As an evangelical I call bullshit. I haven't been in a church for 40 years but still
Franklin Graham speaks for himself
This is a Twitter level political fight not a part of the evangelical movement
We? are not stupid sheep as the left likes to portray anyone smart enough not to agree with them
Bad apples in every fan base
Okay, just Franklin Graham and Pat Buchanan. Those two are the only evangelicals in the US who like what Putin has done in his pursuit to appear to be the defender of international Christendom.
Certainly, you can’t deny how many of Putin’s socio-religious policies and views play well to the conservative Christian crowd? Or his the West is morally bankrupt line of talking points? If that was my jig I could see his appeal, and just a quick googling shows no shortage of Christians who had previously praised Russia’s newfound conservatism are now walking back those sycophantic articles they wrote or adding caveats.
I’m sure searching “Google” is the best way to find the “truth” about Evangelical Christians and what they believe.
I’m sure Google has no ax to grind on a topic like that and would never present Christians in a negative light.
C’mon man, give me a break.
Just because Biden is being directed by people who hate this country and want to fundamentally transform it into a Maoist paradise(?), don’t conflate that into ANY support whatsoever for Vladimir Putin. Zip. Zero. None. And I’m dead serious.
Biden is a lifelong corrupt politician, currently with a Far Left bent. He is a faux Catholic and distanced himself from traditional American values in 2008 when he joined President Hope and Change’s ticket.
Biden is a lifelong corrupt politician, currently with a Far Left bent. He is a faux Catholic and distanced himself from traditional American values in 2008 when he joined President Hope and Change’s ticket.
I’m sure searching “Google” is the best way to find the “truth” about Evangelical Christians and what they believe.
I’m sure Google has no ax to grind on a topic like that and would never present Christians in a negative light.
C’mon man, give me a break.
Just because Biden is being directed by people who hate this country and want to fundamentally transform it into a Maoist paradise(?), don’t conflate that into ANY support whatsoever for Vladimir Putin. Zip. Zero. None. And I’m dead serious.
What did I say that ruffled your feathers so much? What did I say that was inaccurate?
Note on inaccuracy: I didn’t mean to paint Pat Buchanan as an evangelical, I believe he’s a Catholic - but my original reply was to refute the statement that support for Putin is rare among Christians. At which point Putin’s pal Franklin was pre-emptively brought up, and he certainly qualifies.
If you don’t believe me that Putin has(d) a sizable group of supporters from those ranks, then I suggest not purposefully ignoring facts, or using “google” and attempting to fight through the persecution of their algorithm.
Interestingly enough, I’ll be at a Pentecostal church today. A very good friend of mine is a pastor there. It’s a supply donation drive for an American relief organization who will be going to Ukraine. Most of the worshipers there are Ukrainian or Romanian. They, or their parents, were persecuted by men like Putin. The Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church was tolerated, as they’ve always been an organ of the state - but not these guys. They had to hide, unless they wanted the dissident experience. But man, they really dig the gay propaganda laws/the west is wicked pitch that Putin sells. Until 2014 Putin was very well liked there, and even until very recently you could get a “yes, he invaded... BUT...”
I don’t see what Biden has to do with anything I said, never mentioned him on the topic at hand and I don’t like the guy either - and I don’t conflate that with Putin support nor did I say that I do. If you need to randomly make up an off-topic straw man to use the phrase Maoist Paradise (?) then go for it, hope that helped.
As an evangelical I call bullshit. I haven't been in a church for 40 years but still
Franklin Graham speaks for himself
This is a Twitter level political fight not a part of the evangelical movement
We? are not stupid sheep as the left likes to portray anyone smart enough not to agree with them
Bad apples in every fan base
Okay, just Franklin Graham and Pat Buchanan. Those two are the only evangelicals in the US who like what Putin has done in his pursuit to appear to be the defender of international Christendom.
Certainly, you can’t deny how many of Putin’s socio-religious policies and views play well to the conservative Christian crowd? Or his the West is morally bankrupt line of talking points? If that was my jig I could see his appeal, and just a quick googling shows no shortage of Christians who had previously praised Russia’s newfound conservatism are now walking back those sycophantic articles they wrote or adding caveats.
I’m sure searching “Google” is the best way to find the “truth” about Evangelical Christians and what they believe.
I’m sure Google has no ax to grind on a topic like that and would never present Christians in a negative light.
C’mon man, give me a break.
Just because Biden is being directed by people who hate this country and want to fundamentally transform it into a Maoist paradise(?), don’t conflate that into ANY support whatsoever for Vladimir Putin. Zip. Zero. None. And I’m dead serious.
What did I say that ruffled your feathers so much? What did I say that was inaccurate?
Note on inaccuracy: I didn’t mean to paint Pat Buchanan as an evangelical, I believe he’s a Catholic - but my original reply was to refute the statement that support for Putin is rare among Christians. At which point Putin’s pal Franklin was pre-emptively brought up, and he certainly qualifies.
If you don’t believe me that Putin has(d) a sizable group of supporters from those ranks, then I suggest not purposefully ignoring facts, or using “google” and attempting to fight through the persecution of their algorithm.
Interestingly enough, I’ll be at a Pentecostal church today. A very good friend of mine is a pastor there. It’s a supply donation drive for an American relief organization who will be going to Ukraine. Most of the worshipers there are Ukrainian or Romanian. They, or their parents, were persecuted by men like Putin. The Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church was tolerated, as they’ve always been an organ of the state - but not these guys. They had to hide, unless they wanted the dissident experience. But man, they really dig the gay propaganda laws/the west is wicked pitch that Putin sells. Until 2014 Putin was very well liked there, and even until very recently you could get a “yes, he invaded... BUT...”
I don’t see what Biden has to do with anything I said, never mentioned him on the topic at hand and I don’t like the guy either - and I don’t conflate that with Putin support nor did I say that I do. If you need to randomly make up an off-topic straw man to use the phrase Maoist Paradise (?) then go for it, hope that helped.
I don't disagree that out of the millions of Christians in the US that some like the fact that Putin ostensibly supports elements of the Russian Orthodox Church. Personally, I don't know any of them. Just like the assertion that QAnon is in control of the conservative wing of the Republican party. Personally, I don't know of any white supremacist conservatives. Like where are they on this board if they are everywhere?
For our home remodel, the carpenter and crew were expat Russians. Same with our tile crew and the cabinet guys and the plumber. They all were ardent Russian Orthodox believers and their social and work lives revolve around the Church. Learning a craft left them fully employed and making great money. As an aside, we should totally rebuild our public education and allow an opt out for regular high school and have basically an apprentice program for the crafts from electricians, welders, machine work, painting etc. Anyway, these Russians absolutely hate Putin and can't understand why the US is considering socialism/communism. So, if I don't personally know any pro-Putin christians, in my view that makes it rare. That is also Race's point.
On the other hand, on this board we didn't have one leftard that came out against BLM/antifa. Our largely republican neighborhood had dozens of BLM and We Believe signs. We have several posters that were/are big supporters of Trademark, the Gentle Giant and the heroic George Floyd and either directly or tacitly supported the summer of love which devestated major US cities and resulted in hundreds of dead blacks as a result of the delusion of defunding the police. They voted for a dementia patient who is bought and paid for by the chicoms and for some reason believe that he is the person to be CIC and stand up to Putin.
Finally, Buchanan is basically a pariah in the conservative movement because he is a passionate anti-semite.
As an evangelical I call bullshit. I haven't been in a church for 40 years but still
Franklin Graham speaks for himself
This is a Twitter level political fight not a part of the evangelical movement
We? are not stupid sheep as the left likes to portray anyone smart enough not to agree with them
Bad apples in every fan base
Okay, just Franklin Graham and Pat Buchanan. Those two are the only evangelicals in the US who like what Putin has done in his pursuit to appear to be the defender of international Christendom.
Certainly, you can’t deny how many of Putin’s socio-religious policies and views play well to the conservative Christian crowd? Or his the West is morally bankrupt line of talking points? If that was my jig I could see his appeal, and just a quick googling shows no shortage of Christians who had previously praised Russia’s newfound conservatism are now walking back those sycophantic articles they wrote or adding caveats.
Yesterday was literally the first time I’ve heard christians are supporting Putin. And I heard it here. Other than that, seem like this really has legs.
As an evangelical I call bullshit. I haven't been in a church for 40 years but still
Franklin Graham speaks for himself
This is a Twitter level political fight not a part of the evangelical movement
We? are not stupid sheep as the left likes to portray anyone smart enough not to agree with them
Bad apples in every fan base
Okay, just Franklin Graham and Pat Buchanan. Those two are the only evangelicals in the US who like what Putin has done in his pursuit to appear to be the defender of international Christendom.
Certainly, you can’t deny how many of Putin’s socio-religious policies and views play well to the conservative Christian crowd? Or his the West is morally bankrupt line of talking points? If that was my jig I could see his appeal, and just a quick googling shows no shortage of Christians who had previously praised Russia’s newfound conservatism are now walking back those sycophantic articles they wrote or adding caveats.
Yesterday was literally the first time I’ve heard christians are supporting Putin. And I heard it here. Other than that, seem like this really has legs.
The Venn Diagram intersection area for Christians in the US supporting Putin is about the width of a human hair. If that.
But the great leftistist intellects like the Dazzler (and apparently Mr. Baldwin) are convinced that is *you guys.
A social media post by evangelist Franklin Graham asking followers to pray for Russian President Vladimir Putin to avoid a war with Ukraine is drawing backlash from liberals on social media, while some have come to Graham’s defense.
“Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost,” Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and son of the late evangelist, wrote on Facebook and Twitter Friday.
“May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks and negotiations, as well as those advising them. Our prayers might make the difference between life and death.”
on Cooper, a Democratic operative who served as the national finance chair of Draft Biden 2016, wrote: “Trump-loving evangelist Franklin Graham just told his followers: ‘Pray for President Putin today.’ Unreal.”
Scott Huffman, a Democrat running for North Carolina’s 10th congressional district, tweeted: “Franklin Graham asks his followers to pray for Putin. Guess he forgot about the Ukrainians and our NATO allies. It’s almost like he supports the enemy who is about to declare war and kill people.”
Love Your Enemies …43You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…
I'm going with Jesus over democrat political operatives
As an evangelical I call bullshit. I haven't been in a church for 40 years but still
Franklin Graham speaks for himself
This is a Twitter level political fight not a part of the evangelical movement
We? are not stupid sheep as the left likes to portray anyone smart enough not to agree with them
Bad apples in every fan base
Okay, just Franklin Graham and Pat Buchanan. Those two are the only evangelicals in the US who like what Putin has done in his pursuit to appear to be the defender of international Christendom.
Certainly, you can’t deny how many of Putin’s socio-religious policies and views play well to the conservative Christian crowd? Or his the West is morally bankrupt line of talking points? If that was my jig I could see his appeal, and just a quick googling shows no shortage of Christians who had previously praised Russia’s newfound conservatism are now walking back those sycophantic articles they wrote or adding caveats.
Yesterday was literally the first time I’ve heard christians are supporting Putin. And I heard it here. Other than that, seem like this really has legs.
I heard a report this morning that the Proud Boys are sending troops to Ukraine to fight for Russia. It was on the internet so it must be true.
A social media post by evangelist Franklin Graham asking followers to pray for Russian President Vladimir Putin to avoid a war with Ukraine is drawing backlash from liberals on social media, while some have come to Graham’s defense.
“Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost,” Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and son of the late evangelist, wrote on Facebook and Twitter Friday.
“May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks and negotiations, as well as those advising them. Our prayers might make the difference between life and death.”
on Cooper, a Democratic operative who served as the national finance chair of Draft Biden 2016, wrote: “Trump-loving evangelist Franklin Graham just told his followers: ‘Pray for President Putin today.’ Unreal.”
Scott Huffman, a Democrat running for North Carolina’s 10th congressional district, tweeted: “Franklin Graham asks his followers to pray for Putin. Guess he forgot about the Ukrainians and our NATO allies. It’s almost like he supports the enemy who is about to declare war and kill people.”
Love Your Enemies …43You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…
I'm going with Jesus over democrat political operatives
This whole race-baiting thing is so sick and tiresome. It still has some affect but it is losing its hold.
A social media post by evangelist Franklin Graham asking followers to pray for Russian President Vladimir Putin to avoid a war with Ukraine is drawing backlash from liberals on social media, while some have come to Graham’s defense.
“Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost,” Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and son of the late evangelist, wrote on Facebook and Twitter Friday.
“May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks and negotiations, as well as those advising them. Our prayers might make the difference between life and death.”
on Cooper, a Democratic operative who served as the national finance chair of Draft Biden 2016, wrote: “Trump-loving evangelist Franklin Graham just told his followers: ‘Pray for President Putin today.’ Unreal.”
Scott Huffman, a Democrat running for North Carolina’s 10th congressional district, tweeted: “Franklin Graham asks his followers to pray for Putin. Guess he forgot about the Ukrainians and our NATO allies. It’s almost like he supports the enemy who is about to declare war and kill people.”
Love Your Enemies …43You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…
I'm going with Jesus over democrat political operatives
Praying for one's enemies is pre-school level Christian instruction.
How the leftists spin that to 'supporting Putin' is some dumbfuckery at its highest level.
Certainly, you can’t deny how many of Putin’s socio-religious policies and views play well to the conservative Christian crowd? Or his the West is morally bankrupt line of talking points? If that was my jig I could see his appeal, and just a quick googling shows no shortage of Christians who had previously praised Russia’s newfound conservatism are now walking back those sycophantic articles they wrote or adding caveats.
I’m sure searching “Google” is the best way to find the “truth” about Evangelical Christians and what they believe.
I’m sure Google has no ax to grind on a topic like that and would never present Christians in a negative light.
C’mon man, give me a break.
Just because Biden is being directed by people who hate this country and want to fundamentally transform it into a Maoist paradise(?), don’t conflate that into ANY support whatsoever for Vladimir Putin. Zip. Zero. None. And I’m dead serious.
Look who his friends are . . . Red China, Iran, North Korea et al.
Putin is just smarter than Biden . . . a very low bar, indeed.
We were sharing intelligence with China pre-invasion in hopes that they would somehow work with us to prevent Putin’s invasion of Ukraine? Seriously?
We’re worse than morally bankrupt . . . We’re screwed.
So with that said, what keeps bringing you back!
He’s a lawyer, not one of the best and brightest.
Grad from UW law school with a MBA to boot.
Likes to boast about it.
I would assume he was similar to Biden in law school.
Brags about how sharp he is . . . Probably bumped around near the bottom of his class, like his pal, Brandon.
Nuff said.
Doug Baldwin, Jr. is spot on.
Neither Biden nor Putin display Christian values.
Putin is an absolute totalitarian dictator.
Biden is a lifelong corrupt politician, currently with a Far Left bent. He is a faux Catholic and distanced himself from traditional American values in 2008 when he joined President Hope and Change’s ticket.
Note on inaccuracy: I didn’t mean to paint Pat Buchanan as an evangelical, I believe he’s a Catholic - but my original reply was to refute the statement that support for Putin is rare among Christians. At which point Putin’s pal Franklin was pre-emptively brought up, and he certainly qualifies.
If you don’t believe me that Putin has(d) a sizable group of supporters from those ranks, then I suggest not purposefully ignoring facts, or using “google” and attempting to fight through the persecution of their algorithm.
Interestingly enough, I’ll be at a Pentecostal church today. A very good friend of mine is a pastor there. It’s a supply donation drive for an American relief organization who will be going to Ukraine. Most of the worshipers there are Ukrainian or Romanian. They, or their parents, were persecuted by men like Putin. The Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church was tolerated, as they’ve always been an organ of the state - but not these guys. They had to hide, unless they wanted the dissident experience. But man, they really dig the gay propaganda laws/the west is wicked pitch that Putin sells. Until 2014 Putin was very well liked there, and even until very recently you could get a “yes, he invaded... BUT...”
I don’t see what Biden has to do with anything I said, never mentioned him on the topic at hand and I don’t like the guy either - and I don’t conflate that with Putin support nor did I say that I do. If you need to randomly make up an off-topic straw man to use the phrase Maoist Paradise (?) then go for it, hope that helped.
Thanks for posting
For our home remodel, the carpenter and crew were expat Russians. Same with our tile crew and the cabinet guys and the plumber. They all were ardent Russian Orthodox believers and their social and work lives revolve around the Church. Learning a craft left them fully employed and making great money. As an aside, we should totally rebuild our public education and allow an opt out for regular high school and have basically an apprentice program for the crafts from electricians, welders, machine work, painting etc. Anyway, these Russians absolutely hate Putin and can't understand why the US is considering socialism/communism. So, if I don't personally know any pro-Putin christians, in my view that makes it rare. That is also Race's point.
On the other hand, on this board we didn't have one leftard that came out against BLM/antifa. Our largely republican neighborhood had dozens of BLM and We Believe signs. We have several posters that were/are big supporters of Trademark, the Gentle Giant and the heroic George Floyd and either directly or tacitly supported the summer of love which devestated major US cities and resulted in hundreds of dead blacks as a result of the delusion of defunding the police. They voted for a dementia patient who is bought and paid for by the chicoms and for some reason believe that he is the person to be CIC and stand up to Putin.
Finally, Buchanan is basically a pariah in the conservative movement because he is a passionate anti-semite.
If you aren’t memeing right now you’re missing out
But the great leftistist intellects like the Dazzler (and apparently Mr. Baldwin) are convinced that is *you guys.
“Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost,” Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and son of the late evangelist, wrote on Facebook and Twitter Friday.
“May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks and negotiations, as well as those advising them. Our prayers might make the difference between life and death.”
on Cooper, a Democratic operative who served as the national finance chair of Draft Biden 2016, wrote: “Trump-loving evangelist Franklin Graham just told his followers: ‘Pray for President Putin today.’ Unreal.”
Scott Huffman, a Democrat running for North Carolina’s 10th congressional district, tweeted: “Franklin Graham asks his followers to pray for Putin. Guess he forgot about the Ukrainians and our NATO allies. It’s almost like he supports the enemy who is about to declare war and kill people.”
Love Your Enemies
…43You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…
I'm going with Jesus over democrat political operatives
How the leftists spin that to 'supporting Putin' is some dumbfuckery at its highest level.