That's not a 'lefty' position. Liberals have been running on that shit for a long time. Even Obama talked about spreading the wealth around.
Obama ran as a progressive. Hope and Change. Public option. Tax the rich. Raise the minimum wage. End the wars. Close Guantanamo. He beat Hillary from the left and he whooped your ass.
I don't remember running against Obama, that's bizarre. For the record, you've been pretty anti-Obama yourself here. So where are you going with that? And like I said, outside of your leftist circle jerk, your ideas and positions are unpopular and were rejected last night. Cry more. For the last fucking time, stop associating me as a Trumper or saying that Obama whooped my ass, or in general pretending to know which group or political party I associate with.
Obama was a terrible moderate president. He still beat you pretending to be a progressive.
Hardhat is Mitt Romney?
Well, I'm younger and better looking, but I would definitely like some of that dude's money. But I'm not Mormon. Hmmm.... Well, I guess @TheKobeStopper knows all about me.
You lost to Obama.
I guess I was a sucker. But all of America is losing to Biden.
I believe we have that. Thanks