I remember back when coach james thought gilby would be successful. It's the doogiest/troojaniest thing to think a legends vote of confidence means anything.
I remember back when coach james thought gilby would be successful. It's the doogiest/troojaniest thing to think a legends vote of confidence means anything.
Yes considering what former head coach has ever bashed a current coach ever?! Doogs used to say that "Well Don James defends Tyrone Willingham and I trust his opinions over yours" even though in a private moment I'm sure James would tell you his real feelings on Ty.
I remember back when coach james thought gilby would be successful. It's the doogiest/troojaniest thing to think a legends vote of confidence means anything.
Yes considering what former head coach has ever bashed a current coach ever?! Doogs used to say that "Well Don James defends Tyrone Willingham and I trust his opinions over yours" even though in a private moment I'm sure James would tell you his real feelings on Ty.
Coach James told me a couple years ago that he was talking to Tyrone and asked him what he did at halftime. Coach James said "Everything that Tyrone told me was the exact opposite of how I would have handled it."
Have Bezos speak during a team function. Come to Washington and make billions or go to USC and watch an ole' dried up SNL actor. This program needs to capitalize on all the local success stories , the job op's after graduation etc...not practices featuring snoop doog and Will Ferry.
Go to Oregon and get your Nike job promised to you when you signed your letter of intent (which is $12.50/hr) upon graduation.. Or go to USC and get shot upon graduation... Or go to Washington and make $80k to start upon graduation with that Washington degree and football bullet on thy resume
We don't sell Washington enough. We need head hunters in the athletic dept to go out and procure alums for football support. Doesn't even have to involve money, just name recognition . Don't donate right now, just come talk to the players and recruits about the advantages of going to UW and living in Seattle. Will be good for both parties.
Everyone involved In Marketing UW football should have been fired years ago. UO has a 24/7 crew in charge of UO's smoke-and - mirrors program. Not smoke - and mirrors anymore huh? UW just sits on it's fucking fat ass while other schools pass us by. This is fact! Where's your influence and money Fleens? You fucking Tightwad forum monger.
Where's the Seattle influence? Someone joked about Macklemore earlier. Well get him here on Jr Day, or for spring game. It's that forward thinking that can help make UW 'cool' with the recruits and players. Instead our brand as in the athletic department would rather invite jean Enerson on over for lessons in good health and exercise.
Sell this program for fuck sakes. We have more to offer, in EVERY way, than any school in the country. Imagine if Phil knight got his greazy, bloody mitts on this program. We'd never lose a game (But Knight would have to have control of scheduling, which he writes at UO. )
Have Bezos speak during a team function. Come to Washington and make billions or go to USC and watch an ole' dried up SNL actor. This program needs to capitalize on all the local success stories , the job op's after graduation etc...not practices featuring snoop doog and Will Ferry.
Go to Oregon and get your Nike job promised to you when you signed your letter of intent (which is $12.50/hr) upon graduation.. Or go to USC and get shot upon graduation... Or go to Washington and make $80k to start upon graduation with that Washington degree and football bullet on thy resume
We don't sell Washington enough. We need head hunters in the athletic dept to go out and procure alums for football support. Doesn't even have to involve money, just name recognition . Don't donate right now, just come talk to the players and recruits about the advantages of going to UW and living in Seattle. Will be good for both parties.
Everyone involved In Marketing UW football should have been fired years ago. UO has a 24/7 crew in charge of UO's smoke-and - mirrors program. Not smoke - and mirrors anymore huh? UW just sits on it's fucking fat ass while other schools pass us by. This is fact! Where's your influence and money Fleens? You fucking Tightwad forum monger.
Where's the Seattle influence? Someone joked about Macklemore earlier. Well get him here on Jr Day, or for spring game. It's that forward thinking that can help make UW 'cool' with the recruits and players. Instead our brand as in the athletic department would rather invite jean Enerson on over for lessons in good health and exercise.
Sell this program for fuck sakes. We have more to offer, in EVERY way, than any school in the country. Imagine if Phil knight got his greazy, bloody mitts on this program. We'd never lose a game (But Knight would have to have control of scheduling, which he writes at UO. )
CHRIST! You know what is really "cool" with the recruits and players? WINNING!
Oregon has had Nike for a while but didn't become what they were until they hired Chip Kelly.
USC won't be shit because they have a fucking moron as a head coach. All the sizzle in the world doesn't make up for a lack of steak(Hi Kim!).
It would make us look more legit if recruits knew that UW doesn't have time or energy for a bunch of fuckin clowns to hang around the program and give fucktarded speeches that relate football to some other aspect of life.
Whatever it is that pete carrol does, thats whzt we should be trying to do. Cause that guy fucking wins and hes cocky about it and he throws up the choke sign when some sucker chokes. Like a fucking man. What we need is the win forever mantra over on montlake. Give carroll a percentage of tv sales make him the AD hell do whatever you have to do make him God for all i care. If chris petersen cant win on a pete carroll likescale then steal carroll. Thats a fucking winner right there
I agree with most of what puppy wrote. The UW marketing department is absolute shit. But Macklemore fucking sucks and I'll bet all the inner city recruits would think it's a joke.
Go to Oregon and get your Nike job promised to you when you signed your letter of intent (which is $12.50/hr) upon graduation.. Or go to USC and get shot upon graduation... Or go to Washington and make $80k to start upon graduation with that Washington degree and football bullet on thy resume
We don't sell Washington enough. We need head hunters in the athletic dept to go out and procure alums for football support. Doesn't even have to involve money, just name recognition . Don't donate right now, just come talk to the players and recruits about the advantages of going to UW and living in Seattle. Will be good for both parties.
Everyone involved In Marketing UW football should have been fired years ago. UO has a 24/7 crew in charge of UO's smoke-and - mirrors program. Not smoke - and mirrors anymore huh? UW just sits on it's fucking fat ass while other schools pass us by. This is fact! Where's your influence and money Fleens? You fucking Tightwad forum monger.
Where's the Seattle influence? Someone joked about Macklemore earlier. Well get him here on Jr Day, or for spring game. It's that forward thinking that can help make UW 'cool' with the recruits and players. Instead our brand as in the athletic department would rather invite jean Enerson on over for lessons in good health and exercise.
Sell this program for fuck sakes. We have more to offer, in EVERY way, than any school in the country. Imagine if Phil knight got his greazy, bloody mitts on this program. We'd never lose a game (But Knight would have to have control of scheduling, which he writes at UO. )
Oregon has had Nike for a while but didn't become what they were until they hired Chip Kelly.
USC won't be shit because they have a fucking moron as a head coach. All the sizzle in the world doesn't make up for a lack of steak(Hi Kim!).
Have Nacho Picasso be the corporate rapper partner of the team. Great influence for the kiddos. The team can run out of the tunnel to this: