It’s ok for a bunch of out of state white liberals to go to a lower income neighborhood and burn down businesses owned by non white and immigrants because equity.
Liberals aren’t doing that. These people hate liberals. You girls brought radicals out of the woodwork by embracing radicalism.
I warned the ShedCons years ago.
Bullshit, liberals are amplifying and tolerating this toxic garbage. It’s not conservatives that burned down Kenosha, and it’s not conservative media that told lies about Jacob Blake to get ‘radicals’ all fired up.
You don’t have to tell me that Democrats are worthless on this. They are trying to mollify the lefties. Unlike the GOP, they haven’t entirely been taken over by their most extreme nut jobs . . . yet.
But you girls were for direct action popular uprisings before you were against them.
What planet are you living on? They've definitely been taken over by the far left nut jobs.
Again, I'm sure Soarass funneled money in to get this worthless cunt elected. I'm equally sure the lamestream media will run cover for it and cast any doubters and unhinged conspiracy theorists.
15 pages in and someone doesn’t want to admit the role CNN, MSNBC, Joe Biden, and the Democrats played in getting the rittenhouse case, trial, and verdict wrong. Sad.
I didn't spend time following it. I don't know who said or predicted what.
If someone thought it was a slam dunk conviction, they were wrong. I never said anything like that. I am aware that there was a lot of nervousness expressed by many of you here because the jury deliberated so long, which makes it seem like anyone who thought the verdict was obvious is a fucking moron.
It wasn't nervous it was a WTF or nervous it would be hung and he would have to do it again... never in my mind did I think it would be guilty.
Hate to see it.
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At least your pal, Owl, has the smarts to exit when he’s getting his ass handed to him.
Say the pedo’s name!