I've really wondered what's behind the rollout/push for the impossible meat stuff. I can't imagine that the wholesale rollout that I've seen is justified by the numbers/margins. Does McDonald's really sell that many impossible burgers? It seems like most of my vegetarian friends wouldn't eat at McD's if their lives depended on it. It doesn't seem like the average McD's coonsoomer gives one flying fuck about "not eating meat to stay healthy" in the first place. Who is buying this shit and if no one is then who is eating the shit sales numbers and to what other end?
It could just be another venture capital scam like the scooters littered everywhere but it sure seems to be pushed harder than that and with more corporate sponsorship/partners. I wonder if corporations receive a boost to their social credit score for selling this shit.
What’s behind it is they can’t get the green new deal passed so John Kerry and his merry band of are going to corporations to “convince them” to do their bidding.
Pretty stupid business decision though. I'm willing to bet most vegetarians/vegans don't typically venture to fast food chains. Taco Bell removes the double decker, and now KFC does this? These CEO's are way overpaid. Not to mention, there's studies that show these impossible patties and slabs of fake meat are much worse for you than the actual meat products. But libs gonna lib.
As a basic rule, protein is protein, fat is fat, carbs are carbs and calories are calories. Margarine is generally made from soybean oil or palm oil and is not inherently better than beef or pork fat. What sucks is/was the addition of trans fat into margarine to firm it up. Trans fat is bad for you. Then toss in that a high carb diet makes you fat and diabetic. Meat and eggs are much better for you than pancakes and syrup.
I get what you you are trying to say, but you’re not correct here.
When the meatless companies muscled their way into the meat dept., you knew their product was crap.
TKS disagrees. If it looks like meat at first glance, it’s meat and you should eat it,even though it’s not meat. Like a woman. If a vagina looks like a vagina at first glance you should fuck it,even though it’s not a vagina.
I’ve never been a fan of Popeye’s. Been traveling down south for over 20 years, they’re all over LA. Everyone goes there which is another reason I stay away.
Too greasy. Too slow. Fries suck ass. Way overpriced.
Who is this @GDS fag on the downvote spree? HH's resident vegan?
Too greasy. Too slow. Fries suck ass. Way overpriced.
I lived