One of my daughters was approached in MS by two girls asking her if she wanted to join their club? What's you club? "We're lesbians." This tweet nails it. If you don't think this shit isn't running rampant in schools right now, you're not paying attention.
Yeah, he went paddle boarding and? I have a pretty good memory and I don't recall any teacher getting into their weekend deals when I was in first grade. My third grade teacher invited the class to her wedding. Dude would be free to send out invites to the kids parents and they could go or not go. The thing about leftards is that they lie and love to be lied to. Sure, he just wants to mention he went paddle boarding with Bruce. We are talking about five year olds and grooming.
Yeah, he went paddle boarding and? I have a pretty good memory and I don't recall any teacher getting into their weekend deals when I was in first grade. My third grade teacher invited the class to her wedding. Dude would be free to send out invites to the kids parents and they could go or not go. The thing about leftards is that they lie and love to be lied to. Sure, he just wants to mention he went paddle boarding with Bruce. We are talking about five year olds and grooming.
Before 6th grade, I honestly couldn't tell you if any of my teachers were even married. This guy obviously wants his lifestyle choice validated by everyone and he wants to share it with the kids. It's about him not the kids.
Listened to Deathsantis this AM while driving about
He basically told Disney to fuck off. Disney never even lobbied on the don't groom kids bill and only came in when the mob came after them. Took some serious shots at Hollywood and Weinstein et al
Then said the one thing he has done that the most people thank him for is standing up for the vagina holding swimmer who should have been champ
AOC says the democrats need to go further left and Biden needs to EO all her pet items.
Listened to Deathsantis this AM while driving about
He basically told Disney to fuck off. Disney never even lobbied on the don't groom kids bill and only came in when the mob came after them. Took some serious shots at Hollywood and Weinstein et al
Then said the one thing he has done that the most people thank him for is standing up for the vagina holding swimmer who should have been champ
AOC says the democrats need to go further left and Biden needs to EO all her pet items.
Go ahead, make Ron's day
If DeSantis gets the nomination I want a dollar for everytime we hear, "he is worse than Trump."
Listened to Deathsantis this AM while driving about
He basically told Disney to fuck off. Disney never even lobbied on the don't groom kids bill and only came in when the mob came after them. Took some serious shots at Hollywood and Weinstein et al
Then said the one thing he has done that the most people thank him for is standing up for the vagina holding swimmer who should have been champ
AOC says the democrats need to go further left and Biden needs to EO all her pet items.
Go ahead, make Ron's day
If DeSantis gets the nomination I want a dollar for everytime we hear, "he is worse than Trump Hitler."
Good thing he wasn't day drinking. When I say that leftards are ignorant of science, math, history and economics, you can toss in current events, and as you say they are proud of their ignorance.
PS I thought this was a before ad for teeth implants.
Can you think of another profession where the person providing the service has the need to talk to you about their sexual orientation? Now name one where they not only have this need, but they have a need to discuss it with your 5 year old against your objections and or without your knowledge.
Imagine everytime you took your kids to the Y or the zoo or park the employees there's felt it was their right to discuss their sexuality with your kid while you were out of earshot.
This is BS. My kids never came home from KG talking about their teacher's families. He wants to discuss his sexual orientation which is why he primes a discussions with his family pics. My kids did go to a private Christian KG. Public schools KG may be different.
and as far as the 'wtf is 1A?' in the list of LGBQT... he mentions there are 71 genders so we need a new alphabet.
Here they are and each has a flag
GayGroomingHe basically told Disney to fuck off. Disney never even lobbied on the don't groom kids bill and only came in when the mob came after them. Took some serious shots at Hollywood and Weinstein et al
Then said the one thing he has done that the most people thank him for is standing up for the vagina holding swimmer who should have been champ
AOC says the democrats need to go further left and Biden needs to EO all her pet items.
Go ahead, make Ron's day
PS I thought this was a before ad for teeth implants.
While they are being honest with him, also might tip him off that no one wants to look at his face and teeth. JFC
Imagine everytime you took your kids to the Y or the zoo or park the employees there's felt it was their right to discuss their sexuality with your kid while you were out of earshot.