prosecutor. He is not 'my witness'.
Yes or no?
Fuck off.
Yes when he needs a fix.
No when he's testifying to the Feds.
You're the one who says we should believe him . . . sometimes.
For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.
Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.
What are these deals? And who are the individuals who made them happen for the Bidens?
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
Dodge this
The subject is Joe.
Like Gasbag, I wait to see these damning documents.
And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
You don't want to see anything because its in front of your fat face
Hunter Biden's laptop revealed evidence of an international criminal money laundering operation that directly implicates his father in his criminal activity.
where is this evidence?
You don't think that crackhold won't squeal like a pig?
Yes or No answer only.
Disparaging the witness you plan to rely on?
Yes is spelled Y-e-s.
No is spelled N-o.
Either answer Yes or No - or fuck off.
You should fuck off regardless. Yes or no?
I embarrassed you.
YES, I did it intentionally.
I"m not a prosecutor. He is not 'my witness'.
Yes or no?
Fuck off.
Yes when he needs a fix.
No when he's testifying to the Feds.
You're the one who says we should believe him . . . sometimes.
Go ahead a link where I 'said' that. Or even 'wrote' that to be completely accurate.
For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.
Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.
What are these deals? And who are the individuals who made them happen for the Bidens?
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
Dodge this
The subject is Joe.
Like Gasbag, I wait to see these damning documents.
And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
You don't want to see anything because its in front of your fat face
Hunter is a crackhead and you can't believe his emails
Hunter flew on Air Force Two and negotiated billion dollar deals around the world while daddy was Veep but daddy didn't know because the crack head is actually a brilliant bidnessman
Imagine being H fucking stupid enough to make both these arguments
For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.
Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.
What are these deals? And who are the individuals who made them happen for the Bidens?
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
Dodge this
The subject is Joe.
Like Gasbag, I wait to see these damning documents.
And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals.
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
You don't want to see anything because its in front of your fat face
It's easy to imagine that the dazzler would make both arguments because he is both stupid and dishonest. My argument is that the emails are either true or false. You can't tell if they are false just because Hunter is a crackhead. Hunter did get paid. He got paid because his father was VP. He says his father was in on the take. I say follow the money trail and that statement left the dazzler as dazed and confused as the dementia patient he voted for.
Hunter is a crackhead and you can't believe his emails
Hunter flew on Air Force Two and negotiated billion dollar deals around the world while daddy was Veep but daddy didn't know because the crack head is actually a brilliant bidnessman
Imagine being H fucking stupid enough to make both these arguments
It's easy to imagine that the dazzler would make both arguments because he is both stupid and dishonest. My argument is that the emails are either true or false. You can't tell if they are false just because Hunter is a crackhead. Hunter did get paid. He got paid because his father was VP. He says his father was in on the take. I say follow the money trail and that statement left the dazzler as dazed and confused as the dementia patient he voted for.
Hunter is a crackhead and you can't believe his emails
Hunter flew on Air Force Two and negotiated billion dollar deals around the world while daddy was Veep but daddy didn't know because the crack head is actually a brilliant bidnessman
Imagine being H fucking stupid enough to make both these arguments
I've asked you girls to show us the money trail for more than a year now.
The "money trail" seems to be falling into the GOP plan to replace Obamacare category now.
It's easy to imagine that the dazzler would make both arguments because he is both stupid and dishonest. My argument is that the emails are either true or false. You can't tell if they are false just because Hunter is a crackhead. Hunter did get paid. He got paid because his father was VP. He says his father was in on the take. I say follow the money trail and that statement left the dazzler as dazed and confused as the dementia patient he voted for.
Hunter is a crackhead and you can't believe his emails
Hunter flew on Air Force Two and negotiated billion dollar deals around the world while daddy was Veep but daddy didn't know because the crack head is actually a brilliant bidnessman
Imagine being H fucking stupid enough to make both these arguments
I've asked you girls to show us the money trail for more than a year now.
The "money trail" seems to be falling into the GOP plan to replace Obamacare category now.
Do I look a look like a fucking investigator?
Evidence has been linked for over a year yet you remain dumb as a rock asking stupid questions
It's easy to imagine that the dazzler would make both arguments because he is both stupid and dishonest. My argument is that the emails are either true or false. You can't tell if they are false just because Hunter is a crackhead. Hunter did get paid. He got paid because his father was VP. He says his father was in on the take. I say follow the money trail and that statement left the dazzler as dazed and confused as the dementia patient he voted for.
Hunter is a crackhead and you can't believe his emails
Hunter flew on Air Force Two and negotiated billion dollar deals around the world while daddy was Veep but daddy didn't know because the crack head is actually a brilliant bidnessman
Imagine being H fucking stupid enough to make both these arguments
I've asked you girls to show us the money trail for more than a year now.
The "money trail" seems to be falling into the GOP plan to replace Obamacare category now.
Do I look a look like a fucking investigator?
Evidence has been linked for over a year yet you remain dumb as a rock asking stupid questions
No one has forgotten this controversial episode in which Joe Biden bragged about actions in furtherance of US policy.
What policy? To get the guy looking into his son fired by withholding government aid? Convenient... then you jackasses impeach Trump for asking about it... third world corrupt.
No one has forgotten this controversial episode in which Joe Biden bragged about actions in furtherance of US policy.
What policy? To get the guy looking into his son fired by withholding government aid? Convenient... then you jackasses impeach Trump for asking about it... third world corrupt.
I guess asking you to actually follow the story you claim to be interested in was too big an ask.
No one has forgotten this controversial episode in which Joe Biden bragged about actions in furtherance of US policy.
What policy? To get the guy looking into his son fired by withholding government aid? Convenient... then you jackasses impeach Trump for asking about it... third world corrupt.
I guess asking you to actually follow the story you claim to be interested in was too big an ask.
Deflect deflect deflect I see nothing.... says HHUSKY
Hunter Biden's laptop revealed evidence of an international criminal money laundering operation that directly implicates his father in his criminal activity.
where is this evidence?
You don't think that crackhold won't squeal like a pig?
Yes or No answer only.
Disparaging the witness you plan to rely on?
Pretty easy to look at the bank accounts and figure out where the money was going. Surprised that someone with a hypothetical MBA couldn't figure that out.
You're making my point, ma'am.
So where's this evidence?
Who are you kidding Dazzler? If don't give a fuck if Biden is guilty or not. If letting Joe shit in your mouth meant that it would keep Trump out of the White House you'd have done it.
Like Gasbag, I wait to see these damning documents.
Yes or no?
Fuck off.
No when he's testifying to the Feds.
You're the one who says we should believe him . . . sometimes.
Here, then, are a few key facts about the Biden family’s $5 million-plus deals with individuals in bed with Chinese intelligence.
You don't want to see anything because its in front of your fat face
You're shitty with reading and words.
Not a good trait for an "attorney"
Gasbag is beginning to think you're retarded.
Hunter flew on Air Force Two and negotiated billion dollar deals around the world while daddy was Veep but daddy didn't know because the crack head is actually a brilliant bidnessman
Imagine being H fucking stupid enough to make both these arguments
The "money trail" seems to be falling into the GOP plan to replace Obamacare category now.
Evidence has been linked for over a year yet you remain dumb as a rock asking stupid questions
Again, you're not a serious person and have zero integrity.
I couldn't be such a spineless partisan hack, what a terrible existence.