This is the greatest paragraph in political history-
While court records show that Jackson did impose lighter sentences than federal guidelines suggested, Hawley’s insinuation neglects critics context, including the fact that the senator himself has voted to confirm at least three federal judges who also engaged in the same practice.
Pretty much sums the Republican Party up.
And Biden said he would use the filibuster to keep the first potential black women off the court…you know, that relic of Jim Crow. Biden confirmed Janice Brown to a lower court..but said the the SOCTUS was different. Sums up the Dem party.
Is there any line the Dazzler won't cross in defending his team? Fucker is now running interference for someone who went easy on and made excuses for pedophiles.
This is the greatest paragraph in political history-
While court records show that Jackson did impose lighter sentences than federal guidelines suggested, Hawley’s insinuation neglects critics context, including the fact that the senator himself has voted to confirm at least three federal judges who also engaged in the same practice.
Pretty much sums the Republican Party up.
Were any of those other Federal Judges up for a Supreme Court seat trannie fucker?
Just to be clear, you are arguing that being soft of pedophilia is fine for federal judges, just not the SC?
So Kobe now admits he’s defending somebody soft on Pedos…I guess you could call him a Pedo sympathizer now…he’s just rationalizing it by saying it’s ok because Hawley apparently voted for some mythical other judge not identified who has the “same” record…wink…wink…nudge…nudge.
And no, if any judge is downplaying/writing off an 18 year old abusing an 8 year old it is not ok, whether its a "conservative" judge or a "liberal" one...and if Hawley endorsed/voted for that judge knowing that judge holds those views it is not good. But it doesn't change the fact we should not be endorsing/validating that behavior now by putting this lady on the SC knowing she holds these views.
Not that it will stop this crazy country from doing it...
This is the greatest paragraph in political history-
While court records show that Jackson did impose lighter sentences than federal guidelines suggested, Hawley’s insinuation neglects critics context, including the fact that the senator himself has voted to confirm at least three federal judges who also engaged in the same practice.
Pretty much sums the Republican Party up.
Were any of those other Federal Judges up for a Supreme Court seat trannie fucker?
Just to be clear, you are arguing that being soft of pedophilia is fine for federal judges, just not the SC?
So Kobe now admits he’s defending somebody soft on Pedos…I guess you could call him a Pedo sympathizer now…he’s just rationalizing it by saying it’s ok because Hawley apparently voted for some mythical other judge not identified who has the “same” record…wink…wink…nudge…nudge.
And no, if any judge is downplaying/writing off an 18 year old abusing an 8 year old it is not ok, whether its a "conservative" judge or a "liberal" one...and if Hawley endorsed/voted for that judge knowing that judge holds those views it is not good. But it doesn't change the fact we should not be endorsing/validating that behavior now by putting this lady on the SC knowing she holds these views.
Not that it will stop this crazy country from doing it...
Throw in the fact that she is an obvious leftwing radical who is unwilling to be honest about her views on CRT, Trannies and crime and punishment issues. It's bad enough that she has the views she has but instead of lying about it be upfront. Admit that you believe this country is racist shit-hole. You know she thinks that, why not just come out and say it?
This is the greatest paragraph in political history-
While court records show that Jackson did impose lighter sentences than federal guidelines suggested, Hawley’s insinuation neglects critics context, including the fact that the senator himself has voted to confirm at least three federal judges who also engaged in the same practice.
Pretty much sums the Republican Party up.
Were any of those other Federal Judges up for a Supreme Court seat trannie fucker?
Just to be clear, you are arguing that being soft of pedophilia is fine for federal judges, just not the SC?
So Kobe now admits he’s defending somebody soft on Pedos…I guess you could call him a Pedo sympathizer now…he’s just rationalizing it by saying it’s ok because Hawley apparently voted for some mythical other judge not identified who has the “same” record…wink…wink…nudge…nudge.
And no, if any judge is downplaying/writing off an 18 year old abusing an 8 year old it is not ok, whether its a "conservative" judge or a "liberal" one...and if Hawley endorsed/voted for that judge knowing that judge holds those views it is not good. But it doesn't change the fact we should not be endorsing/validating that behavior now by putting this lady on the SC knowing she holds these views.
Not that it will stop this crazy country from doing it...
Throw in the fact that she is an obvious leftwing radical who is unwilling to be honest about her views on CRT, Trannies and crime and punishment issues. It's bad enough that she has the views she has but instead of lying about it be upfront. Admit that you believe this country is racist shit-hole. You know she thinks that, why not just come out and say it?
Because liberals don't live in truth and their ideas do not survive in its light.
What can I say I got a soft spot for Pedos. Seems like the most logical answer.
And no, if any judge is downplaying/writing off an 18 year old abusing an 8 year old it is not ok, whether its a "conservative" judge or a "liberal" one...and if Hawley endorsed/voted for that judge knowing that judge holds those views it is not good. But it doesn't change the fact we should not be endorsing/validating that behavior now by putting this lady on the SC knowing she holds these views.
Not that it will stop this crazy country from doing it...