This is a complex issue and the problem for any right winger is while, yes, he denounced communism, he also called himself a socialist and called for the redistribution of wealth and nationalizing industry. Things that he would get called a communist for today.
My take is at the time (and still so for many today) you could not differentiate between communism and Soviet. That they meant the same thing. King draws a distinction between communism and socialism, that isn’t there, in order to say “not like that”.
So you're too big a lightweight Kunt to tell us in your own words.
The slobberer just blindly repeats commie talking points. He is never able to point to the real world and give us an example of the economic success of any communist or hard socialist country. He is never to tell us what necessity a non-crazy non-drug addicted person in the US is lacking. His assumption is that just by having to work, some necessity is being stolen. Being "poor" in the US means a flat screen TV, a car, air conditioning and cell phone. Two people working $15 an hour jobs (they are literally everywhere - like the local car wash or McDonald's) would make $60,000 a year.
I’ve addressed this multiple times.
I will always enjoy how you guys switch between pretending to care about the middle class hurting and then socialism comes up and magically everything is fine no one is struggling. It’s almost like you just say shit for show and don’t believe any of it.
It's your guys hurting the middle class. You know Commie Obomie and Hitler Joe. Middle was booming under Trump. Everything was booming under trump. Now just illegal alien's and criminals are booming under your communist heroes.
The overwhelming majority of these people who were "killed" died from their lack of immunity to viruses that Europeans carried. They weren't intentionally murdered. Btw, if anyone claims China is now responsible for the "murder" of a million Americans I'll guarantee you that Kobe will call that person a racist.
100 million is also bullshit
Moreover, three of the book's main contributors (Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, and Nicolas Werth)[6] publicly disassociated themselves from Courtois' statements in the introduction and criticized his editorial conduct.[35] Margolin and Werth felt that Courtois was "obsessed" with arriving at a total of 100 million killed which resulted in "sloppy and biased scholarship",[38] faulted him for exaggerating death tolls in specific countries,[6][39]: 194 [40]: 123 and rejected the comparison between Communism and Nazism.[3][note 2] Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro called the book "a 1997 propaganda volume", whereas he described the total of 100 million killed as a "simultaneously fictitious and slanderous claim"
No one knows how many Indians were here. 100 million is pure bullshit. Ken Burns did some research on it years ago and came up with a 3-4 million estimate for the USA total.
Anyone who knows anything about American Indian history knows that they were a ruthless group. Cannibalism, rape, slaughter, horrible torture, forced starvation, whole tribe extermination, ethnic cleansing, slavery. They were brutal people.
I always crack up when liberals try to use the plight of American Indians as some sort of blame game that cleanses their own souls just for uttering the atrocities. I always ask them why they live here if 500 year old history bothers them so much. Move to a place that has no such history. The reality is there is no place on earth without such history. In the same breath they espouse socialism which is much more recent and violent than any other type of government or group of people. The people who are socialist are clearly the most violent in modern history. But hey, lets give it another shot right?
To be fair not all tribes were as you portray them. Plenty of relatively peaceful agrarian tribes. But on balance you are correct. The historical record shows that my people were a pretty martial lot. Heavy into fighting and fucking. Not unlike, oh, pretty much every other early world society. Gauls. Vikings. Rus. 1st Nation. African. Greasy Slavs. Shogun Yellows. If you go back 500 years it was pretty much all warfare all the time everywhere in the world. "Rape, murder and pillage" was sport and hobby all over the world.
For some reason, it used to be the North Dakota Fighting Sioux and not the North Dakota Conscientious Objector Native American Agrarian Farmers. Only useful idiots like the slobberer were unaware of the martial traditions of most of the US Indian tribes. For some reason, Indians and Indian tribes were adopted as mascots for schools all across the country. Also, for some reason it isn't the University of Washington Chihuahuas. Don't ask me about the Ducks.
This is a complex issue and the problem for any right winger is while, yes, he denounced communism, he also called himself a socialist and called for the redistribution of wealth and nationalizing industry. Things that he would get called a communist for today.
My take is at the time (and still so for many today) you could not differentiate between communism and Soviet. That they meant the same thing. King draws a distinction between communism and socialism, that isn’t there, in order to say “not like that”.
So you're too big a lightweight Kunt to tell us in your own words.
The slobberer just blindly repeats commie talking points. He is never able to point to the real world and give us an example of the economic success of any communist or hard socialist country. He is never to tell us what necessity a non-crazy non-drug addicted person in the US is lacking. His assumption is that just by having to work, some necessity is being stolen. Being "poor" in the US means a flat screen TV, a car, air conditioning and cell phone. Two people working $15 an hour jobs (they are literally everywhere - like the local car wash or McDonald's) would make $60,000 a year.
I’ve addressed this multiple times.
I will always enjoy how you guys switch between pretending to care about the middle class hurting and then socialism comes up and magically everything is fine no one is struggling. It’s almost like you just say shit for show and don’t believe any of it.
This is where Kobe cries crocodile tears about the middle class while saying nothing about the hordes of illegals Biden and the Rats allow in the country, nothing against the vaccine mandates and lock downs of small businesses, nothing about the spending that's now causing 40 year high inflation, and nothing about the Biden policies that are forcing people to pay more for fuel, food and housing. But trust him, he "cares" about the middle clase.
This is a complex issue and the problem for any right winger is while, yes, he denounced communism, he also called himself a socialist and called for the redistribution of wealth and nationalizing industry. Things that he would get called a communist for today.
My take is at the time (and still so for many today) you could not differentiate between communism and Soviet. That they meant the same thing. King draws a distinction between communism and socialism, that isn’t there, in order to say “not like that”.
So you're too big a lightweight Kunt to tell us in your own words.
The slobberer just blindly repeats commie talking points. He is never able to point to the real world and give us an example of the economic success of any communist or hard socialist country. He is never to tell us what necessity a non-crazy non-drug addicted person in the US is lacking. His assumption is that just by having to work, some necessity is being stolen. Being "poor" in the US means a flat screen TV, a car, air conditioning and cell phone. Two people working $15 an hour jobs (they are literally everywhere - like the local car wash or McDonald's) would make $60,000 a year.
I’ve addressed this multiple times.
I will always enjoy how you guys switch between pretending to care about the middle class hurting and then socialism comes up and magically everything is fine no one is struggling. It’s almost like you just say shit for show and don’t believe any of it.
It's your guys hurting the middle class. You know Commie Obomie and Hitler Joe. Middle was booming under Trump. Everything was booming under trump. Now just illegal alien's and criminals are booming under your communist heroes.
I didn't read through four pages of discussion, but just wanted to be clear.. we shouldn't celebrate what MLK did and stood for because too many white people agree with it?
He said that cares Race, don't you believe him? He cares so much about the middle class that he is willing to destroy some of the best paying middle class jobs in the country while forgiving the college loans of successful professionals so that the middle class can be stuck with the bill.
The climate change agenda will be put on the backs of the poor.
Just buy an $80k Tesla and you don’t ever have to pay these prices. Only a 30 year payback period with 0% discount rate.
With federal and state subsidies for the wealthy the payback period drops to 25 years, so really a good deal for the little guy.
California has rooftop solar subsidy program that forces people who don't have solar to pay increased electrical rates in order to pay for the subsidy for the people who do have solar panels. Guess who mostly has solar panels on their roof tops? Homeowners in Compton or homeowners in Marin and Santa Clara?
Just another way the Kobe's of the world show their love for the Middle Class.
This is a complex issue and the problem for any right winger is while, yes, he denounced communism, he also called himself a socialist and called for the redistribution of wealth and nationalizing industry. Things that he would get called a communist for today.
My take is at the time (and still so for many today) you could not differentiate between communism and Soviet. That they meant the same thing. King draws a distinction between communism and socialism, that isn’t there, in order to say “not like that”.
So you're too big a lightweight Kunt to tell us in your own words.
The slobberer just blindly repeats commie talking points. He is never able to point to the real world and give us an example of the economic success of any communist or hard socialist country. He is never to tell us what necessity a non-crazy non-drug addicted person in the US is lacking. His assumption is that just by having to work, some necessity is being stolen. Being "poor" in the US means a flat screen TV, a car, air conditioning and cell phone. Two people working $15 an hour jobs (they are literally everywhere - like the local car wash or McDonald's) would make $60,000 a year.
I’ve addressed this multiple times.
I will always enjoy how you guys switch between pretending to care about the middle class hurting and then socialism comes up and magically everything is fine no one is struggling. It’s almost like you just say shit for show and don’t believe any of it.
It's your guys hurting the middle class. You know Commie Obomie and Hitler Joe. Middle was booming under Trump. Everything was booming under trump. Now just illegal alien's and criminals are booming under your communist heroes.
This is a complex issue and the problem for any right winger is while, yes, he denounced communism, he also called himself a socialist and called for the redistribution of wealth and nationalizing industry. Things that he would get called a communist for today.
My take is at the time (and still so for many today) you could not differentiate between communism and Soviet. That they meant the same thing. King draws a distinction between communism and socialism, that isn’t there, in order to say “not like that”.
So you're too big a lightweight Kunt to tell us in your own words.
The slobberer just blindly repeats commie talking points. He is never able to point to the real world and give us an example of the economic success of any communist or hard socialist country. He is never to tell us what necessity a non-crazy non-drug addicted person in the US is lacking. His assumption is that just by having to work, some necessity is being stolen. Being "poor" in the US means a flat screen TV, a car, air conditioning and cell phone. Two people working $15 an hour jobs (they are literally everywhere - like the local car wash or McDonald's) would make $60,000 a year.
I’ve addressed this multiple times.
I will always enjoy how you guys switch between pretending to care about the middle class hurting and then socialism comes up and magically everything is fine no one is struggling. It’s almost like you just say shit for show and don’t believe any of it.
It's your guys hurting the middle class. You know Commie Obomie and Hitler Joe. Middle was booming under Trump. Everything was booming under trump. Now just illegal alien's and criminals are booming under your communist heroes.
Kobe’s utopia?
Just shows how much the Commies cared about the middle class.
This is a complex issue and the problem for any right winger is while, yes, he denounced communism, he also called himself a socialist and called for the redistribution of wealth and nationalizing industry. Things that he would get called a communist for today.
My take is at the time (and still so for many today) you could not differentiate between communism and Soviet. That they meant the same thing. King draws a distinction between communism and socialism, that isn’t there, in order to say “not like that”.
So you're too big a lightweight Kunt to tell us in your own words.
The slobberer just blindly repeats commie talking points. He is never able to point to the real world and give us an example of the economic success of any communist or hard socialist country. He is never to tell us what necessity a non-crazy non-drug addicted person in the US is lacking. His assumption is that just by having to work, some necessity is being stolen. Being "poor" in the US means a flat screen TV, a car, air conditioning and cell phone. Two people working $15 an hour jobs (they are literally everywhere - like the local car wash or McDonald's) would make $60,000 a year.
I’ve addressed this multiple times.
I will always enjoy how you guys switch between pretending to care about the middle class hurting and then socialism comes up and magically everything is fine no one is struggling. It’s almost like you just say shit for show and don’t believe any of it.
It's your guys hurting the middle class. You know Commie Obomie and Hitler Joe. Middle was booming under Trump. Everything was booming under trump. Now just illegal alien's and criminals are booming under your communist heroes.
Kobe’s utopia?
Just shows how much the Commies cared about the middle class.
Maybe the soviets were ahead of the curve on climate change.
Feel the care
Just another way the Kobe's of the world show their love for the Middle Class.
I guess substitute cooking oil.
Crisped up for things to ask the Chinese overlords.