Says he's been working out the last 5 years and is ready to go. Wait by your phone buddy, I'm sure that call is coming any minute.
Just a wild guess-- he's doing this so he can sue somebody
He already did and the NFL paid him. I’m sure he got a lot of money.
Five years ago, he was certainly one of the top 64 QB’s and deserved a job. However, he had not played well enough to be a starter and he wouldn’t take the minimum and compete for a back up job. There are also the coaches and GM’s to consider and they don’t want big media sessions everyday about how their back up QB is doing. Idiots that know nothing about how the NFL works cry about how he was so wronged. It’s simply not true.
Same with Tebow. He was a huge distraction for a backup QB. Can you say Antonio Brown?
Tebow sucked and could barely throw. Keeper Nick did everything a QB needs to do better than him. Antonio Brown is still a top 25 WR but is insane, although Arians is a punk himself.
Might be unpopular but I loathe Tebow worse than Kap
Makes no sense. I'm not a Tebow fan and the Broncos wasted a first round pick. But kneeling for your god after a play doesn't bother me while kneeling for more dead black people and getting cops killed and cities burned does.
Says he's been working out the last 5 years and is ready to go. Wait by your phone buddy, I'm sure that call is coming any minute.
Just a wild guess-- he's doing this so he can sue somebody
He already did and the NFL paid him. I’m sure he got a lot of money.
Five years ago, he was certainly one of the top 64 QB’s and deserved a job. However, he had not played well enough to be a starter and he wouldn’t take the minimum and compete for a back up job. There are also the coaches and GM’s to consider and they don’t want big media sessions everyday about how their back up QB is doing. Idiots that know nothing about how the NFL works cry about how he was so wronged. It’s simply not true.
Exactly he wanted starter level salary and there was no way he was getting that.