The media reported the attack and said the police were looking for the guy. No race was reported. Might be important when asked to be on the lookout for the guy.
SJWs like you ruined the Dimocrats Kobe. I guess forward is drag queen shows in high schools and libraries, medical tyranny, forced experimental vaccines, inflation, and high gas prices. The latter effects the poor and middle class more than the two percent.
She may have called him a bad name and therefore exonerated the attacker. Besides, brilliant legal minds on this board would point out it was the stairs that caused her injuries.
This from a guy who trots out tired and failed socialist/Marxist ideology. How progressive!
He's come a long way, baby.
Twenty years from now the new Kobe’s of the world, unfortunately, will be telling the old Kobe he’s not progressive enough.
There’s nothing progressive about Progressives. Unless you call claiming there are 70+ genders a sign of progress.