A Christian teacher was suspended for refusing to call students by the pronouns they use. Now she is suing.
More than likely their pronouns were asshole/bitch and she maybe refused to swear in class
I have a solution. Assign each desk in class the letter A and a number. Refer to each student in that manner. A-12 do you know how many genders there are? Problem solved. My class, my rules seems to work for liberal teachers.
A Christian teacher was suspended for refusing to call students by the pronouns they use. Now she is suing.
More than likely their pronouns were asshole/bitch and she maybe refused to swear in class
I have a solution. Assign each desk in class the letter A and a number. Refer to each student in that manner. A-12 do you know how many genders there are? Problem solved. My class, my rules seems to work for liberal teachers.
I have a solution. 14 year old trannies should be given mental therapy counseling to help them sort out their issues and teachers can call them "it" until it's all sorted. IDGAF about what .1% of the population whines about. We have bigger issues then your personal bullshit. Fuck off.
Who knew that letting people live in the streets and wallow in their own human waste while they inject themselves with drugs and support themselves with a mix of tax dollars and money "earned" from theft was the peak of human progress.
Using Kobe's Kunt logic, wiping out the indigenous people and chattle slavery, in their day, were progressive and forward thinking ideals.
Imagine that your role model was a rapist and you put him on your Twitter page as an example of how tough you are. Apparently, George Floyd was already taken.
The two people just watching it happen and staying out of the way...Society continues to circle down the drain in leftist strongholds.
My biggest problem is that I'm sure the perp has a criminal record a mile long which we probably won't find out about since the same bureaucracy that won't adequately describe the perp (black) has no interest in inflaming the public with how the system is now working. Assume someone with a concealed weapon permit shot and killed the perp as he started down the stairs after the victim. Now your facing a serious attempt by the Seattle DA's office to stick a murder charge on you.
The two people just watching it happen and staying out of the way...Society continues to circle down the drain in leftist strongholds.
My biggest problem is that I'm sure the perp has a criminal record a mile long which we probably won't find out about since the same bureaucracy that won't adequately describe the perp (black) has no interest in inflaming the public with how the system is now working. Assume someone with a concealed weapon permit shot and killed the perp as he started down the stairs after the victim. Now your facing a serious attempt by the Seattle DA's office to stick a murder charge on you.
Having the same position you had toward criminals 50 years ago isn't progress. It's forward thinking to allow violent criminals to be repeat offenders who assualt and murder people. As Kobe has already told us, gun violence and white racism made this guy do this.
A Christian teacher was suspended for refusing to call students by the pronouns they use. Now she is suing.
More than likely their pronouns were asshole/bitch and she maybe refused to swear in class
Using Kobe's Kunt logic, wiping out the indigenous people and chattle slavery, in their day, were progressive and forward thinking ideals.