One of my daughters was approached in MS by two girls asking her if she wanted to join their club? What's you club? "We're lesbians." This tweet nails it. If you don't think this shit isn't running rampant in schools right now, you're not paying attention.
So your daughter chows box now?
Or are you blaming homos for your own dick sucking habit?
Or are you just crying like a little bitch again?
No need to answer.
You guys sound like you're unsure of your own cravings for cock and act like a teacher could talk you into sucking dick if you weren't already a faggot - which apparently you're unsure of.
Nobody talks a heterosexual into sucking cock or chowing box. Unless you already crave cock or pussy. And then it's something you should deal with instead of deny.
You know I'm right. Or you haven't come to grips with your cock craving yet, and you should.
Whichever. Doesn't matter to me.
And yet, better than all of yours. All 31 thousand of them.
I'm right, and you know I am. Or will you suck dick for a fee or to fit in?
Go ahead. You can admit it. You either suck dick or you don't, Mike. Which group are you in?
One of my daughters was approached in MS by two girls asking her if she wanted to join their club? What's you club? "We're lesbians." This tweet nails it. If you don't think this shit isn't running rampant in schools right now, you're not paying attention.
So your daughter chows box now?
Or are you blaming homos for your own dick sucking habit?
Or are you just crying like a little bitch again?
No need to answer.
You guys sound like you're unsure of your own cravings for cock and act like a teacher could talk you into sucking dick if you weren't already a faggot - which apparently you're unsure of.
Nobody talks a heterosexual into sucking cock or chowing box. Unless you already crave cock or pussy. And then it's something you should deal with instead of deny.
You know I'm right. Or you haven't come to grips with your cock craving yet, and you should.
Whichever. Doesn't matter to me.
Rat meltdowns are entertaining for sure. Flea never ceases to entertain!
One of my daughters was approached in MS by two girls asking her if she wanted to join their club? What's you club? "We're lesbians." This tweet nails it. If you don't think this shit isn't running rampant in schools right now, you're not paying attention.
So your daughter chows box now?
Or are you blaming homos for your own dick sucking habit?
Or are you just crying like a little bitch again?
No need to answer.
You guys sound like you're unsure of your own cravings for cock and act like a teacher could talk you into sucking dick if you weren't already a faggot - which apparently you're unsure of.
Nobody talks a heterosexual into sucking cock or chowing box. Unless you already crave cock or pussy. And then it's something you should deal with instead of deny.
You know I'm right. Or you haven't come to grips with your cock craving yet, and you should.
Whichever. Doesn't matter to me.
Rat meltdowns are entertaining for sure. Flea never ceases to entertain!
This is unbelievable. No one cares where one sticks their dicks or scissors their meat curtains when they are adults. What people do care about is having children being influenced by those that want to force opinions or lifestyles on them. The concern by the majority of parents around this country is that very young children (K-5) are being taught things that should be taught at home and not by a total stranger with an agenda that has nothing to do with reading, writing, science and history. Let the kids be kids for as long as possible.
Rats reject that and believe that they should be shaping young minds toward what only THEY believe in. That is fucking wrong.
We have all witnessed behavioral change in kids we went to k-12 and college with. Influences out of the home and in group settings are profound and in many cases that I am personally aware of, have made people who they are today both good and horribly bad. We have to limit activist teaching, it isn't healthy for the kids. Talking about sex or sexual preferences to kindergartners is completely inappropriate and should be illegal.
I can tell you that if they tried that shit with my kindergartner, it would have been a physical confrontation which bypassed sitting down with some liberal administrator. If you fucked with my kids and forced your beliefs on them you had a problem with me, personally. That is a very personal thing to my family and no teacher has a right to shape minds on things other than what they are there to do.
Fuck disney and all the other rats out there that believe it is their job to tell my kids what to believe.
They are so far past wanting just acceptance and tolerance. They now want you to celebrate it and allow them to push it on your kids and if you object you're a bigot. Btw, there is a direct line between this moral rot and a public that can no longer be made to care about a totally corrupt and rotten political class.
One of my daughters was approached in MS by two girls asking her if she wanted to join their club? What's you club? "We're lesbians." This tweet nails it. If you don't think this shit isn't running rampant in schools right now, you're not paying attention.
So your daughter chows box now?
Or are you blaming homos for your own dick sucking habit?
Or are you just crying like a little bitch again?
No need to answer.
You guys sound like you're unsure of your own cravings for cock and act like a teacher could talk you into sucking dick if you weren't already a faggot - which apparently you're unsure of.
Nobody talks a heterosexual into sucking cock or chowing box. Unless you already crave cock or pussy. And then it's something you should deal with instead of deny.
You know I'm right. Or you haven't come to grips with your cock craving yet, and you should.
Whichever. Doesn't matter to me.
Rat meltdowns are entertaining for sure. Flea never ceases to entertain!
Can't imagine being stuck on a boat with flea for any length of time let alone all day. Geezus.
One of my daughters was approached in MS by two girls asking her if she wanted to join their club? What's you club? "We're lesbians." This tweet nails it. If you don't think this shit isn't running rampant in schools right now, you're not paying attention.
So your daughter chows box now?
Or are you blaming homos for your own dick sucking habit?
Or are you just crying like a little bitch again?
No need to answer.
You guys sound like you're unsure of your own cravings for cock and act like a teacher could talk you into sucking dick if you weren't already a faggot - which apparently you're unsure of.
Nobody talks a heterosexual into sucking cock or chowing box. Unless you already crave cock or pussy. And then it's something you should deal with instead of deny.
You know I'm right. Or you haven't come to grips with your cock craving yet, and you should.
Whichever. Doesn't matter to me.
Short, Fat and stupid is no way to go through life Son.
This has to be an all time Flea meltdown. Is he Jack Black of Tropic Thunder?
"lick up the gravy"
Yeah, that's flea.
Not sure who Flea blew other than Yellow in order to not receive the pure amount of bullshit and hostility he deserves but his cock sucking skills must be amazing. Been posting here for a few years now and I've yet to see the worthless piece of shit ever post anything that was funny, interesting or insightful.
This has to be an all time Flea meltdown. Is he Jack Black of Tropic Thunder?
"lick up the gravy"
Yeah, that's flea.
Not sure who Flea blew other than Yellow in order to not receive the pure amount of bullshit and hostility he deserves but his cock sucking skills must be amazing. Been posting here for a few years now and I've yet to see the worthless piece of shit ever post anything that was funny, interesting or insightful.
She kinda looks like a sad old tranny. Kobe might throw a bone at her
Didn't he used to like joobs?
Sad to see
I remember him at least posting chicks with big tits...usually sixes or sevens, but he at least seemed normal. Now it's transphobic if you don't want to have gay sex with Bruce Jenner or something
She kinda looks like a sad old tranny. Kobe might throw a bone at her
Didn't he used to like joobs?
Sad to see
I remember him at least posting chicks with big tits...usually sixes or sevens, but he at least seemed normal. Now it's transphobic if you don't want to have gay sex with Bruce Jenner or something
Rats reject that and believe that they should be shaping young minds toward what only THEY believe in. That is fucking wrong.
We have all witnessed behavioral change in kids we went to k-12 and college with. Influences out of the home and in group settings are profound and in many cases that I am personally aware of, have made people who they are today both good and horribly bad. We have to limit activist teaching, it isn't healthy for the kids. Talking about sex or sexual preferences to kindergartners is completely inappropriate and should be illegal.
I can tell you that if they tried that shit with my kindergartner, it would have been a physical confrontation which bypassed sitting down with some liberal administrator. If you fucked with my kids and forced your beliefs on them you had a problem with me, personally. That is a very personal thing to my family and no teacher has a right to shape minds on things other than what they are there to do.
Fuck disney and all the other rats out there that believe it is their job to tell my kids what to believe.
Yeah, that's flea.
Did someone talk you into sucking cock and now you're worried the same thing will happen to your kids?
But, yeah - I'm the one melting down, not you freaks who spend your whole day here crying. About everything.
Oh yeah - fuck off, Gaybob, ya fucking crybaby bitch.
Then Trump happened.